Hesmah's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Recently I've been wondering about using scrolls in Society play, as Use magic Device rules are as follows:

Use a Scroll: Normally, to cast a spell from a scroll, you must have the scroll's spell on your class spell list. Use Magic Device allows you to use a scroll as if you had a particular spell on your class spell list. The DC is equal to 20 + the caster level of the spell you are trying to cast from the scroll.

So the DC is 20+ spell level, good so far.

In addition, casting a spell from a scroll requires a minimum score (10 + spell level) in the appropriate ability. If you don't have a sufficient score in that ability, you must emulate the ability score with a separate Use Magic Device check. This use of the skill also applies to other spell completion magic items.
To cast a spell from a scroll, you need a high score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, or Charisma for sorcerer or bard spells). Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you're emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll) is your Use Magic Device check result minus 15. If you already have a high enough score in the appropriate ability, you don't need to make this check.

So if you lack the proper ability score, you must emulate it with a different check. So you need another check that's DC 25+ spell level

You need two high checks made at the time of activation, and have to success on both. And you've two chances to roll a 1 which means you can't use the scroll today at all. And with the DC being 21 and 26 for level 1 spells, by the time you could actually succeed on the scrolls, you don't really need them anymore.

Makes sense if you lack mental stats, but the problem here is: You can never use charisma for scroll usage. In normal games you could buy Sorcerer, Oracle and Bard made scrolls to use charisma, but Society Organized Play rules state that:

All potions, scrolls, wands, and other consumables are made by wizards, clerics, or druids in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The only exceptions are spells that are not on the wizard, cleric, or druid spell list

So you can never buy charisma based scrolls (except the few bard or witch exclusive spells), nor can you ever buy arcane healing scrolls such as cure light wounds from Bard or Witch spell list.

So what I really want to know is what's the spirit of this rule in Society? Is it to not allow characters to buy cheap versions of spells (Paladin's lesser restoration)? Cause if it is, making UMD very hard and nerfing Bard and Witch scroll usage are unfortunate side-effects that should be fixed.


As the topic says, I'm curious if this is possible in Pathfinder Society? I know the feats themselves are not allowed, but this ability does not actually grant the feat, just allows adding abilities as if we had it.