Artemis Entreri

Iagon Idrantis's page

538 posts. Alias of Nayr Trebrot.

Full Name

Iagon Idrantis




Kineticist 3 HP 30/30 AC 15(17)/12 Touch/13(15) FF Init + 7 Perc + 6 Saves F-7/R-5/W-1 CMD 15










Taldane (common), Sylvan

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Iagon Idrantis

Character sheet

Having grown up in the wilderness of the Veduran forest, Iagon was always quite familiar with nature and his own place within it. As a young boy, he was raised by his mother and father in a cabin. It wasn't ideal - there were many dangers in the wild, and not much that his father did as a hunter, trapper, and trader did much for a household income.

Life was quiet though, until the day Iagon's wild talents surfaced. He saw the moment in his mind nearly every day - his mother's look of shock and concern, not for herself, but for her son; her skin as deep red cuts surfaced all over her body; her clothing torn to tatters by the thousand splinters that Iagon had inadvertently summoned.

After his wife's death, Iagon's father was never the same. He grew distant as he spent more time out - hunting game, in town trading with a less reputable sort, and disappearing for lengths of time during which Iagon didn't even know what he did. Eventually, his father ran afoul of what he called the "Nature of nature itself." The Druids of Wildwood lodge, the self-titled ruling council of the very forest, proclaimed that his father was to pack up, and leave.

And so he did...leaving Iagon with a long time friend of the family, Eastil - a doddering old man with poor eyesight and a low wage job caring for a seedy inn often used by the very river pirates with whom Iagon's father had left. Another vivid memory - the tall and foreboding form of a river captain. Named Rakim, the dark haired man had a hideous scar that split his nose just at the end. Iagon forever called him "Splitnose" could he not?

Iagon's father had left with the pirates with barely a word for his son...or the killer of his only love, as he may have seen it. For Iagon, this only spurred him to change the life he had grown accustomed to. he began to assimilate into life in the town, even working in the inn from time to time or picking up other odd jobs for the locals. He secreted away to the forest edge quite often, teaching himself how to control the powers that had begun to grow in him.

It was at this point in his life that he came upon the new posting...a steady paycheck hopefully, and a way to fully integrate into a society...and hopefully forget much of a life he was hoping to leave behind.

1x Waist Pouch
5x tea bags, Tummy Tea
5x tea bags, Calming Tea
5x tea bags, Energy Tea
10x tea bags, Alertness Tea
2x potion aspect of the falcon
2x potion deadeye's lore
1x oil of shillelagh
1x potion of firebelly
1x potion of barkskin
Dark loaf of bread
Blue veined cheese

Loot from goblin house:
1x sack full of smoked and dried meat, 1x small cask of common spice, 3x bottles of strawberry wine, 5x beaver pelts, 1x clay jug of water, 2x full waterskins, 3x empty leather sacks, 2x pack saddles, 1x iron manacles, 1x iron chain and padlock, 30ft hemp rope, 1x bundle of firewood, 1x flint and steel, 1x wood axe, 1x shovel, 2x pouches with that ochre colored root you keep finding, and a small wooden coffer with 25gp, 30sp, and 15cp.

Teas sell for 5bags/1gp. Brewing one bag of tea takes 10 minutes and requires steeping the tea in 1 pint of boiling water. The tea can be taken then or be stored in a waterskin for use later. Drinking or administering the tea is a move action and on the next round immediately alleviates the following conditions:
Tummy Tea - Nauseated
Energy Tea - Fatigued
Calming Tea - Shaken
Alertness Tea - Drowsy

Current coin:
48 GP
8 SP
8 CP

Leaf armor:
Light Armor
Cost 500 gp; Weight 20 lbs.
Armor Bonus +3; Max Dex Bonus +5; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 15%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.

Using alchemical compounds, elves or druidic orders treat special leaves for use in crafting armor. These leaves are stitched together in an overlapping pattern to create a leathery armor as strong and deflective as metal counterparts. Leaf armor jerkins, bracers, and leggings have been made through this process.