Harold S's page

3 posts (162 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Hey everyone,

I might just be blind and over looked it, but does anyone foresee any trouble with converting monstrous races in PRPG? I'm thinking specifically of a Drow and Lizardman conversion.


Yeah I forgot to use my alias... luckily google searches for my name typically return harold and kumar go to white castle because of a certain scene with harold's scissors and kumars nether region.

Thanks for the heads up on the movie. Although, I think they got the name from somewhere else... :)

... is amazing. Let me say how glad I am that you guys have Wayne Reynolds (not sure if ever didn't have him). He's my fav.

Sorry for the ogling. It's really the small things that are going to make PRPG amazing.

Keep up the good work!