1.) Point Blank
1.) Interweaving Composite Blast
Magic's Might
Indomitable Faith
Special abilities
Halitus can choose to accept 1 point of burn to use his infusion wild talents, which carn modify his Air blast. He can accept only 1 points of burn per round and a maximum of 6 points of burn total. For each point of burn he accepts, Halitus takes 1 point of nonlethal damage. This damage can be healed only by a full night’s rest, and it can’t be reduced or redirected.
Gather Power:
If he has both hands free, Halitus can gather power as a move action. This creates a loud, visible display in a 20-foot radius centered on Halitus, and it allows him to reduce the burn cost of his infusion wild talents by 1 point (as long as he uses the talent in the same round). If he gathers power for a full round, he can reduce the cost by 2 points (minimum 0). If he does this, he can also gather power as a move action during his next turn to reduce the cost by 3. If Halitus takes damage during or after gathering power but before he releases his infused air blasts, he must succeed at a concentration check (1d20+1) or lose the gathered energy. The DC is equal to 11 + the amount of damage Halitus took. If he fails this check, Halitus must accept 1 point of burn.
Spell Penetration:
Halitus gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks (1d20+2 total) to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. Kinetic blasts are subject to spell resistance.
Kinetic Blast:
As a ranged attack, Halitus can unleash an Air blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. The blast is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Element(s) air; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts electric, thunderstorm
Saving Throw Fort negates
Your lightning brings with it a peal of thunder. Whenever your infused blast hits a foe and penetrates spell resistance, that foe becomes deafened, even if the blast doesn't deal damage.
Halitushas the following utility wild talents.
Basic Aerokinesis : You can create a light breeze that blows against a creature or object from a direction of your choice that follows the target wherever it goes. The breeze grants the subject a +2 bonus on saves against very hot conditions, severe heat, breath weapons, and cloud vapors and gases (such as cloudkill, stinking cloud, and inhaled poisons). This wild talent doesn’t function without air or while underwater. You can have only one such breeze active at any one time. You can also use your aerokinesis to make it harder to detect you or others by scent. You can designate a number of creatures or objects equal to your Constitution bonus. These creatures and objects always count as being downwind for the purpose of determining the distance at which they can be detected by scent. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until you use basic aerokinesis again, whichever comes first.
Combat Gear::
Other Gear:
Magic's Might Halitus gains a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Indomitable FaithHalitus gains a +1 trait bonus on will saves
Future of Character:
All Infusions and Utilities
2.Airs Leap
3.Extended Range
6.Wings of Air
8.Wind Sight
10.Windsight Greater