
Halidan's page

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Given how many parties are having problems with the Dinner Party scene, I decided that a little foreshadowing would be in order. My players have just finished clearing the village of Kelmarane. They were surprised when I told them they had a yuear off to do whatever they wanted to do.

Several wanted to re-make Kelmarane into a thriving market town. They made trips to several of the villages on the regional map in House of the Beast, solving problems, attracting trade, and making sure that the rooute north and south of the village were secure.

Then, I dropped the hint that asking one of the major merchant houses in Katapesh woulsd be the best way to get regular travel through the village. So they took a quick side trip to Katapesh, tried to see the leaders of the merchant houses, got a better look at how tightly the Pactmasters control things, and secured an invitation to a dinner party (as a bidder for the house's trade) so they know about this pleasant little tradition. They were also sucessfull in getting a promise of more trade, but only once the problem of the Carrion King was solved.

Now, they're ready to head into Book #2, and have enough briefing on Book #3 that it won't seem forced. Not a bad night's work.

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brassbaboon wrote:
Halidan, I'm not sure if I should be impressed or alarmed by your post. 10,000 miniatures!!! Wow.

I should mention that I started painting 30mm historicals (ACW and Napolionics) in 1975. When I started role playing in 1977, I just kept on painting

brassbaboon wrote:
I do like the individual foam compartment idea. I wonder if I can find a way to do that on the cheap.

Try using pistol and rifle cases. The plastic is actually tougher that the GW Army cases, the latches on many models are metal reather than plastic, and the foam is usually pre-perforated, so you can make any size compartments you want. If you can only find cases with the bumpy waffle-pattern foam, that's still good for holding 25-28mm figures. I recently added a couple of 4-pistol cases to my collection (which will hold 100+ figures on three levels) for $10 each.

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Chris P wrote:
My group will probably finish up D0 this Friday as written, plague and all. I now have D1 and was wondering how other groups (as in the players) made the transition.

I'm afraid that I'm doing a little something different with the D0 to D1 transition. I'm running both modules, plague and all. It may not answer your question, but I thought I'd post it anyway and get some feedback.

When the players first discover the ruins, the stairs down are choked with rubble and dirt. Completely impassable without dozens of person hours of labor. The PC's are already under a time constraint anyway with the folks dropping dead back in the village, so I doubt that they will worry once the have what they came for.

D1 will take place several weeks later. The players have been the toast of the town. Everyone knows their names, and some of the kids in town have taken to following them around (guess which ones!!!). One night, the kids end up playing "adventurer" and decide to "camp out near a dungeon" just like thier heroes did. However, since the real ruins are three days away and plenty dangerous, they decide to camp out near this old, burned out building not too far from town - which is the start of D1.

The heroes find out about the kid disapearing when one or more of the parents, includinga very wealthy lumber baron show up at their inn asking "what do you brave adventurers intend to do about it?" Clearly, they won't have much of a choice.