Battle Scion

Hida Shiori's page

33 posts. Alias of Sir Longears.

About Hida Shiori

Hida Shiori
Female human cavalier (blooded knight) 8, fighter (eldritch guardian) 2, mammoth rider 10 // legendary witch (invoker) 20 || Guardian tier 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +9 (+2 while mounted); Senses unclouded vision; Perception +x
AC 45, touch 20, flat-footed 40 (+9 armor, +5 deflection, +5 Dex, +10 natural, shield +6)
hp 460 (10d12+10d10+240)
Fort +37, Ref +18, Will +25 (+1 vs. fear and mind-affecting effects); +4 morale vs. fear, +2 morale vs. spells, +2 vs. illusion effects
Defensive Abilities banner, mammoth lord, mistrust of magic; Immune dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned
Speed 40 ft.
Melee large glaive +35 (2d8+20/15-20) [reach]
Ranged large harpoon +30 (2d6+15/15-20) [50 ft.]
Ranged large pilum +30 (2d6+15/15-20) [100 ft.]
Ranged large chakram +30 (2d6+15/15-20) [150 ft.]
Ranged large light hammer +30 (1d6+15/15-20) [100 ft.]
Ranged large net +30 (touch) [50 ft.]
Special Attacks animal skin, cavalier's charge, colossus hunter, combined might, hunter's instincts, invoke patron, mammoth lord, pulverizing assault
Str 30 (+10), Dex 20 (+5), Con 30 (+10), Int 16 (+3), Wis 22 (+6), Cha 10 (+0)
Base Atk +20; CMB +30; CMD 51
Feats Censoring Critical, Combat Stamina, Critical Focus, Extra Talent (x5), Flinging Charge, Focused Stamina, Greater Vital Strike, Heroic Resolve, Improved Critical (thrown), Improved Initiative, Improved Mounted Archery, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mounted Athlete, Mounted Protector, Muscular Reflexes, Pack Flanking, Quick Draw, Shield Brace, Skill Focus (), Skill Focus (), Skill Focus (), Toughness, True Rage, Vital Strike
Spheres Athletics Sphere (untrained athlete drawback, run), Barrage Sphere, Beastmaster Sphere (ride), Berserker Sphere (adrenaline junkie drawback), Equipment Sphere, Guardian Sphere (challenge), Lancer Sphere, Sniper Sphere (ablative fire drawback), Warleader Sphere (interjector and social strategist drawbacks)
Talents Armored Charge, Cold Iron Call, Critical Genius, Crushing Thrower, Distracting Tear, Double Team, Duelist Grip, Durable, Endure Pain, Expanded Guardian, Focusing Finale, Huntsman Training, Iron Wall, Juggernaut, Mageguard, Mass Challenge, major ameliorating, Mighty Conditioning, Outrider Training, Pack Attack, Pikeman Training, Pinning Impale (x2), Polearm Mastery, Punishing Rebuke, Rallying Beseechment, Ranged Impale, Run Down, Shield Expert, Skillful Charge, Swift Challenge, Targeted Assault, Throwing Mastery, Verbal Counter
Traits *, *, *, *, *
Skills 0/x Ranks, 0/40 background
Sense Motive (20 free ranks)
Survival (10 racial)
Armor Check -0
Languages Common
SQ blooded challenge, born survivor, combat training, expert trainer, eye for talent, familiar, flawless form, focused study, heart of the wilderness, imposter-wary, ironclad enforcer, knightly arts, manifest might, mount, mounted synergy, order of the saddle, patron of strength, proper conditioning +5, rapid straddle, skilled, solid footing, tools of the trade, unbowed, undaunted, wild coercion +20
ABP armor attunement (armor +4, shield +3), deflection +5, mental prowess (+6 Int, +4 Wis, +2 Cha), physical prowess (+6 Con, +4 Dex, +2 Str), resistance +5, toughening +5, weapon attunement (weapon +5)
Favor Class Bonuses: +20hp, +2 banner bonus
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch 440,000gp

Race Adjustments:
Base: Human (9RP)
+4 to One Ability Score, +2 to Another Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain 1 additional skill rank at 1st level and 1 additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common and their ethnic language. Humans whose ethnic language is Common (or Taldane, in the case of Chelaxians or Taldans) do not receive an additional ethnic language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Eye for Talent (4RP): Humans have great intuition for hidden potential. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks. In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of the character’s choice.
Focused Study (4RP): All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
Heart of the Wilderness (4RP): Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 racial bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them.
Imposter-Wary (4RP): Humans trained to spot fey masquerading as their kin gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects, 1 free rank in Sense Motive at 1st level, and 1 additional rank in Sense Motive whenever they gain a level.

Ability Scores:
Strength 16 (base) +2 (racial) +3 (level up) +5 (alchemical) +2 (ABP) +2 (capstone) = 30
Dexterity 14 (base) +4 (ABP) +2 (capstone) = 20
Constitution 16 (base) +4 (racial) +2 (level up) +6 (ABP) +2 (capstone) = 30
Intelligence 12 (base) +4 (ABP) = 16
Wisdom 14 (base) +6 (ABP) +2 (capstone) = 22
Charisma 8 (base) +2 (ABP) = 10

Level Progression:
Cavalier: blooded challenge, combat training (expert), knightly arts, martial tradition (fearless thrower), mount, order of the saddle
Witch: familiar, invoke patron, patron of strength, tools of the trade
Feats: Improved Initiative (human), Muscular Reflexes (tools of the trade), Quick Draw (1st level), Toughness (background feat)
Spheres: Barrage Sphere (martial tradition), Equipment Sphere (cavalier), Guardian Sphere (knightly arts), Warleader Sphere (knightly arts)
Talents: Crushing Thrower (martial tradition), Huntsman Training (martial tradition), Outrider Training (gestalt bonus), Pikeman Training (gestalt bonus), Rallying Beseechment (drawback warleader sphere), Shield Expert (free equipment sphere), Throwing Mastery (martial tradition), Verbal Counter (drawback warleader sphere)
Observations: The Strength Patron turns the witch's spellcasting into alchemy, making it a Mid-Caster. With Spheres of Might, a Mid-Caster can give up spellcasting for an Adept Progression. Familiar and Mount combined into a single creature.

Fighter: familiar (does nothing)
Witch: contagious fervor (totem of shared sight) (hex)
Feats: Combat Stamina (fighter), Pack Flanking (2nd level)
Spheres: Athletics Sphere (untrained athlete drawback) (witch)
Talents: Mighty Conditioning (athletics sphere drawback)

Fighter: share training, steel will
Witch: proper conditioning (patron boon)
Feats: Extra Talent (3rd level)
Spheres: Berserker Sphere (adrenaline junkie drawback) (extra talent)
Talents: Juggernaut (berserker sphere drawback), Skillful Charge (witch)

Cavalier: mounted synergy (order ability)
Witch: eyes unclouded (hex)
Feats: Focused Stamina (4th level), Mounted Combat (mounted synergy > converted into talent)
Spheres: Beastmaster Sphere (ride) (converted from Mounted Combat)
Talents: Armored Charge (cavalier), Pack Attack (witch)

Cavalier: cavalier's charge
Witch: enhanced familiar (+2 X, extra combat feat)
Feats: Extra Talent (5th level)
Spheres: Lancer Sphere (extra talent)
Talents: Double Team (cavalier)

Cavalier: expert trainer
Witch: H (hex)
Feats: Vital Strike (6th level)
Talents: Pinning Impale (cavalier), Run Down (witch)

Cavalier: banner
Witch: solid footing (boon)
Feats: Mounted Athlete (7th level)
Talents: Distracting Tear (cavalier), Pinning Impale (witch)

Cavalier: extra combat feat
Feats: Extra Talent (8th level), Flinging Charge (cavalier)
Spheres: Fencing Sphere (extra talent)
Talents: Cold Iron Call (cavalier), Ranged Impale (witch)

Witch: enhanced familiar (+2 X, extra combat feat)
Feats: True Rage (9th level)
Talents: Durable (cavalier)

Cavalier: stalwart mount
Witch: second invocation
Feats: Extra Talent (10th level)
Spheres: Focusing Finale (extra talent)
Talents: Endure Pain (cavalier), Expanded Guardian (witch)

Mammoth Rider: gigantic steed, steed, unbowed, wild coercion
Feats: Improved Vital Strike (11th level)
Talents: Punishing Rebuke (witch)

Mammoth Rider: born survivor, colossus hunter
Witch: ironclad enforcer (hex)
Feats: Heroic Resolve (12th level), Lightning Reflexes (born survivor)
Talents: Iron Wall (witch)

Mammoth Rider: rapid straddle, rugged steed
Witch: enhanced familiar (+2 X, extra combat feat)
Feats: Improved Mounted Archery (13th level)

Mammoth Rider: mistrust of magic, undaunted
Witch: animal skin (hex)
Feats: Mounted Protector (14th level)
Talents: Mass Challenge (witch)

Mammoth Rider: valiant devotion
Witch: manifest might
Feats: Improved Critical (15th level)
Talents: Swift Challenge (witch)

Mammoth Rider: born survivor, hunter's instinct
Feats: Greater Vital Strike (16th level), Iron Will (born survivor)
Talents: Critical Genius (witch)

Mammoth Rider: steed's reach
Witch: enhanced familiar (+2 X, extra combat feat)
Feats: Shield Brace (17th level)

Mammoth Rider: combined might
Witch: major ameliorating (hex)
Feats: Extra Talent (18th level)
Talents: Mageguard (extra talent), Polearm Mastery (witch)

Mammoth Rider: pulverizing assault
Witch: flawless form
Feats: Critical Focus (19th level)
Sphere: Sniper Sphere (ablative fire drawback) (witch)
Talents: Targeted Assault (sniper sphere drawback)

Mammoth Rider: mammoth lord
Witch: perfect body flawless mind (alternate capstone)
Feats: Censoring Critical (20th level)
Talents: Duelist Grip (witch)

Abilities, Feats and Talents:
Flawless Form (Ex) Whenever Hida rolls for initiative, she rolls twice and takes the better result.
Improved Stamina (feat, combat) Before rolling initiative, Hida can spend 10 stamina points to use 20 as the number rolled.
Mounted Synergy (Ex) Whenever Hida is mounted, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks as long as Srom is conscious and mobile.

Banner (Ex) As long as Hida’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +3 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge.
Berserking (Ex) As a free action at the start of each turn, Hida may choose to take a -2 penalty to AC in exchange for 23 temporary hit points until the start of her next turn. Instead of receiving these temporary hit points, Hida choose the effects of an (adrenaline) talent.
<>Juggernaut (adrenaline) Hida ignores difficult terrain when she charges, runs, or withdraws. She can also charge through squares that contain allies. When using the charge action, she does not take a penalty to her AC and increase the bonus on attack rolls and bull rush combat maneuvers at the end of a charge by 3.
<>True Rage (feat, combat) When berserking, when Hida uses an (adrenaline) talent, she does not lose the temporary hit points granted by the base berserking ability.
Cavalier's Charge (Ex) Hida receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge while mounted (instead of the normal +2) and does not suffer the AC normal penalty.
Combined Might (Ex) Once per round, when Hida hits with a melee attack from astride Srom during a charge, she adds half his Strength bonus [+20/2 = +10] to the damage roll in addition to her own, provided Srom is currently capable of taking a free action.
Flinging Charge (feat, combat) If Hida has a thrown weapon in hand when she begins charging, she can make a ranged attack with that weapon against the target of her charge at any point during her charge. She gains the +2 bonus for charging on the attack roll for this ranged attack, but she takes a –5 penalty on the melee attack made at the end of the charge.
Pinning Impale (Ex) Whenever Hida uses the charge action, she can impale the target on a successful attack. If the creature is adjacent to a wall or other such structure, or they are within her melee reach of one, Hida can pin them to the wall with her weapon. Alternatively, she can pin them to the ground. Releasing the weapon does not end the impalement against the creature, forcing the creature to make a combat maneuver check against her CMD to release themselves. Pulverizing Assault (Ex) If Hida is mounted on Srom and directs him to charge or make trample attack, the first time that Srom deals damage with that attack this round, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the steed’s Hit Dice + the steed’s Strength modifier) [DC 40] or be staggered for 1d4 rounds.
Skillful Charge (Ex) Hida may make an attack action at the end of a charge in place of the normally granted attack. Hida can use the charge rules to make a thrown weapon attack. She must only move closer to the target and must end her movement within 30 ft. of it. If she does, she can make an attack action using a thrown weapon. Charging Hurler

Armored Charge (Ex) While mounted, Hida and Srom suffer no penalties for squeezing (down to half Srom’s space). She also don’t take armor check penalty on Ride checks. In addition, Hida and Srom mount gain a +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush, overrun, and trip combat maneuvers.
Defensive Rider (Ex) When Hida's mount is targeted by an attack or subject to a Reflex save, she may spend an attack of opportunity to make a Ride check and use the result in place of Srom’s AC or Reflex save result, if higher. Mounted Combat
Double Team (Ex) When Srom succeeds on a combat maneuver, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from Hida.
Mounted Athlete (feat) Whenever Srom would attempt an Acrobatics check, Hida may attempt it instead, using her Acrobatics bonus. In addition, she shares her Athletics sphere talents with Srom.
Pack Flanking (feat, combat, teamwork) When Hida and Srom are adjacent or sharing their squares and both threaten the same opponent, they are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of their actual positioning.
<>Fatal Thrust (Ex) Whenever Hida makes an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that she is flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC, she deals an additional +5d6 precision damage to the target.
<>Pack Attack (Ex) Whenever Srom flanks an enemy with Hida, the bonus on attack rolls granted while flanking increases by +2. Outflank
Run Down (Ex) When Hida uses the attack action to attack, Srom may attempt an overrun combat maneuver against the target as a joint swift action, moving up to half his speed if successful. This maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Critical Genius [thrwon] (Ex) When Hida confirms a critical hit with thrown weapons while using the attack action, she deals 20 additional damage.
Impale (Ex) As an attack action with a melee weapon that deals lethal damage, Hida can take a -2 penalty on the attack roll to impale the creature with her weapon, forcing it into a square within her reach if it was not already. An impaled creature has all movement speeds reduced by half, is battered, and must make a concentration check (DC 10 + her CMB + spell level) to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability. A creature can only be impaled by a single weapon. While Hida controls the impaling weapon, she must make an opposed Strength check against the impaled creature to move as a part of the move action, moving up to half of her base speed while dragging the impaled creature along. The impaling weapon can only be used to attack the impaled creature, ignoring its armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to AC. As a move action, Hida may remove the impaling weapon and as a free action she may release it. As a standard action, the impaled creature can make a combat maneuver check against Hida's CMD to cause her to lose control of the impaling weapon. If no one has control over the impaling weapon, the impaled creature may remove it as a move action. While still impaled, any creature may attempt a grapple check (with a +4 bonus) against an impaled creature’s CMD to assume control of the impaling weapon. When the impaling weapon is removed from the impaled creature, it takes bleed damage equal to the damage dice of the impaling weapon. Talents with the (impale) tag can only be used against impaled creatures when Hida is controlling the impaling weapon.
<>Distracting Tear (impale) (Ex) Whenever Hida deals damage while removing a weapon from an impaled creature, that creature provokes an attack of opportunity from one up to 6 allies of your choice other than yourself.
<>Focusing Finale (Ex) Whenever Hida removes her weapon from an impaled creature, she may regain her martial focus.
<>Ranged Impale (Ex) Hida may attempt to impale a creature with a thrown weapon, although doing so does not cause the impaled creature to move to a square adjacent to her. She may also use Pinning Impale with this talent.
Targeted Assault (Ex) Whenever Hida uses the attack action with a ranged attack against a creature or object, the target’s damage reduction, energy resistance, or hardness is reduced by 10 against that attack.
Vital Strike (feat, combat) When Hida uses the attack action, she deals extra damage equal to her weapon damage dice. These are not multiplied on a critical hit. She can spend 2 stamina points to reroll up to two of the weapon’s damage dice, but must take the second result, even if it’s lower.
<>Improved Vital Strike (feat, combat) When Hida uses the attack action, she deals extra damage equal to twice her weapon damage dice. These are not multiplied on a critical hit. She can spend 3 stamina points to reroll up to three of the weapon’s damage dice, but must take the second result, even if it’s lower.
<><>Greater Vital Strike (feat, combat) When Hida uses the attack action, she deals extra damage equal to thrice her weapon damage dice. These are not multiplied on a critical hit. She can spend 4 stamina points to reroll up to four of the weapon’s damage dice, but must take the second result, even if it’s lower.

Barrage (Ex) As a special attack action, Hida may make two ranged attacks at her full base attack bonus -2 (-2/-2). She may expend her martial focus to make up to three additional extra attacks, increasing the penalty to all her attacks by -2 each time (-4/-4/-4, -6/-6/-6/-6, or -8/-8/-8/-8/-8). Rapid Shot

Muscular Reflexes (feat, combat) Hida may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to her Strength bonus. She may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Patrol (Ex) As long as she has martial focus, as a full-round action Hida may increase her threatened area by 30 ft. Until the beginning of her next turn, she may make attacks of opportunity against any creature in this threatened area and may move to bring the creature within her reach as part of these attacks, provided her total movement before her next turn does not exceed her base speed. This ability may also benefit from one (zone) talent.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) When an ally within the area of Hida's patrol is the target of a spell or spell-like ability, she may spend an attack of opportunity to move to put that ally within reach and redirect the effect to herself.
<>Durable (Ex) When an ally within the area of Hida's patrol is the target of a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious), she may spend an attack of opportunity to move to put that ally within reach and redirect the effect to herself.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Allies within the area of Hida's patrol, not including herself, gain a 20% miss chance against melee attacks originating from a creature that she threatens. If an attack would also be subject to the Challenge miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Mounted Protector (feat) While mounted, Hida may use Srom’s movement whenever she could move as part of her patrol, provided Srom’s total movement before its next turn does not exceed its base speed. In addition, whenever Hida could make an attack of opportunity as part of her patrol, she may have Srom make an attack of opportunity against that target instead.
<>Punishing Rebuke (zone) (Ex) When a creature attacks an ally within the area of Hida's patrol, not including herself, they provoke an attack of opportunity from her.

Barrage Sphere (Ex) Hida gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 ft. Point-Blank Shot
Crushing Thrower (Ex) Hida treats her ranged attacks with thrown weapons as melee attacks, using her melee attack bonus, including Strength bonus, feats, and other modifiers to determine her attack bonus as normal, but applying standard modifiers for range penalties.
Huntsman Training (Ex) Hida only suffers a –1 penalty per full range increment between her and her target when using a ranged weapon. Far Shot
Outrider Training (Ex) Whenever Hida makes a ranged attack from atop a mount, she takes only half the usual attack penalty. Mounted Archery
<>Improved Mounted Archery (feat) Hida takes no penalty when using a ranged weapon while mounted and taking a double move action. The penalty while her mount is running is reduced to –2.
Sniper (Ex) Hida can shoot or throw ranged weapons at a creature engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on their attack roll. Precise Shot
Throwing Mastery (Ex) When using an attack action, attack of opportunity, or additional attack granted by class features or talents to make a ranged attack against a creature with a thrown weapon, Hida may cause the weapon to bounce back towards her after the attack resolves. As long as she has at least one hand free, she may automatically catch a weapon, otherwise it lands in her square.

Challenge (Ex) As a move action (swift action by expending martial focus), Hida may issue a challenge to a non-mindless creature she can see. The creature takes a -7 penalty on attack rolls that do not include her as a target and a +2 bonus on attack rolls targeting only her. The challenge lasts for 13 rounds and when she issues a new challenge, any previous challenge she has active ends.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Hida's challenge casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability that does not include her in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty to the spell’s save DC.
<>Durable (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Hida's challenge uses a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious) that does not include her in its effect, it suffers a -7 penalty on the ability's save DC.
<>Iron Wall (Ex) Any time a creature under the effects of Hida's challenge attacks an ally within 75 ft. of her, that attack suffers a 20% miss chance. If an attack would also be subject to the Patrol miss chances, the miss chance increases to 50%.
<>Mageguard (Ex) Whenever a creature under the effects of Hida's challenge fails a concentration check to cast a spell defensively, it provokes an attack of opportunity from her.
<>Mass Challenge (Ex) When using the challenge ability, Hida may increase the time to activate it (move to standard or swift to move) to issue her challenge to up to twelve targets at once.
<>Order of the Saddle Challenge (Ex) Whenever Hida issues a challenge and is astride her mount, she can charge her target and then move again as if using Ride-By Attack. Her total movement for the round can’t exceed her mounted speed and she gains a +3 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity while charging her target.
<>Swift Guardian (Ex) Hida may use the challenge ability as a swift action. This takes a free action if she expends her martial focus.

Combat Stamina (feat, combat) Hida gains a stamina pool with a number of stamina points equal to her base attack bonus + her Constitution modifier. During combat, she can spend stamina points to perform a combat trick from a combat feat she possess. Hida can't spend stamina if she is unconscious or exhausted. Hida regains 1 stamina point for every minute of rest, but she stops doing so if she enters combat; takes an action that requires a Strength-, Dexterity-, or Constitution-based skill check or ability check; or take more than one move action or standard action in a round. If she is suffering from any of the following conditions, she can't regain stamina points: confused, cowering, disabled, exhausted, fascinated, frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified.
<>Focused Stamina (feat, combat) Whenever Hida would expend her martial focus, she may instead spend 5 stamina points.

Colossus Hunter (Ex) Hida gains a +1 bonus on weapon attacks and damage rolls against Large and Huge creatures, and a +2 bonus on weapon attacks and damage rolls against Gargantuan and Colossal creatures.
Critical Focus (feat, combat) Hida receives a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. If Hida's successful critical confirmation roll is a natural 19 or 20, she can spend 2 stamina points to roll another confirmation roll. If this confirmation roll also succeeds, she increases her critical multiplier by 1 for this attack. If she continues to roll 19 or 20, you can continue to spend stamina points for additional rolls, and the increases to the critical multiplier stack.
<>Censoring Critical (feat, combat, critical) Whenever Hida scores a critical hit against an opponent, the victim is unable to speak for 1d4+1 rounds. A DC 30 Fortitude save reduces this muteness to 1 round.
Hunter's Instincts (Ex) As a standard action, Hida can denote one target within her line of sight as her quarry, receiving a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls made against it, and automatically confirming all critical threats. Whenever she is following the tracks of her quarry, Hida can take 10 on her Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. While Hida can have no more than one quarry at a time, she can dismiss this effect as a free action. If she sees proof that her quarry is dead, she can select a new quarry after waiting 1 hour.
Improved Critical [thrown] (feat) When Hida hits with an attack and the roll fails to threaten a critical hit by 3 or less [12-14], she can spend 5 stamina points to attempt to deal double damage anyway. If her confirmation roll succeeds, her attack is still not a critical hit, but it deals double damage.
Mageguard (Ex) When a hostile creature within Hida's threatened area attempts to cast a spell defensively, they take a -10 penalty to their concentration check.
Mammoth Lord (Ex) If Hida and Srom both hit an opponent on the same turn, the foe must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the steed’s Hit Dice + the steed’s Strength modifier) [DC 40] or be stunned for 1 round. Whether or not the target succeeds, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours thereafter.
Polearm Mastery (Ex) When wielding a reach weapon, Hida may attack targets within her natural reach, but suffer a -2 penalty when doing so. She also threaten all squares within her natural reach when wielding a reach weapon.
Quick Draw (feat, combat) Hida can draw a weapon as a free action and a hidden weapon as a move action. Hida may throw weapons at her full normal rate of attacks. As a swift action, Hida can sheathe a weapon as long as she has at least 1 stamina point in her stamina pool.

Banner (Ex) As long as Hida’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear.
Delayed Damage Pool (Ex) Hida gains a delayed damage pool of 60 points. When she receives damage, she may redirect all or part of it to this pool, applying damage reduction and resistance. Her delayed damage pool empties at the end of her turn each round, inflicting on her any damage stored and resetting to 0, without any reductions. Any healing Hida receives in excess of her maximum hp automatically reduces the amount of damage in her delayed damage pool.
<>Cold Iron Call (Ex) When targeted by a spell or spell-like ability, Hida may delay the onset of its effects until the end of her next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to its caster level.
<>Durable (Ex) When targeted by a natural, extraordinary or supernatural ability that inflicts ability damage, ability drain, disease, negative levels, poison or any of the following conditions: (blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, unconscious) Hida may delay the onset of its effects until the end of her next turn. Each effect is treated as if it were an amount of hit point damage equal to the attacking creature’s Hit Dice.
<>Endure Pain (Ex) When Hida receives damage from her delayed damage pool, she takes it as nonlethal damage.
Heroic Resolve (feat, combat) As a move action, Hida may expend her martial focus to suppress a single instance of the dazzled condition for a number of rounds equal to her Constitution modifier. The duration of these conditions continues to expire while suppressed. She may instead choose to treat the frightened condition as shaken, the nauseated condition as sickened, the exhausted condition as fatigued, or the blinded condition as dazzled for the same duration, or the panicked condition as shaken for half as many rounds. She may take this move action even if the condition would normally prevent her from taking move actions. She may only have one condition suppressed at a time.
Mammoth Lord (Ex) Hida is immune to the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, staggered, and stunned conditions. If she succeeds at a Fortitude or Will save against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely.
Mistrust of Magic (Ex) Hida gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against spells.
Undaunted (Ex) Hida adds her Strength bonus to the DC of Intimidate checks attempted against her. Additionally, creatures attempting to intimidate her don’t gain a bonus for being larger than her.

Bluff 5 (fencing sphere)
Diplomacy 5 (warleader sphere)
Ride 20 (beastmaster sphere)

Animal Skin (Su) Hida can become any animal of a size from Tiny to Large whose skin she wears. This ability is similar to beast shape II, except she takes on the appearance of the specific individual from which the skin came.
Contagious Fervor [totem of shared sight] (Su) As a standard action, Hida can grant one willing target within 30 feet the ability to share perception for 6 rounds. As a free action once per round, the primary target of this hex can target one willing creature within 30 feet to also gain this benefit. When the duration ends for the primary target, it also ends for all secondary targets. Anything visible or noticed by one target is also perceived by all others, including with special senses such as blindsense or scent. This can prevent a target from being surprised. If any target successfully saves versus an illusion effect, then all other targets automatically succeed at their saving throws as well, even if they had previously failed.
Invoke Patrol (Su) As a swift action, Hida may invite spirits into herself and choose one of the following options. She can use this ability for 20 minutes in 1-minute increments:
<>Bondage: Hida gains a +6 [+4 increase] enhancement bonus to Strength.
<>Bridge: Hida treats other creatures as if their damage reduction and spell resistance were 10 lower.
<>Decisions: Hida gains a +6 [+2 increase] enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
<>Paradise: Hida gains a +9 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks.
<>Revelation: Hida gains a +3 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons.
<>Second Invocation (Su) Whenever Hida uses her invoke patron ability, she selects two options instead of one.
Major Ameliorating (Su) Each time Hida uses this hex, she chooses the blinded or deafened condition, or a type of effect: curse, disease, or poison. If the target is or later becomes afflicted two of the chosen condition or effect (her choice), that condition or effect is suppressed for 20 minutes. Alternatively, for 24 hours, Hida can grant her target a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against effects that cause any three of the above conditions or effects. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Solid Footing (Ex) Hida may take 10 on all strength checks and strength based skill checks even when distracted or otherwise normally unable to take 10. In addition, once per day she may take 20 on these checks without increasing the time needed to do so and when otherwise distracted or normally unable to take 20. She may take 20 an additional time and become exhausted after the attempt whether or not it was successful. This exhaustion lasts for only one hour and cannot be mitigated by any means other than rest.
Wild Coercion (Ex) Hida gains the wild empathy ability. In addition, she can use her wild empathy to demoralize an animal or magical beast, or force it to be friendly to her, as if using Intimidate rather than Diplomacy. She adds her Strength modifier to these checks in addition to her Charisma modifier.

Blooded Challenge (Ex) Hida applies her challenge order ability to the challenge ability provided by the Guardian sphere.
Born Survivor (Ex) Hida gains Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats.
Critical Genius [thrown] (Ex) Hida treats thrown weapons as though their critical threat range was 18-20/x2.
<>Improved Critical [thrown] (feat, combat) Hida's threat range with thrown weapons is doubled.
Duelist's Grip (Ex) Whenever Hida wields a melee weapon in only one hand and makes no attacks using any other hand, she applies 1 and 1/2 times her Strength bonus to damage rolls with it.
Expert Trainer (Ex) Hida receives a +4 bonus whenever she uses Handle Animal on an animal that serves as a mount. In addition, she can reduce the time needed to teach a mount a new trick or train a mount for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. She can also train more than one mount at once, although each mount after the first adds +2 to the DC.
Flawless Form (Ex) Hida is treated as though she had twice her strength score for carry capacity.
Huntsman Training (Ex) Hida gains proficiency with the atlatl, bolas, boomerang, handaxe, harpoon, longbow, net, shortbow, throwing axe, and tube arrow shooter.
Improved Initiative (feat, combat) Hida gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Ironclad Enforcer (Ex) Hida gains proficiency in heavy armor and her speed is no longer reduced by armor. As long as she is wearing metal medium or heavy armor which grants an enhancement bonus to AC, she also gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to her movement speed. This bonus extends to any movement mode she possess as long as she is still wearing the armor.
Iron Will (feat) Hida gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.
Knightly Arts (Ex) Hida gains the Warleader sphere and the Guardian sphere (challenge) package as bonus talents.
Lightning Reflexes (feat) Hida gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.
Manifest Might (Ex) Hida gains an enhancement bonus to natural armor equal to her strength modifier. Additionally, she is treated as one size category larger for the purposes of determining what weapons she may wield, carrying capacity, for magical effects that would move her, and CMD.
Mighty Conditioning (Ex) Hida may add both her Strength and Dexterity modifiers to the Acrobatics skill checks.
Mounted Synergy (Ex) Hida receives Mounted Combat as a bonus feat.
Order of the Saddle Hida adds Knowledge (nature) and Perception to her list of class skills. She also receives a +4 bonus on Survival to track a creature or to find food and water for herself and her mount.
Outrider Training (Ex) Hida gains proficiency with the bola, lance, lasso, longbow, musket, pistol, scimitar, and shortbow.
Proper Conditioning (Ex) Hida gains a +5 alchemical bonus to her Strength score.
Rallying Beseechment (Ex) Whenever Hida makes a Diplomacy or Perform check to make a request, she treats indifferent and friendly creatures as one step more friendly for the purpose of the request and its DC. In addition, she does not increase the DC for making a request to a group.
Rapid Straddle (Ex) Hida can attempt Ride checks to fast mount or fast dismount her steed even if it’s more than one size category larger than her, provided she still has a move action available that round.
Run (Ex) Hida move five times her normal speed while running. If she makes a jump after a running start, she gains a +4 bonus on her check. Hida retains her Dexterity bonus to her Armor Class while running. Run
Share Training (Ex) When Srom can see and hear Hida, he can use any combat feat possessed by her. He doesn’t have to meet the feat’s prerequisites.
Shield Brace (feat, combat) Hida can use a two-handed weapon sized appropriately for her from the polearm or spears weapon group while also using a light, heavy, or tower shield with which she is proficient. The shield’s armor check penalty applies to attacks made with the weapon.
Shield Expert (Ex) Hida increases the shield bonus to AC of any shield she wields by +1 and lowers its armor check penalty by 2. Shield Focus
Steel Will (Ex) Hida gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear and mind-affecting effects.
Toughness (feat) Hida gains +20 hit points.
Tools of the Trade (Ex) Hida gains proficiency in light and medium armor as well as the chakram, light hammer, lucerne hammer and pilum. She also gains Muscular Reflexes as a bonus combat feat.
Unbowed (Ex) Hida adds her strength modifier in addition to her Constitution modifier to Fortitude saves.
Unclouded Vision (Ex) Hida can see through smoke, fog, and other similar effects as though they were not there. She still sees a hazy outline of the effect and is aware of it.
Verbal Counter (Ex) While outside of combat, whenever a creature makes a Bluff check against Hida that involves speaking, she can make an opposed Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check to force them to either tell the truth (as far as they know) about the subject or take a -5 penalty on Charisma-based skill and ability checks against everyone who listened to them speak for 1 day.

Srom, The Thundering Blizzard
Woolly mammoth animal companion (martial beast)//familiar (decoy, protector [free])// Invincible MR2
N Huge magical beast
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +x
AC 66, touch 18, flat-footed 61 (+6 armor, +5 deflection, +5 Dex, +42 natural, -2 size)
hp 480 (20HD)
Fort +28, Ref +22, Will +24; +4 morale vs. charm, compulsion and fear effects
DR 10/epic; Defensive Abilities block attack, improved evasion, second save, valiant devotion; Resist acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, fire 15
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +38 (3d6+20), slam +38 (2d6+20)
Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks trample (3d6)
Str 50 (+20), Dex 20 (+5), Con 28 (+9), Int 20 (+5), Wis 20 (+5), Cha 10 (+0)
Base Atk +20; CMB +42; CMD 62
Feats Bodyguard, Brute Assault, Brute Stomp, Brute Style, Censoring Critical*, Combat Reflexes, Combat Stamina*, Critical Focus*, Deceitful, Extra Talent (x5*, x5), Flinging Charge, Focused Stamina*, Forceful Charge, Greater Vital Strike*, Heroic Resolve*, Improved Critical (thrown)*, Improved Forceful Charge, Improved Vital Strike*, In Harm's Way, Muscular Reflexes*, Quick Draw*, Pack Flanking*, Toughness, True Rage*, Unarmed Combatant, Vicious Stomp, Vital Strike* [*: shared through the share training ability]
Spheres Berserker Sphere* (adrenaline junkie drawback), Brute Sphere, Equipment Sphere, Fencing Sphere*, Lancer Sphere*, Open Hand Sphere [*: shared through the share training ability]
Talents Break Defenses, Critical Genius, Destabilizing Charge, Dominoes, Focused Might, Focused Resolve*, Greater Brute, Greater Shove, Greater Trip, Human Shield, Juggernaut*, Mageguard*, Smash, Stampede, Unstoppable [*: shared through the share training ability]

SQ able defender, deliver touch spells, empathic link, enhanced familiar, gigantic steed, link, loyal bodyguard, master's guise, mockingbird, rugged steed, scry on familiar, share spells, stalwart mount, steed's reach
ABP armor attunement (barding +5), deflection +5, mental prowess (+6 Wis, +4 Int, +2 Cha), physical prowess (+6 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con), resistance +5, toughening +5, weapon attunement (gore +4, slam +3)
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch

Ability Scores:
Strength 14 (base companion) +8 (advancement) +6 (companion increase) +10 (gigantic steed) +6 (witch enhancement) +6 (ABP) = 50
Dexterity 14 (base companion) -2 (advancement) -2 (gigantic steed) +6 (companion increase) +4 (ABP) = 20
Constitution 13 (base companion) +4 (advancement) +1 (level up) +6 (gigantic steed) +2 (witch enhancement) +2 (ABP) = 28
Intelligence 15 (base familiar) +1 (level up) +4 (ABP) = 20
Wisdom 13 (base companion) +1 (level up) +6 (ABP) = 20
Charisma 7 (base companion) +1 (level up) +2 (ABP) = 10

Abilities, Feats and Talents:
Enhanced Familiar (Ex) Hida has enhanced Srom, giving him +6 Strength and +2 Constitution.
Gigantic Steed (Ex) Srom's size increases to Huge. He takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and to AC, and a –2 penalty to Dexterity; his base damage increases by one size category; and his reach increases to 10 feet. He also gains a +10 size bonus to his Strength and a +6 size bonus to his Constitution.
Rugged Steed (Ex) Srom's natural armor bonus increases by 4.
Stalwart Mount (Su) Srom gains Toughness as a bonus feat and gains a +2 bonus on saving throws.
Steed's Reach (Ex) Srom’s reach improves to 15 feet.
Valiant Devotion (Ex) Srom gains a +4 morale bonus against charm, compulsion, and fear effects.