
Honest Tnarg's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

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When I ran Rise of the Runelords our party really became quite enmeshed with the citizens of Sandpoint. I ran a couple of subplots set in and around the town between Burnt Offerings and The Skinsaw Murders. This allowed the party to get to know the natives a bit better. They put trophies of monsters they killed on the wall of the Rusty Dragon, started to add shrines to their deities in the cathedral, held parties in the Hagfish and even got the local Sczarni thugs onside during the attack by the Stone Giants.

Once the party started to get a bit more famous Cyrdak started writing plays about them and was forever pestering them to star in them (to the point that the party sorceress became almost as famous for her performances on stage as for her adventuring!). When Cyrdak was killed later on in the Adventure Path they moved heaven and earth to find a way to raise him from the dead, if only to assuage the grief of Jasper.

It doesn't take much to get the party thinking of the town as home, just little things and interludes during down time really helps it come alive and makes a huge difference to the campaign on the whole.