Hakon007's page

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I would like to see some more ability drain spells, especially at lower level, I also feel there is a serious lack of damaging spells.

have you thought about putting more into allowing self created spells?
eg fire adds a burn effect
electricity adds a dazed effect
frost adds a slow effect
sonic adds a deafen etc

some damage types would do d6, some d8, some like acid do d12

you take a spell like bolt at level 0 ray at level 1, burst at level 2, blast at level 3, wall at level 4 etc
when you do you pick a damage type.

so my 2 1st level spells could be fire ray and frost ray
or at level 3 fire blast and acid blast.

I think making spells less rigid and just be templates that combine with other templates would allow for a much better magic spell list and help to differ it from games like d&d

it would also mean if the templates vary enough, millions of spell combinations to be made, allowing for truly unique characters to be played