Baron Hannis Drelev

Gulliver Salum's page

5 posts. Alias of Blue Drake.


Alias for a future Iron Gods game

About Gulliver Salum

Gulliver was born to a exiled, noble family. Originally of Galt, the family still held its proud roots of being one of the most prostigious wizard families of their old home. Too proud; for the family had eyes only for revenge against the town and regaining what they thought was their rightful spot, instead of becoming a boon for the new city-state of Gralton they now lived in.

Gulliver, being the only son, became the one they poured all their ambition and hope into. Given tutoring at a young age, Gulliver was crammed with knowledge and constantly quizzed on any subject that they happened to think important. Knowledge was the power of any wizard, they believed, so the more knowledge he had, the more powerful he would become.

When Gulliver showed signs of magic before he had even come fully of age, and decades before the rest of his family had, the family rejoiced. Doubled were the expectations, the quizzes, and the tutors. Finding himself with little time for himself, it wasn't until a year later that Gulliver found the true reason behind his arcane abilities, one that sickened him greatly.

His magic did not lie in tomes or knowledge. In fact, he would probably never need to read another, for his magic was not that of his parents. No, his was that of a sorcerer. It might of be okay for others, but his family loathed them. Seeing them as second-rate and pathetic, he knew the reaction he would get if it was ever discovered.

Gulliver lived a lie from then on, constantly hiding the truth of his abilities and passing them off as a wizard's spell, rather than a sorcerer's innate power. Always under the watchful eye of his parents and tutors, Gulliver found himself too stressed out to even study, and his progress slowed. It would only be a matter of time before he was found out.

That was why, when he heard of his second cousin's new project in the far-off town of Torch, Gulliver insisted on going to tutor under the mage. The man was detested by the family for his illegimate birth, as well as his strange area of study, but by using the excuse of getting a broader range of study, Gulliver managed to prod until he was allowed to go. So, with what little he had, he left for this relative that he had yet to ever meet, Khonnir Baine.

Khonnir Baine was a strange man, and as much as his parents obsessed over their lost position in Galt, this man obsessed over his field of study, a strange thing he called 'technology'. Strange and alien devices that Khonnir claimed come from the heavens, these items he studied seemed a pointless venture. That is, they seemed pointless until Khonnir showed Gulliver the secrets hidden within. Even the simplest device seemed to hold a fountain of mysteries.

Intricate, mysterious, and no monotonious tutors needed, Gulliver's innate curiousity took hold, and he grew to love this field of study as much as his distant relative. Gulliver no longer had to memorize whole books or string together long strands of supposed magic. Instead, he began to take apart and invent things with Khonnir, forming a close bond where once had been no connection.

As the months passed, his parents constantly contacted him about returning to help the family return to power in Galt. No longer under their sway and not caring about their politics, Gulliver ignored their communications time and again, and the inquiries came less and less often.

Instead, he modeled himself after Khonnir, learning how to create and find these pieces of 'technology'. He even let on about his innate power of sorcery, and Khonnir simply accepted it without looking down on him. Rather, he started to ask how he saw different spells at work through his power of a sorcerer, rather than the power of a wizard, putting his abilities to use.

Khonnir taught him a lot, but they also learned several things together as they worked on each piece. And they weren't alone, as they worked alongside the young girl Val. Rescued during Khonnir's escape from the Technic League, the girl was with Khonnir before even Gulliver. It wasn't long for the two to make friends, and though Val was still young, he could see her becoming a woman already. This thought would often confuse him as they formed a strong bond, making him question whether he liked her as just a friend.

However, the recent happenings in town has completely distracted him from both lovelife and study, as the precious purple flame of Torch has gone out. With nothing left but rubble and some strange liquid where the town's livelihood once sat, all of Torch is in an uproar about what happened. Khonnir, having found some caves now known as the Black Hill Caves, found a semi-human automaton, much their amazement. Though Gulliver longed to immediately investigate it with Khonnir, Khonnir insisted on searching the caves again. He has had yet to return several days later.

Distressed about his missing relative, Gulliver has sought out a few others to help him to search for his mentor. Though not confident in succeeding where other adventuring parties had already failed, he owed the man too much not too risk it all to save him. And though he did not practice divination, Gulliver felt that something big was around the corner.


Appearance and Personality:
Gulliver is an inquisitive man, though his parents have made him dislike book study. However, he loves mathematics and mechanics, finding his work with his mentor, Khonnir, enjoyable. While he stirs clear of fanatics, he generally gets along with others, though his life has taught him to live life for himself, rather than for others. However, he time with Khonnir has made him feel indebted to the man, and he has found an exception to that rule for him.

Gulliver is a tall Galton, with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes to match. He is usually wearing a long brown cloak with a red edging, a favored gift to him from Val. He keeps a small gizmo or piece of scrap with him at all times in case he finds time to work on it while in between activities. His intelligence often shows itself in his mental math and quick calculations. Unlike other braniacs, though, he does not to show off knowledge in other areas except mechanics, preferring to ignore his upbringing.

Gulliver thinks of Khonnir as a role model and mentor, though they are second-cousins. He thinks highly of the man, just as the rest of Torch does. Val has become a trusted friend, and maybe even more to Gulliver, though she's still young. He makes sure to always be on his best behaviour around her, though even he isn't fully sure why.

Gulliver's current goal is to find his mentor and rescue him if needed. He hopes to continue working on discovering things with the man, but with the loss of the flame of Torch, Gulliver feels that they won't be able to continue for a while. Maybe it would be a good time to take Khonnir up on the offer to search out rumors of technology once they're together again, bringing Val with them, of course.


Stat Block:
Gulliver Sullum
Male Human (Galton) Sorcerer (Wildblooded: Sage) 1; Age 18
TN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1

AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
HP 7
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)

Special Option
Arcane Bolt - Ranged touch attack: 1d4 + 1 per every 2 levels. 8 uses per day.

Str 9 (-1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 20 (+5), Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10

Alternate Racial Options
Comprehensive Education - All Knowledge skills become class skills; all knowledge skills given by a class gain a +1 bonus; replaces Skilled.

Campaign - Local Ties - +1 on Disable Device checks and it is a class skill; +3 instead if Technologist Feat
Social - Secret-Keeper - +1 on Bluff checks and on saving throws made to have to tell the truth

Eschew Materials - No cheap materials needed for spells
Spell Focus (Evocation) - +1 to DC of saving throws
Technologist - Considered trained for checks on technology

Skills (10 Ranks - 2 Class, 2 Background, 5 Int, 1 Favored Class Bonus)
Bluff +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 trait)
Craft (Mechanical) +9 (1 rank, 3 class, 5 Int)
Disable Device +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 Dex, 3 trait)
Knowledge (Arcane) +12 (1 rank, 3 class, 5 Int, 2 bloodline arcana, 1 racial)
Knowledge (Engineering) +10 (1 rank, 3 class, 5 Int, 1 racial)
Knowledge (Local) +9 (1 rank, 3 class, 5 Int)
Linguistics +6 (1 rank, 5 Int)
Perception +1 (1 rank)
Spellcraft +11 (1 rank, 3 class, 5 Int, 2 bloodline arcana)
Use Magic Device +4 (1 rank, 3 class)

Favored Class Bonuses
Sorcerer - Bonus Skill Point (x1)

Common, Hallit, Androffan, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Undercommon

Wildblooded (Sage)

CL 1st, Concentration +6

Sorcerer Spells
1 - 5
Spells Known
0 - Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Light, Read Magic
1 - Burning Hands, Technomancy

Dagger, backpack, bedroll, chalk (x2), chalkboard, mirror (small/steel)

Current Load - 10.5 (Light)
Loads - 30 (Light), 60 (Medium), 90 (Heavy)

4 pp 14 gp 8 sp 8 cp

Special Abilities
Arcane Bolt (Sp) - You can unleash a ray of magic force as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. This damage is treated as a spell of a level equal to half your sorcerer level, and is a force effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (which is Int with the Sage's bloodline arcana). You can use this 8 times per day currently.

Bloodline Skill - Sages receive any one Knowledge skill as a class skill. Gulliver took the Knowledge (Engineering) skill for his.
