Hezzrack |

OK, call me a stickler, but according to the adventure text, the cryohydra cannot, mathematically, collapse the stairs. The cryohydra deals 3d6 cold damage per attack. Given that it breathes from 7 separate heads, that means that each breath should be treated separately. Maximum damage per attack would therefore be 3x6=18 damage per attack. The text says, "Quarter the damage (because it's cold damage against an object), subtract 10 for the hardness, and apply the rest to the pegs." One-fourth of maximum damage (18) is 4.5. If you subtract 10 from that, you always get 0. Therefore, the cryohydra cannot collapse the stairs.
Naturally, I can see that you might treat all the damage as coming from a single source, since there is only one cryohydra. However, doing so seems to go against a strict interpretation of the rules. Maybe I'm thinking about this encounter in the wrong way. I plan, for example, to give each head its own turn in the initiative. Maybe that's why I'm thinking of the cold damage originating from separate sources.
When you ran (or when you plan to run) this adventure, did you collapse the stairs? Do you think the stairs' integrity is even important to the encounter's outcome? I can see how it could be -- a collapse could potentially divide the PC party, allowing the cryohydra to kill one or two PCs who have been cut off from the others. How did this scenario play out when your ran it, or, alternatively, how do you plan for it to play out?