Belkar Bitterleaf

Hurin's page

8 posts. Alias of Michele Carosso.


James Jacobs wrote:
Still quite a ways in the future. If you want to see it sooner, let us know. Have your friends who also want us to do an epic level book let us know too! Let your FLGS know! SPREAD THE WORD!

Well, I will buy these two books for sure :)

Speaking about gods, I think that the Starstone is a very cool idea...and Cayden Callean is the best god ever :D

KaeYoss wrote:

The Orc Bloodline is from Orcs of Golarion.

The bonus damage is part of Bloodline Arcana (you also get the orc subtype, including darkvision 60 and light sensitivity).

It doesn't state that the damage bonus only counts for sorcerer spells, but in my opinion it would be a valid rules interpretation to say that it only applies to sorcerer magic.

Well,the FAQ states:

The Bloodline Arcana powers apply to all of the spells cast by characters of that bloodline, not just those cast using the sorcerer's spell slots.

I think should be the same for all the Bloodlines.

Deanoth wrote:
KenderKin wrote:
I have one on my account....Here it is a rough draft but usable....

Do you have a Link for the guide you were talking about??

Click on his Name ;)

Is it possible to run only part 3, with a minimal adaptation? Or the first 2 parts are really necessary for the plot and such?

Kajehase wrote:
I've always thought of it as a more dangerous version of The Blight (*panics*) from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time novels.

Even more dangerous than the Blight? Scary! ;)

Treantmonk wrote:

As for the APG. I've bought the book, but it will take awhile to read and gather opinions on the content.

There will be updates to all my guides for APG content. No timetable though. I'll make a post when the update is ready.

I'm really waiting for this, found your GOD guide on google and had a blast for fun and usefulness ;)

Killer_GM wrote:
Gururamalamaswami wrote:
Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:
What will never happen? Finishing Maure Castle?

Kuntz obviously can't finish Maure unless he works for WotC - meaning 4E.

But El Raja Key will turn out to be just another teaser without any substance. I won't believe until I see it.

Given the extreme difficulty to outright impossibility of translating a 4Ed product to 3.5/Pathfinder, I'd almost be inclined to wait until some other edition of d&d at WoTC arrives that is more compatible with 3.5/Pathfinder. I've read over the 4Ed Tomb of Horrors book, hoping to translate it to Pathfinder, and was very dishearted at how screwy and different 4Ed has gone,... so much so that I would almost be just taking the flavor text provided and translating almost everything else. Way too much work. It would be the same for a 4Ed translation of Maure Castle. Maure is too good for that. I'll wait for the stars to align in the years to come.

I'm sure that there is also a 3,5 conversion of ToH somewhere on the Wizards website, and is /was a free pdf

EDIT: yep, it's here: