Halvdan62's page

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I need help with a lvl11 invulnerable rager build, it is currently an idea I've had because It would be the only tank in the party. I have a 25 point build, I need dps but I want a rager for the damage reduction so I'm not healing the whole time

Thank you, I did take 1 level of fighter; did you mean an additional level? And my BAB is 3 behind a fighter of my level.

Well I made a somewhat close build to that too. 25 point build elf, level 12.
1 level of fighter, 6 levels sorcerer, 5 levels eldritch knight. Here's is what I'm looking at
Dex16. Fort 8
Con12. Ref 7
Int14. Will 7
BAB+9 AC 20/24 with Mage armor
My GM starts players off with +2 weapon, armor and shield although I didn't use one.
I took these feats: combat casting, defensive combat training, dodge, arcane armor training, arcane armor mastery, weapon focus, arcane strike, leadership for a lvl 11 cohort, and iron will. I took the celestial bloodline for the heavenly fire(does dmg or heals) although some people prefer dragonic bloodline. I have a +15 to hit with1d8 +6/9 with arcane strike. I can stay semi helpful fighter with 4th level spells. This allows displacement, greater invisibility, and mirror image to be used, decreasing the chances of being hit. By no means can you hang around but you play as a stiker. get in, hit some and get out. If the mob is too crazy, hit it with ranged spells. Ray of enfeeblement, scorching ray, fireball, lightning bolt, confusion, or phantasmal killer if you feel lucky. I like this build alot

Currently my character is lvl 12 and I have these stats, take notice I have a +1 to str from a manual of exercise, +2 to str from ability score increases Lvls 4 & 8, and +1 to con from lvl 12. I also took leadership as a feat, my GM ruled that leadership would get you no less than a cohort that is 2 Lvls lower than your main PC. I took a human archer to make up the dps I needed and keep him at distance so I'm not healing constantly. Here is my inquisitor stats.

Str 16
Int 11
Wis 16
Cha 11

I currently have a 25 point build for a dwarf inquisitor who's deity is torag. Please consider that my own party doesn't have a true tank or a hardcore healer. I would like a build with moderate ac, healing capabilities and moderate tanking capabilities. The alternative player in my party is a holy vindicator with 34 to 40 ac depending on buffs and defensive training.

I wanna know a few different styles for a level 10 fighter for a 25 Point build, race doesn't not matter, list feats. I am also willing to see archtypes an evil builds (with evil races; drow, half ogre, etc) thank you

Plus idk where you are getting your hp from. Most monsters you fight have around 115 hp unless you are fighting a boss mob

Well I don't mind taking my time beating a monster. It's more of a team playing support role

Ok very nice, what do you think of a dwarf inquisitor. +17/12 to hit 1d8 +7 or 9 if I swing with both hands and I can apply great bane for another 4D6. Ac 27 but I can use judgements to boost ac to 31. His save are 12/7/13 but I can boost them all by +4. I have a wide variety of ways to build and boost the character with team feats and I have some spells.

Best by your own standards, shadow. I want to see everyone's favorite build. They all have their strengths and weaknesses

I have a build just like that except half giant two weapon warrior. The advantage with that is I get double str for two handers, double bonus on power attack and a weapon size category larger. I use a +2 lucerne hammer that does 3d6+30. Add vital strike or enlarge and watch the damage soar

Here's the first one. Level 12 elf two weapon warrior.

Str 20 Hp 133
Dex 20 Ac 23 or 25 on full attack
Con 16 Fort:11
Int 14. Ref:9
Wis 16 Will:7
Cha 12
Feats: two weapon fighting, double slice, two weapon defense, combat reflexes, weapon focus, improved two weapon fighting, combat expertise, improved critical, critical focus, weapon specialization, greater two weapon fighting, greater weapon specialization, dodge

With two +2 symitars his full round attack bonus is +20/20/15/15/10/10 and his critical threat range is 15-20 and has a +5 to confirm with the trait anatomist. It deals 1D6+13 per swing. He can use combat expertise to get his ac to 30.

On this thread I want to see the best builds. please tell me what you think is best, every build has it's angles. I will post some too

We are going to look at it differently. I see that character as support and additional healing. He already has high potential for damage with bane but I need to get it all on target. If I do a rediculous amount of damage, every monster in the field is going to target me. Considering that my GM is beefing up the monsters, I don't want to take huge damage in return. I'd be right back where I am trying to outdo the competition in damage before I die. I already have a character that does that very well and take most of the spotlight from other characters. I would rather use my judgement to boost my ac and give the rogue in the party flank since he has a Halfling rogue. He does minimal damage unless he is flanking and using sneak damage. I want this one to be under the radar and medium to high ac. Sorry if I offended you.

One of the easiest ways I've seen to keep this honest and to compromise with the GM is to make the PC's roll three times prior to the session starting. The GM can use these numbers as there rolls for the save without them making a roll and knowing something is amiss. Now you would have to true the GM to be appropriate with the save of the monsters vs. your spells and when to apply your save. It should be as soon as you see the illusion.

On a separate note, I personally don't like that my GM is extremely stingey with gold. At higher levels magic items and gold should occur more often to keep the game progression moving. Why be lvl 10 with ordinary items. The way I see it, levels 1-5 get +1, 6-10 get +2 and so on.

Why would I do that when I have BAB of 9? The bonus would be too small since it's based off of your BAB, it's not a damage build, it's mostly supportive. plus the high str is for the giants in my campaign that love to use combat maneuvers. If I wanted to do all damage I do my current character, a half giant two handed fighter using a lucerne hammer. He hits for 3d6+33 per swing. Get a wizard in the party to enlarge and now you're hitting 4d6+36. Get vital strike and improved vital strike and now you're using 12d6+40 all in one hit at you're highest bonus minus the power attack. I currently have 2 other fighter types in my group both with AC near 40. Now imagine How the GM has to react to a character like this?he has to focus on the character with way less ac doing a lot of dmg. And with a healer that is currently not that powerful? I could use some more healer/fighter types.

I think I built one of the best builds I have in a really long time. My GM generally let's us have higher than normal stats and it's a level 12 inquisitor. I really like this class, at higher levels it is strong combat and can neutralize casters for a period of time. It's very independent and a support character at the same time and it's always great to be able to use magic. Tell me what you think...

Stats: Hp 132 skill points per level-8
Str 20
Dex 16 Ac 27
Con 18
Int 12 Initiative +10
Wis 20
Cha 14 SR 16
Feats: dodge, weapon focus, combat reflexes, combat casting, iron hide, endurance( to keep the breastplate on at night)
Teamwork feats: shield wall, outflank, shielded caster, precise strike

+2 dwarven waraxe +17/+12 x3
S. 1D10+7
*i can use greater bane on my weapon and apply an extra +2 to hit and 4d6 dmg.
If I use my judgements and can increase my damage or attack bonus by +5