HellFire442 |
My party of six is currently smashing its way through book 2... but they have created some issues for themselves. My biggest concern is that the party is going to try and bolt the city as soon as they kill X. Should I let that happen or interdict them with one of the many groups they have pissed off in Magnimar.
Here is some background:
One of the player's created a backstory that he is Garet Thrune, brother to the queen of Cheliax. He is currently a LG paladin of Sarenrae. As a boy he disagreed with most of Chelaxian practices and was exiled/ nearly murdered. Rumors have spread back to Cheliax and his dear sister sent a hunting party after him. Naturally this party was lead by his childhood best friend who grew up into a non evil Hellknight who believed he was hunting down a traitorous hellknight.
Ursion (Hellknight old friend) naturally based his search out of Magnimar. Things got.. messy. Here's the run down.
Party deals with Foxglove Townhouse (finds a wandering Tsuto) and learns about B7 and mill. Does some scouting and crafting and waits for the money drop/ ritual. Party impersonates the money drop (fools the low level guys who don't know that it should stop) BUT only sends in a single PC. PC bluffs her way into joining the ritual and the party shows up. Several Ice-Fireballs later (ice to avoid the dust explosions) everything ends.
Despite me putting a friendly abandoned stable across the street from the sawmill... the party decides to stay inside the sawmill.... with all the dead bodies and loot.
They head towards the tower down a PC and I ambush them with the Hellknight group (lvl 5 conjurer wizard, lvl 5 cleric, lvl 5 inquisitor, lvl 6/1 cavalier/ Hellknight commander, two lvl 3 rangers and 4 lvl 3 fighters. Party wins in about 45 seconds. Ursion realizes that he has been tasked to kill the Heir/rightful ruler of the throne and that his believed dead friend lives. Party lets him leave, he leaves to "think about what to do"
Also, this fight happened on the outskirts of the Bazar of Sails.. so the Princess of the Market, Sabriyya is not very happy. Hellknight hunting party killed civilians, party stole a carriage and destroyed a cabbage stand. (she's not furious, but wants recompense and can't have people slinging spells in her turf without her sanction.) The guard is maybe mildly interested. Hellkights are very very interested as they will recognize some of the dead as members of the hunting party.
So the party heads off to the Shadow clock a couple hours later down a few spells and eager to stop this strange Xenesha woman.. down some spells and smites but a party of 6 that hits pretty hard against a GM that often forgets bonuses and feats of his NPCs....
So what next. The PCs have been on the run for several days. They have several thousand gold in loot hidden inside a supposedly working sawmill. They know the sawmill is scheduled for shipment the next day so citizens / businessmen will get upset/suspicious soon. (door is locked so it would take the guard or hellknights to get in. theives just arent likely considering its reputation.) The party has basically been on the run since they entered Magnimar. They believe the nobility/ guard to be completely corrupt and possibly crazed cultists out to murder everyone.
Currently: Hellknights want the party for murder/disrupting the peace/destruction of property.
Sabriyya - Same as hellknights- more on the favor owed/ service rendered/ fine paid side than the jail side... but still.
City Guard - mostly oblivious. Sabriyya has likely notified them that her turf was attacked. Considering the magic users she could lean on Gorobos some to get some assistance from the guard.
I do not want the Hellknights to get their hands on the party. That basically means a full trial which I would prefer to avoid. I'd much rather a corrupt Gorobas just handwaive their crimes away. its both easier for everyone on time (its been nearly 2 years since we started) and it would display some of the corruption / power of Gorobas in Magnimar.
So far I like the idea of being heavy handed with the party and introducing Sabriyya with a couple men besides a platoon of City Guardsmen. The basic idea is that Sabriyya called in some minor favors to have the PCs arrested and will then ride to the barracks with the PCs (in her own carriage of course) and will question the PCs about their motives, explain their immenent peril of being tossed into the Hells and claim that she can help them if they will work for her/ do her a favor/ have a favor owed.
However, the party is currently carrying all of the skinsaw masks on them... so that could go poorly.