
Hector Le Grange's page

1 post. Alias of Johnny_Panic.

Full Name

Hector Le-Grange


Snow Elf












Common, Celestial,

Strength 16
Dexterity 15
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

About Hector Le Grange


Alignment: CG

STR: 16[P+2/2][R+2][Y-2]
DEX: 15[P+3/3][Y+2]
CON: 10[P+2/2][Y-2]
INT: 14[P+4/5]
WIS: 12[P+4/5][Y-2]
CHA: 15[P+3/3][R+2]
20 point buy. -18

Hit Die: d8+0+1x3 = 27HP

BAB +2
Fort Save Ref Save Will Save
+1+0=0 +1+2=+3 +3+1=+4

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The aristocrat is proficient in the use of all simple and martial weapons and with all types of armor and shields.

young PC:

Young Characters
Not all fantasy characters have the luxury of waiting until adulthood to begin their adventuring careers—take Arya Stark, Sabriel the Abhorsen, the Pevensie siblings, and Harry Potter, for example. The dangers of fantasy worlds don't discriminate between the ages of those they threaten. Even the infant Hercules had to strangle the serpents Hera sent to kill him in his crib. But though they're often underestimated, such youths are rarely the ready victims they're often treated as. By default, newly made characters are adults, their ages randomly assigned or at least influenced by the Random Starting Ages table. However, should you wish to play a young prodigy getting an early start on her legend, the rules here detail how to bring such a character to life.

Creating Young Characters
Young characters are essentially normal characters with an age category younger than any presented in the Core Rulebook. Characters of this age category are able and intelligent, curious and talented, but not yet experienced or worldly. They are on the threshold of great things, but still a step away. This youthfulness is represented in three ways: ability score adjustments, restrictions to available classes, and slower trait acquisition.

Ability Score Adjustments: In the same way an adult character gains adjustments to her ability scores as she reaches middle, old, and venerable age, a young character occupies a new pre-adulthood age category, and therefore has altered physical ability scores, though the vigor of youth does grant some benefit. A young character has a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a —2 penalty to Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom. (A young character's potential inexperience and awkwardness are represented by having only the skill ranks of a 1st-level character rather than taking a penalty to Intelligence or Charisma.)

When a young character reaches adulthood, she loses these ability score adjustments.

Available Classes: A young character does not have access to the same classes as adult characters. Not yet trained in the advanced techniques of war, arcana, faith, and varied other pursuits, a young character is a squire, apprentice, acolyte, or student on the path to expertise. As such, you can select only NPC classes while in this age category, beginning play and advancing in level as an adept, aristocrat, commoner, expert, or warrior, according to your interests and social background. As soon as you reach adulthood, though, you may retrain those NPC class levels as levels in any base classes of your choosing.

Traits: Because character traits represent your character's background before becoming an adventurer, the GM might limit you to selecting only one trait at 1st level instead of the normal two traits allowed. When your character reaches adulthood, you select your second trait. Note that normally you can select a new trait after 1st level only if your character takes the Additional Traits feat, so this option allows you more flexibility in choosing your second trait, as recent events in the campaign might make some of your trait options more valuable than they originally appeared when the campaign started.


Angel-Blooded (Angelkin)

Angelkin are mortal paragons of exceptional beauty, and they serve as exemplars of good and light regardless of the myriad forms they may take.

Ancestry Angel

Typical Alignment Any good
Ability Modifiers +2 Str, +2 Cha
Alternate Skill Modifiers Heal, Knowledge (planes)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Angelkin gain alter self as a spell-like ability.
Angelkin Race Traits: Celestial Tracker, Planetar's Visions
Angel-blooded aasimars—called angelkin by many—follow the righteous paths their celestial ancestors walked, and are as varied as angels in how they go about their virtuous duties, split evenly among those who embrace law, neutrality, or chaos. Of all the aasimars, angelkin are the type who perhaps most often clash with tieflings. Angelkin have difficulty embracing the idea of harmony when it comes to their corrupt cousins, and most see tieflings as embodiments of evil that can never be trusted. It takes extraordinary circumstances for most angelkin to cooperate with tieflings, and even then, alliances are rarely more than fleeting.


Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. 6x3=18SP

Class Skills

The aristocrat's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), and Survival (Wis).