Suit of Keys

Gwena Parianish's page

2 posts. Alias of Rennaivx.

Full Name

Gwena Parianish




Story summoner 10







About Gwena Parianish


Being poor in Kaer Maga had its challenges, but Gwena Parianish had spent her entire life rising to those challenges. There was always a way to get by, whether it was odd jobs for the innkeepers, performing with the bards and mummers, or relieving the less wary of their spare belongings. Gwena would serve as the distraction, relying on her natural charm to draw attention, while Hara, with her quick fingers and quick wits, would pick through bags and pockets for the choicest baubles. Their home in the slums was shabby but comfortable, a pair of rooms above a run-down shop. They had little, but they were happy together.

Then the caravan came, and the harrower set up her cart in the main town square. As they left to scout the crowd for some likely targets, Gwena's eyes fell on the ornate set of cards on the harrower's counter. Those would fetch a fortune. Her eyes darted around, and when no one was looking, one deft movement was all it took to make them her own.

They returned home that night, and Gwena and Hara shared a long kiss over her prize. These are amazing, Gwena! Hara beamed. Go on, pick a card. See what your future holds, she smirked, clearly putting little stock in the exercise.

Sure, I'll take one, Gwena replied with her own smirk, grabbing a card from the deck fanned out face-down in her lover's hands. But the second the card left the deck and she saw the fair woman bearing the severed head, something felt...wrong. All of a sudden, a strange doubt began to creep into her sunny attitude, and she heard a whisper in her mind.

Smiles and laughs and joy, for a time...but soon turning, betrayal, loss. It will be.


She dismissed the whisper at first, but it began to gnaw into her mind. I've heard stories of cards that could change the course of events, but I thought them mere fairy tales. Could this be one of them?

Hara listened to her worries, but dismissed them as tenderly as possible. She tried to draw her own card to allay Gwena's fears, but Gwena clutched the deck tightly to herself. Soon Gwena couldn't bear to speak to anyone, even her beloved. She withdrew completely into herself, terrified of the betrayal she feared imminent, and her Harrow deck never left her pocket for fear that someone else would fall victim to its curse.


Finally, Hara had had enough. Gwen! You're being silly! Her hand darted out for the pocket where she saw the square lump of the deck, and faster than Gwena could respond, Hara had the deck in her hand. Look, I'll take one, and nothing will happen! Nothing! She fanned out the deck and drew a card, Gwena grabbing furiously to try and snatch it away.

And then the card's face was revealed. Gwena had only an instant to see the bog, with the desparate hand emerging from its murk and the will-o'-the-wisps floating above.

She had only an instant, because the next moment Hara was gone, the cards scattering across the floor, and only a huge, flawlessly shaped gem rested on the floor where she had stood, faintly glowing and completely out of place on the rough floorboards of the apartment.



Gwena's shriek rent the night's quiet.


She began to sob and wail. She was the betrayal, she turned against me to rescue me, and she's gone! Gone!

Desperate, she began to shuffle through the pile of cards on the floor. I'll take one, I'll take one! she screamed to the empty room. I'll take it, spirits! I'll die in her place, I'll die to be with her, I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back! Please! Her words melted into a wail, and she grabbed a card from the pile at her feet.

The card's face bore a serpent with great, colorful wings. She stared at it uncomprehending - and then the same whisper crossed her mind.

Fortune smiles upon you this time. What is it you would ask of the spirits of the Harrow?


The serpent is a kindly one of our number. He will grant a desire of his holder - but choose wisely, for this will be his only gift.

Gwena did not even need a second. I want Hara back with me, freed from this! She grabs the gem from the floor and brandishes it toward the empty air, then draws the stone close and caresses it. Such a beautiful spirit - and you've taken her from me! I want my sweet Hara back! I want her by my side, for the rest of time!

So shall it be, then.


The cards began to blow in a non-existent wind, then rise from the floor into a swirling vortex. The gem in her hands began to glow and warm, humming with power. Then, with a loud crack, the stone shattered, and the light and warmth drifted from Gwena's arms into the swirling mass. The cards' movements began to trace out a vaguely humanoid figure, of a height with Gwena. Then the shape reached out its arm, and Gwena heard a voice in her mind.


Only her name, but she knew the voice instantly.

H...Hara? What...what's happened?

What you asked. You told the serpent you wished me by your side, forever. So they bound my soul and yours to their spirits, and used their cards to give me form. I'm truly yours now. The arm reached out for Gwena's cheek, and the Empty Throne and the Unicorn, swirling together to create the form's hand, gave a gentle caress.



Ever since that night, Gwena and Hara have been inseparable. Their binding to the spirits of the Harrow gave Gwena a measure of their potency of spirit, which has manifested itself over time as new arcane ability, and Gwena has sharpened and developed this magical ability, as well as her bond to her beloved.

A Pathfinder society venture-lieutenant traveling through the city took note of the small woman with the strange being at her side, and seeing her abilities, offered her a place in the Society. The pair accepted gratefully, and the two now travel together with the Society, exploring and studying under the Grand Lodge's leadership.

They return to Kaer Maga from time to time, but it holds little for them now. They have each other; what more do they need?

Appearance and Personality:

Gwena is 3'4" tall and weighs 32 pounds. A thick shock of unruly, bright pink hair tops her slight figure, and her skin echoes its pinkish tone. She dresses very simply, in clothes suited for traveling, with many pockets sewn into the lining and multiple satchels and bandoliers draped over her shoulders and chest. The most unusual feature of her appearance is behind her back, where cards ripple and swirl in the shape of broad wings nearly as tall as she is.

She travels with the Pathfinder Society for the sheer thrill of it; both herself and her constant companion Hara love to explore and experience new lands and people. The money doesn't hurt either, though - it's apparent from her frequently patched clothes and shrewd, slightly nervous manner that she has had to resort to less legitimate methods of supporting herself in the past.


Name Gwena Parianish

Basics Female Gnome Story summoner 10

Alignment, Size, Type N Small humanoid (gnome)

Speed 20 feet, fly 20 feet (good)


Initiative +6

Perception +16

Special senses: Low-light vision


AC 13 (touch 13, flat-footed 11)

(+2 dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +1 size)

HP 73 (10+9*7)

Fortitude +5 (+3 base, +2 CON)

Reflex +5 (+3 base, +2 DEX)

Will +8 (+7 base, +1 WIS; +2 v. illusions, +2 v. fear/despair)


Melee attacks

Weapon +0 (damage/critical range) (+1 size)

Ranged attacks

Weapon +0 (damage/critical range) (+1 size)


Strength: 11

STR +0

Dexterity: 14

DEX +2

Constitution: 15

CON +2

Intelligence: 12

INT +1

Wisdom: 12

WIS +1

Charisma: 20

CHA +5

Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +6 (+7 BAB, +0 STR, -1 size)

Combat Maneuver Defense 18 (+7 BAB, +0 STR, +2 DEX, -1 size)


Ease of Faith: +1 to Diplomacy, Diplomacy as class skill

Fast Talker: +1 to Bluff, Bluff as class skill


Weapon Finesse: Dexterity instead of Strength to attack

Spell Focus (conjuration): +1 to DC of conjuration spells cast

Augment Summoning: +4 Strength/Constitution to summons

Arcane Strike: +3 damage, weapon treated as magic as swift action

Improved Initiative: +2 initiative


(3/level; 2 class, 1 INT, 0 race, 0 background)

Skill name +0

Bluff +10 (1 rank, +5 CHA, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Diplomacy +10 (1 rank, +5 CHA, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Fly +6 (1 rank, +2 DEX, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (arcana) +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (local) +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (nature) +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (planes) +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (religion) +5 (1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Perception +16 (10 ranks, +1 WIS, +2 race, +3 class skill)
Sleight of Hand +3 (1 rank, +2 DEX)
Spellcraft +9 (5 ranks, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Stealth +6 (1 rank, +2 DEX, +3 class skill)
Use Magic Device +13 (5 ranks, +5 CHA, +3 class skill)

Armor check penalty: -0

~ denotes ACP-affected skill


Common, Gnome

Racial Characteristics:

Eternal Hope: +2 on saves v. fear/despair; 1/day reroll of natural 1 on d20 (replaces defensive training and hatred)

Fey Thoughts: Perception and Stealth class skills (replaces racial weapon familiarity)

Illusion Resistance: +2 on saves v. illusions

Keen Senses: +2 to Perception

Obsessive: +2 to Craft/Profession skill of choice

Gnome Magic: +1 to DC of illusion spells cast; 1/day dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak with animals SLA (CL 10)

Low-light Vision

Special Abilities:

Weapon/Armor Proficiency: simple weapons, light armor (no ASF in light armor)

Eidolon: detailed below

Life Link: summoner can sacrifice hit points on 1-1 basis to keep eidolon from being sent back to home plane

Summon Monster: 8/day, summon monster v as SLA (1 min/level, standard action) when eidolon is not summoned

Shield Ally: +2 shield bonus to AC and +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws when within eidolon's reach; does not apply if eidolon is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious

Maker's Call: 2/day, can call eidolon to side as per dimension door (CL 10) as standard action

Aspect: can divert up to 2 evolution points from eidolon to grant evolution to summoner (2 points taken from eidolon for flight evolution to Gwena)

Storykin Eidolon: eidolon susceptible to protection from evil; 8/day as standard action, can draw card from complete Harrow deck and touch eidolon with card to give +4 enhancement bonus to ability score matching card's suit for 5 rounds

Summon Arcana: when complete Harrow deck is used as focus for summon monster SLA, draw card and apply template to creatures based on alignment of card

Evolve Base Form: can change eidolon's base form at each new level

Eidolon - Hara:

Appearance and Personality
Hara appears as a circulating flurry of intricately illustrated Harrow cards. The mass tends toward the shape of a vaguely bipedal figure, about the same size as Gwena, with more cards forming the outline of a set of broad wings.

Name Hara Carianamash
Basics Female eidolon 10
Alignment, Size, Type N Small outsider
Speed 30 feet

Initiative +3
Perception +0
Special senses:

AC 10 (touch 10, flat-footed 10)
(+3 dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +1 size, +2 natural)
HP 56 (8*7)
Fortitude +6
Reflex +4
Will +6
Spell Resistance 21 (does not apply to spells from Gwena)
Damage Reduction 5/chaotic

Melee attacks
Weapon +0 (damage/critical range)

Ranged attacks
Weapon +0 (damage/critical range)

Strength: 13
STR +1
Dexterity: 15
DEX +3
Constitution: 11
CON +0
Intelligence: 7
INT -2
Wisdom: 10
WIS +0
Charisma: 11
CHA +0

Base Attack Bonus: +8
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +8 (+8 BAB, +1 STR, -1 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense 10 (+8 BAB, +1 STR, +3 DEX, -1 size)

Weapon Finesse: use Dexterity instead of Strength for attacks
Multiattack: secondary attacks with natural weapons take only -2 penalty
Rending Claws: extra 1d6 damage if both claw attacks hit in a round
Improved Natural Attack (claws): damage of claws increases by one step
Power Attack: -2 to attacks for +4 to claw damage, +2 to wing damage

(32 ranks)

Bluff (4 ranks, +0 CHA, +3 class skill)
Fly +12 (4 ranks, +3 DEX, +3 class skill, +2 size)
Linguistics +2 (1 rank, -2 INT, +3 class skill)
Perception +11 (8 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 class skill)
Sense Motive + (4 ranks, +0 WIS, +3 class skill)
Stealth +14 (4 ranks, +3 DEX, +3 class skill, +4 size)

Common, Gnome

Special Abilities

Darkvision: see in the dark up to 60 feet

Link: eidolon and summoner can mentally communicate across any distance; eidolon and summoner share magic item slots

Share Spells: can use self-only spells on eidolon

Evasion: for spells and effects that allow Reflex for half, no damage on a successful throw

Devotion: +4 to saves v. enchantment

Multiattack: Multiattack as bonus feat if eidolon has three or more natural attacks

Dancing lights 1/day SLA

Evolutions (14 evolution points, 2 taken through Aspect)

Claws (free), limbs(arms) (free), limbs(legs) (free), flight (2), wing buffet (1), magic attacks (1), basic magic(dancing lights) (1), SR 21 (4) DR 5/chaotic (3)

Light load maximum: 37.5 lb
Medium load maximum: 75 lb
Heavy load maximum: 112.5 lb
Lift off ground maximum: 225 lb
Drag maximum: 562.5 lb

Current weight carried: 0 lb

Item (cost) (weight)


Light load maximum: 28.5 lb

Medium load maximum: 57 lb

Heavy load maximum: 86.25 lb

Lift off ground maximum: 172.5 lb

Drag maximum: 431.25 lb

Current weight carried: 0 lb

Money: 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Item (cost) (weight)