
Heinrich Roth's page

4 posts. Alias of jerrys.

Full Name

Heinrich Tiber Roth




Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3


Missionary - HP:30/30 | AC:19 Tch:11 FltFt:18 CMD:15 F:5 R:2 W:6 | Init:+5 | Prcp:9 SnsMtv:10 | Spells: 1:4/4 |








(Koenig House Diety)

Strength 14
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 17
Charisma 12

About Heinrich Roth

Heinrich was the seventh son born to a middling-distant cousin of the Koenig family. An unusually grim and driven child and with little in the way of prospects, his father sent him to study with the clergy at a young age. He took to this with unusual fervor and, despite his somewhat antiquated views and unorthodox methods, he has grown into a demonstrably persuasive agent of the Church.

Character Sheet:
N Human Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3
Heinrich Roth

str 14
int 13
wis 17
dex 13
con 14
cha 12

init +5
mv 20'
hp 30 = 8 + 5*2 + (2c+1t)*3 +3fc
ac 19 = 10 + 6a + 2s +1d

f 5 =3+2
r 2 =1+1
w 6 =3+3

bab 2
cmb +4
cmd 16=10+2b+2s+1d+1t

mwk bastard sword: +5 1d10+2 19x2
...studied: +6 1d10+3 19x2
...2h: +5 1d10+3 19x2
...2h,studied,pa: +5 1d10+7 19x2
mwk mty longbow: +5 1d8+2 20x3
...studied,da: +5 1d8+5 20x3

T1 Omen(faith): +1 intimidate; 1/day demoralize as a swift action
T1 Veteran of Battle(Religion): +1 initiative; may draw weapon as free action in the surprise round
T1 Civilized(social): +1 kn(nobility), +1 kn(local), kn(local) is a class skill
T1 Scion of House Koenig (campaign): You gain a +1 trait bonus on your CMD. In addition, choose Diplomacy, Knowledge: Religion, or Sense Motive — you gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill.
D1 Paranoid: DC to aid you is 15 rather than 10
H1 Toughness
1 Gang Up: considered flanking when 2 allies threaten him
I1 Domain: Conversion - +wis instead of normal stat on bluff/diplomacy/intimidate
I1 Studied Target: replaces Judgment, move action, gain +1 bluff/kn/perc/sense/survival/hit/damage against opponent until choose new target
I1 Monster Lore: add wis on knowledge checks to identify monsters
I1 Stern Gaze: +lvl/2 morale to intimidate, sense motive
I2 Cunning Initiative: +wis to initiative
I2 Detect Alignment: at will, per spell.
I2 Track: +lvl/2 to survival to track.
3 Cleave
I3 Solo Tactics: you still benefit if allies don't have TW feats.
I3 TW: precise strike

notes/to-consider: feint partner, paired opportunists, improved feint partner

skills 3 * (6+1i+1h+2bg)
bluff 9*= 3+3 +3w [+st]
intimidate 11 = 3+3 +3w +1t +1sg
perception 9*= 3+3 +3 [+st]
sense motive 11*= 3+3 +3 +1sg [+st] +1t
survival 9*= 3+3 +3 [+1 tracking] [+st]
climb 2 = 1+3 +2 -4acp
diplomacy 7 = 1+3 +3w
disguise 5*= 1+3 +1 [+10 disguise self or +2mwk]
heal 8*= 2+3 +3 [+2mw]
kn(local) 6*= 1+3 +1 +1t [+3id] [+st]
kn(religion) 5*= 1+3 +1 [+3id] [+st]
ride 3*= 1+3 +1 +2mwk -4acp
swim 2 = 1+3 +2 -4acp
bg:kn(geogr) 3 = 2 +1
bg:kn(nobil) 4 = 2 +1 +1t
bg:linquistics 3 = 2 +1


spells (lvl:known:perday:dc:list)
0:6 :-:13: sift, create water, detect magic, acid splash, light, read magic
1:4+*:4:14: disguise self, deadeye's lore, cure light wounds, remove fear, comprehend languages*
* from page of spell knowledge

mwk breastplate 350gp 30lbs
mwk heavy steel shield 170gp 15lbs
mwk bastard sword 335gp 6lbs
dagger x2 4gp 2lbs
mwk mighty(+2) comp longbow 600gp 3lbs
arrows (20) 1gp 3lbs
page of spell knowledge, 1st, comprehend languages 1000gp
sleeves of many garments 200gp 1lb
healer's kit 50gp 1lb
disguise kit 50gp 8lbs
climber's kit 80gp 8lbs
holy symbol, silver 25gp 1lb
sunrod x5 10gp 5lbs
waterskin x2 2gp 8lbs
signet ring 5gp
sealing wax 1gp 1lb
rations x7 days 3.5gp 7lbs
flint and steel 1gp
backpack 2gp 2lbs
explorer's clothes 10gp 8lbs
spell component pouch 5gp 2lbs
scroll cure light wounds x2 50gp
scroll hide from undead 25gp
potion obscuring mist 50gp
potion enlarge person 50gp

light horse (combat trained) 110gp
s*&% the horse is carrying so i won't track weight
saddlebags 4gp
military saddle 20gp
feed x7 days 0.035gp
bit and bridle 2gp
pot 8sp
torch x3 0.003gp
soap 0.5gp
whetstone 0.002gp
ink vial x2 2gp
paper x5 2gp
manacles 15gp
blanket 0.5gp
bedroll 0.1gp
noble's clothes 75gp

fc: hp,hp,hp

25 pt buy
s 14 5
i 13 3
w 15 7 +r2
d 13 3
c 14 5
c 12 2