Halidan |
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Given how many parties are having problems with the Dinner Party scene, I decided that a little foreshadowing would be in order. My players have just finished clearing the village of Kelmarane. They were surprised when I told them they had a yuear off to do whatever they wanted to do.
Several wanted to re-make Kelmarane into a thriving market town. They made trips to several of the villages on the regional map in House of the Beast, solving problems, attracting trade, and making sure that the rooute north and south of the village were secure.
Then, I dropped the hint that asking one of the major merchant houses in Katapesh woulsd be the best way to get regular travel through the village. So they took a quick side trip to Katapesh, tried to see the leaders of the merchant houses, got a better look at how tightly the Pactmasters control things, and secured an invitation to a dinner party (as a bidder for the house's trade) so they know about this pleasant little tradition. They were also sucessfull in getting a promise of more trade, but only once the problem of the Carrion King was solved.
Now, they're ready to head into Book #2, and have enough briefing on Book #3 that it won't seem forced. Not a bad night's work.