Race |
STR +1 DEX +3 CON +2 INT +1 WIS +3 CHA +1 | ACP -2, Athletics +3, Culture +5, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +5, Prof (mercenary) +12, Sense Motive +7 | Laser Rifle +3, 1d8F |
Classes/Levels |
Gender |
Ryphorian Mystic (Mercenary) 1 | SP 8/8 . HP 10/10 . RP 4/4 . Resist Fire 5 | EAC 15 . KAC 17 | F +2 . R +3 . W +5 | Perception +9 . Initiative +3 . Move 25' | |
Alignment |
LG |
Deity |
Iomedae |
Languages |
Common, Draconic, Eoxian, Triaxian |
Strength |
13 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
17 |
Charisma |
12 |
About Hakathro Kell
Original Rolls
Hakathro Kell was a soldier in the Skyfire Legion, paired with the dragonkin warrior named Dagalax. He and Dagalax formed a very strong Partner Bond, and shared their inner thoughts with one another. During a battle, Dagalax died, but Hakathro had opened his mind to Dagalax only a moment before. Hakathro's mind became flooded with the pain and terror of Dagalax's final moments.
His mind nearly torn asunder, Hakathro convalesced in a military hospital until he was deemed to be fit enough to be discharged. Though he was believed to be unstable he had in fact gained inner insight into the workings of the mind, and found himself with mental abilities. Determined to continue fighting the good fight, even if the Skyfire Legion no longer wanted him, Hakathro looked around for a "good cause" he could dedicate his life to, and settled on the Starfinder Society.
Race: Ryphorian
Class: Mystic
Connection: Mindbreaker
Theme: Mercenary
HP 10 . SP 8 . RP 4
EAC 15, KAC 17
Fort: +2, Ref +3, Will +5
Move: 25 feet
Initiative: +3
1st Level: Heavy Armor Proficiency
1st Level Race Bonus: Longarm Proficiency
Special Abilities
* Bonus Feat
* Keen Senses: +2 bonus to Perception checks.
* Low-Light Vision
* Trimorphic: Fire Resistance 5
* Healing Touch (Su): Once per day, spend 10 minutes to heal an ally 5 HP.
* Share Pain (Su): spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to reduce damage you take from an attack by 1, and the foe takes that damage (will negates).
* Theme Knowledge (Ex): Reduce the DC of Culture checks and Profession (mercenary) checks to recall knowledge about hierarchies, practices, personnel, and so on in the military by 5.
Melee: (BAB +0, STR +1)
* Club +1, 1d6+1B Archaic
Ranged: (BAB +0, DEX +3)
* Azimuth Laser Rifle +3, 1d8F
Combat Gear:
* Hidden Soldier Armor (L2, 465 cr, EAC +3, KAC +5, ACP -2, MaxD +2, Move -5 ft., Upg. 1, Bulk 2)
* Laser rifle, Azimuth (L1, 425 cr, 1d8F, Range 120 ft., Crit: Burn 1d6, 20 charges, Usage 1, Bulk 1)
Total 890 cr, Bulk 3
Spells Per Day
1st: 3
Spells Known
0-Level (DC 13): detect affliction, stabilize, telepathic message, token spell
1st-Level (DC 14): detect thoughts, mind thrust I, mystic cure
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Life Science (Int), Medicine (Int), Mysticism (Wis), Perception (Wis), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis)
Theme adds Athletics (Str) as a class skill.
Armor Class Penalty: -2
Skill Ranks: 6+INT/Level = 7
Athletics +3 (1 rank, +1 STR, +3 Class, -2 ACP)
Bluff +1 (0 rank, +1 CHA)
Culture +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 Class)
Diplomacy +5 (1 rank, +1 CHA, +3 Class)
Intimidate +5 (1 rank, +1 CHA, +3 Class)
Mysticism +3 (0 ranks, +3 WIS)
Perception +9 (1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 Class, +2 Race)
Profession (mercenary) +12 (1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 Class, +4 Tools, +1 Clothing)
Sense Motive +7 (1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 Class)
Survival +3 (0 ranks, +3 WIS)
Miscellaneous Gear
__5 cr Professional Clothing (Mercenary) (L)
_10 cr Zero-G Environmental Clothing (L)
__5 cr Formal Clothing (dress uniform) (1)
_20 cr Professional's Tools (Mercenary) (L)
_15 cr Fire Extinguisher (L)
__5 cr Binders
__3 cr Hygiene Kit (1)
__3 cr Consumer Backpack (1)
__1 cr Flashlight (L) - attached to barrel of rifle
Total 67 cr, Bulk 3.5
Plus Combat Gear 890 cr, Bulk 3
Grand Total 957 cr, Bulk 6.5 (capacity 7.9)
Remaining cash: 43 cr