
Higgs McGiggs's page

2 posts. Alias of Throrgir Mardyn.


A new edition of Pathfinder, or any system, is completely unnecessary. If there's anything about Pathfinder that doesn't work for you, if you're set on using the system, then you need to make those alterations. Why pay someone else when you can tailor a rules set to work for you? Isn't that one of the things we gamers do?

Maybe I'm alone on this.

The dear folks at Paizo don't need to pander to Grognards by making a grand effort to donate to the fund (reprint of AD&D by WOTC) just so they can have support for their apologetic attempt to make up for an unpopular, though not completely failed, game system (no apologies necessary for the amazing Pathfinder rules set). Anyone who wishes to donate can and should. It's definitely something worthy of support!

We could use fewer people winking and nudging in a harassing manner, though, like the internet equivalent of holiday season Salvation Army bell ringers. ;)