
Henry Chandler's page

96 posts. Alias of Phntm888.

Full Name

Henry Chandler




Lima, Peru


English (70%), Spanish (50%)


Treasure Hunter

About Henry Chandler


Name: Henry Chandler
Player: Phntm888
Occupation: Treasure Hunter
Age/Sex: 25, M
Residence: Varies
Birthplace: New York, NY

Str: 70 (35/14)
Con: 80 (40/16)
Siz: 50 (25/10)
Dex: 60 (30/15)
App: 40 (20/8)
Int: 50 (25/10)
Pow: 60 (30/12)
Edu: 50 (25/10)

Hit Points: 13
Sanity: 60
Luck: 50
Magic Points: 12

Investigator Skills
Accounting: 05% (2/1)
Anthropology: 01%
-Appraise: 45% (22/9)
Archaeology: 01%
Art/Craft: 05% (2/1)
Charm: 15% (7/3)
-Climb: 80% (40/16)
Credit Rating: 40% (20/8)
Cthulu Mythos: 00%
Disguise: 05% (2/1)
Dodge: 60% (30/12)
Drive Auto: 20% (10/4)
Elec Repair: 10% (5/2)
Fast Talk: 05% (2/1)
Fighting (Brawl): 51% (25/10)
-Firearms (handgun): 76% (38/15)
-Firearms (rifle/shotgun): 75% (22/9)
First Aid: 31% (15/6)
History: 05% (2/1)
Intimidate: 35% (17/7)
Jump: 20% (10/4)
-Other Language (Spanish): 51% (25/10)
Own Language (English): 70% (35/14)
Law: 05% (2/1)
Library Use: 20% (10/4)
Listen: 40% (20/8)
Locksmith: 01%
Mech. Repair: 10% (5/2)
Medicine: 01%
Natural World: 10% (5/2)
Navigate: 10% (5/2)
Occult: 05% (2/1)
Op. Hv. Machine: 01%
Persuade: 10% (5/2)
Pilot: 01%
Psychology: 10% (5/2)
Psychoanalysis: 01%
Ride: 05% (2/1)
Science: 01%
Sleight of Hand: 10% (5/2)
Spot Hidden: 51% (25/10)
-Stealth: 80% (40/16)
-Survival: 80% (40/16)
-Swim: 60% (30/12)
Throw: 20% (10/4)
Track: 10% (5/2)

Weapons - Damage Bonus: 1; Build: 1 ; Dodge: 60
Unarmed - 1d3+1
.303 Lee-Enfield Rifle - 2d6+4, 110 yards, 1/2 attacks, 10 Bullets, 12 HP
.32 Automatic - 1d8, 15 yards, 3 attacks, 8 bullets, 8 HP
Hatchet - 1d6+1+1, touch, 1 attack, 12 HP
Fighting Knife - 1d4+2+1, touch, 1 attack, 15 HP

Gear & Possessions/Cash & Assets
Spending Level:
Assets: $2000 trade goods
Gear & Possessions:
-Weapons: .303 Lee-Enfield Rifle w/ 100 bullets; .32 Automatic w/ 100 bullets; Hatchet; Fighting Knife
-Clothing: Leather Work Boots, 3 shirts, 2 pairs durable work pants, leather duster, brimmed hat
-Other: Large Canvas Bag, 50 ft. rope, crowbar, hand saw, cooking kit, waterproof blanket, 2 canteens, compass


Personal Description: A muscular man of average height with a perpetual stubble who always looks disheveled.
Ideology/Beliefs: 1) Don’t get killed. 2) Get paid - 50% up front, if possible. 3) Don’t trust ‘aristocrats’ - they started the Great War, no matter what anyone says.
Significant People: Kevin Hayes - a semi-reliable, not entirely trustworthy associate from Henry’s army days.
Meaningful Locations:
Treasured Possessions:
Traits: Cynical. His time in the trenches of Europe has given Henry a cynical view of the world. He hunts treasures because it gets him away from civilization and ‘aristocrats’ who seek to use ordinary people as pawns in their games. When he works for them directly, he always tries to get paid 50% up front, since he knows they might scam him otherwise.
Injuries & Scars: Scar on his right bicep where a German sniper shot him during World War I.
Phobias & Manias:
Arcane Tomes, Spells, & Artifacts:
Encounters with Strange Entities: There was that one time in Peru where he and a few other people, including his friend Jackson Elias, had fought kharisiri to try and stop something from being freed from its prison.