
Gwyan's page

No posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name





Sorcerer 10 / Ranger 5 / Bard 5










Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Orc

Strength 13
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 15
Charisma 19

About Gwyan

NG Male Emberkin Aasimar Sorcerer (Elemental bloodline: Fire) 10 / Ranger 5 / Bard 5

Init +2; Senses Darkvision, Perception +10

AC 20

hp 93

Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +15

Speed 60 ft.

+17 Longsword, 1d6+4 (+19, 3d6+4 vs. Goblinoids and Orcs)
+15 Quarterstaff, 1d6+1

Str 13, Dex 14, Con14, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 19

Base Atk +13; CMB +14; CMD +26

Eschew Materials
Flaring Spell
Great Fortitude
Heighten Spell
Lightning Reflexes
Maximize Spell
Mounted Combat
Quarterstaff Master
Silent Spell
Spell Focus (Evocation)
Still Spell
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)

Acrobatics +14
Bluff +14
Climb +9
Craft (alchemy) +15
Diplomacy +17
Intimidate +12
Knowledge (arcana) +17
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10
Knowledge (engineering) + 10
Knowledge (geography) +15
Knowledge (history) +16
Knowledge (nature) +14
Knowledge (planes) +16
Knowledge (religion) +14
Linguistics +12
Perception +10
Perform (oratory) +17
Ride +10
Sense motive +17
Spellcraft +18
Stealth +10
Survival +10 (+12 to track)
Use magic device +14

Clergy member
Indomitable faith

Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Orc

1st favored enemy: Outsiders (Evil)
1st favored terrain: Forest
2nd favored enemy: Humanoid (Orc)
Acid resistance 5
Bardic knowledge
Bardic performance
Bloodline arcana
Burnished skin
Cold resistance 5
Electricity resistance 5
Elemental blast 1/day; 10d6 fire, DC19 Ref. half
Elemental ray 7/day; 1d6+6 fire
Fire resistance 10
Hunter's bond (allies)
Inspire competence +2
Inspire courage +2
Lore master 1/day
Pyrotechnics 1/day as 20th-level caster
Versatile performance

Bard spells/day: 5/3
Bard spells known:
0 - Flare, Mage Hand, Message, Read Magic, Resistance
1 - Comprehend languages, Cure light wounds, Expeditious retreat, Remove fear
2 - Cure moderate wounds, Delay pain, Disguise self

Ranger spells/day: 2
Usually studied: Animal messenger, Delay poison

Sorcerer spells/day: 7/7/7/6/3
Sorcerer spells known:
0 - Arcane mark, Detect magic, Detect poison, Flare, Ghost sound, Light, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation
1 - Burning hands, Color spray, Detect secret doors, Hold portal, Mage armor, Snapdragon fireworks
2 - Arcane lock, Detect thoughts, Knock, Scorching ray, Share memory
3 - Daylight, Fireball, Greater magic weapon, Protection from energy
4 - Elemental body I, Lesser age resistance, Wall of fire
5 - Break enchantment

Amulet of natural armor +5
Bag of holding type I
Cloak of Elvenkind
+3 Goblin bane, Orc bane Longsword
Instant fortress
Obsidian steed: Figurine of wondrous power
Ring of protection +3
Ring of sustenance
Robe of useful items
Staff of the Magi

Gwyan looks handsome but worn. A lifetime spent living rough, travelling hard and burn scars suffered during his youth have reduced the lustre of an Aasimar's skin into a texture not unlike wrinkled leather. His hair has gone white from some of the things he has seen and he sports a full beard. Only his eyes have retained the beauty of his youth; bright blue and piercing, they draw in people who might otherwise be put off by Gwyan's appearance and allow them to see the charm he has cultivated over the course of a lifetime.
Gwyan's usual attire consists of clothing selected for comfort and strength of wear; a grey cloak and robe over light leathers. He walks with a staff, but his back is straight and his body surprisingly supple for his age (due in no small part to regular applications of the Lesser Age Resistance spell). Apart from his staff and his much-patched robe, Gwyan's other signature possession is a fine longsword with Elven runes on the blade.

Born forty-nine years ago in Cheliax to a couple of otherwise normal humans, Gwyan has had ample experience with evil. Evil is a society that reduces its people to slavery to devils in the name of law and order. Evil is a society that ostracizes those who look different and abuses them based on stereotypes.

When the family finally had to flee Cheliax or sell Gwyan to be able to pay off their debts, the young Aasimar learned to see the other faces of evil. Evil was also to brutally attack defenceless strangers, just to take the meagre belongings they carried on their backs. Evil was to leave your victims for dead after brutalizing them, even though they never even tried to fight back.

Gwyan survived - barely. Halfling wanderers found him passed out and bleeding on the road and nursed him back to health. For a time, Gwyan just drifted along with his rescuers, helping them in a desultory sort of way -- and then they were attacked by another band of bandits, virtually indistinguishable from the ones who slaughtered his family. Something inside him snapped, and his sorcerous powers manifested for the first time. As he watched the terrified marauders flee back whence they had come and the Halflings cheered him, Gwyan found a reason to continue living.

In the years since, Gwyan has wandered all throughout Avistan. He has seen battle with Orcs, fiends, and other spawn of evil. When decent folk need advice, he gives it to them. When good-hearted adventurers go off, he is a friend, a companion and an adviser to them. He has become friends with the most unlikely people, as his travels have taken him from the Elven courts of Kyonin to the Dwarven Sky-Citadels, from Halfling burrows to great human cities. He is as happy to see small acts of kindness as grand accomplishments, and his heart soars every time he manages to help someone do something good. While he is a skilled warrior and has seen his share of war, he does not exult in the battle itself; only in the good people he can save.

At any time, a band of adventurers may chance upon Gwyan anywhere in Avistan, either because their paths have crossed by accident or because he has intentionally sought them out to provide them with some clue they need to complete a mission. Of course, evil-minded adventurers may encounter him because he has made the decision to stop them before they can do more harm. With old age creeping up on him, though, the Aasimar is less prone to jumping into battle himself, preferring to take the role of advisor. Decades spent adventuring and studying have given him a wealth of knowledge and avice to share with new generations.

Daily applications of age-halting magic allow Gwyan to continue the rambling lifestyle he has been used to for so long, but he dreads the day when his magic will no longer be able to protect his body against the ravages of time. What Gwyan fears most is that eventually, he will become a weak and doddering old creature, ignored, unable to make a difference -- and unable to defend himself from the many enemies he has made with all of his 'meddling'. He has acquired an Instant Fortress against the day when his age will finally tie him down, hoping to at least outlast some foes by forcing them into a protracted siege. Gwyan knows he also has many friends, and that they -- or in some cases their children and even grandchildren -- would be happy and proud to be at his side if such a time ever comes, but he is determined not to be a burden on them.