Cayden Cailean

Herpdiddle's page

17 posts. 1 review. 1 list. 4 wishlists.


I have all the books defining the evil planes (the trilogy of them), but I'm curious about the neutral and lawful planes. Any of the planes outside of that are of interest, as well.

They're a murder, Marge. A group of Tengu are called a murder.

Scythia wrote:
Herpdiddle wrote:

Ha. Concern trolling.

I'm a fan of Pathfinder and the work they've done. Being a fan, and seeing this topic, I wanted to say (in a public forum) that I'm fully for Paizo embracing different sexualities and life styles. The only concern I raised, and note that I'm rather new to the forum itself and didn't know this was a common thing people have done, was that I hope Paizo incorporates such traits properly as to not create shallow characters or offend those who share the traits. I'm by no means trolling anything.

You say that Paizo isn't appeasing anyone, yet follow that up by saying "Other than from the LGTBQA people ...". Is that not the very topic this thread is about? If so, I fail to see how the concern could be out of place.

You left off the important part of that quote. A decent amount of the people who work at Paizo are in that group. So it's not appeasement in the sense of catering to a distant cultural group so much as appeasing their own interests.

Ah, I took that piece to mean that the people working at Paizo were making content they found enjoyable in a personal sense OUTSIDE of the LGTBQA.

Still though, I wasn't trolling by any means nor meant offense.

Ha. Concern trolling.

I'm a fan of Pathfinder and the work they've done. Being a fan, and seeing this topic, I wanted to say (in a public forum) that I'm fully for Paizo embracing different sexualities and life styles. The only concern I raised, and note that I'm rather new to the forum itself and didn't know this was a common thing people have done, was that I hope Paizo incorporates such traits properly as to not create shallow characters or offend those who share the traits. I'm by no means trolling anything.

You say that Paizo isn't appeasing anyone, yet follow that up by saying "Other than from the LGTBQA people ...". Is that not the very topic this thread is about? If so, I fail to see how the concern could be out of place.

thejeff wrote:
Herpdiddle wrote:

I have nothing at all against characters like this existing.

That being said, I don't want tokenism to become a common thing in Pathfinder. The chance of a person being asexual is very low. The chance of a person being both significant (such as a famous artist or political figure) and asexual is even more so. As long as the character has more depth to them than "the asexual one", it could be an interesting character trait.

Has Paizo ever done that? With all the non-white, gay, lesbian, trans characters they've used, have any of them been tokens?

Why does this always come up, as if Paizo is suddenly going to turn around and take exactly the same kinds of characters they've been using for years, but now do it badly?

It's because they've done so well in the past that the topic comes up: it comes from a place of care. If they didn't do so well in the past, there'd be no reason to bring it up as they're not afraid of anything being worsened.

There's a pressure onto content creators to be inclusive of all possible groups and identities; more so now than ever. All I'm stating is I hope Paizo keeps producing quality while including these groups/identities and refrains from rushing in order to appease them sooner.

I have nothing at all against characters like this existing.

That being said, I don't want tokenism to become a common thing in Pathfinder. The chance of a person being asexual is very low. The chance of a person being both significant (such as a famous artist or political figure) and asexual is even more so. As long as the character has more depth to them than "the asexual one", it could be an interesting character trait.

I'm afraid it made no difference. The address that I have entered is proper and it made no difference. As soon as I click to check out the products, it redirects me to the payment method page (AKA the button labeled 2). I've used this card in the past and had no issue.

I'll check that out, thank you.

Is there a reason my credit card is being declined? If so, what can I do to make it work?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to thank you all for your help. I've used all the budget I set aside towards this kind of thing on my current paycheck using your advice!

I got the following:

Shadows of the Dusk Queen
War of the Burning Sky: The Complete Campaign
GM's Miscellany: Tribes Most Foul
GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing
GM's Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing
GM's Miscellany: Wilderness Dressing

While Shadows and War of the Burning Sky look quite interesting, I can't wait to use the Raging Swan Press's GM's Miscellany packs I bought. They'll be the perfect thing to add flavor to ANY campaign I care to ever have.

Thank you all once again :)

EDIT: I'd also like to add that I'm not on the payroll of Swan, if it seems that way lol. I actually discredited getting their stuff at first because of the jet-black bland covers they have; really been proven wrong, though.

Shadows of the Dusk Queen looks excellent and I am about to pick it up now (came across it when someone mentioned Kobold Press to me above).

I'm also very grateful towards Thanael for his generous amount of recommendations and the mentioning of a site that does reviews; that'll help greatly in the future.

Edit: After viewing the Shadows of the Dusk Queen PDF real quickly, the production quality is impressively high. Of course, this is coming from seeing black and white PDFs from rather small companies, but still.

I'm kind of happy that it's a railroad. I mean, if it's TRULY boring, I can spice it up a bit, but I'm always worried that dark path campaigns will just have you doing immoral things for the sake of immorality instead of a true plot (which, to be fair, is much more easier to create for a good or neutral character).

Still need to check out Raging Swan, as I've only seen a few of their items, but I'll look into what's listed! Same goes to the legendary adventure that was kickstarted. Thank you all for the help so far.

Way of the Wicked looks very interesting. I've never done an evil path before, so I'm curious how players would react to that. Does the series have a real plot or is it just Murderfest 2016?

I'm interested in any genre, really, as long as the adventure is well made. Modules and paths are both good for me as well. I appreciate what you guys have said so far and am looking into them.

Edit: Frog God Games has some VERY cool stuff to them. I really like their art style as well.
Also, the deal going on for the PDF of War of the Burning Sky is amazing. That much content for that low of a price is definitely being added to my list. ... Now I just have to hope the sale lasts till Monday lol.

I know there's a large amount of publishers listed in the store of this site, but I'll be damned if I can find what's truly good within with the way they're stuffed together in a mass like they are. So I'd like to ask the community what the best non-Paizo created adventures are and the best publishers that create consistently good material.

They can be sold on this site or the RPGDriveThru (Not sure the rules on listing other sites so I won't put the link down), but I'm really interested in any adventures or good publishers who use the Pathfinder/OGL/3.5 ruleset.

Icyshadow wrote:
Depends. Do you want an undercurrent of focus or an overt focus?

Overt, but either if done well.

Apparently Throne has a lot of takers. I'll look into that. Same with Wrath. The snake one looked interesting as well.

I thank you all and would love more advice

I love the gods of the inner sea and find reading about them fascinating. What is the most god filled AP of high quality?