
Guile's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Scarab Sages

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, sometime before, but my Google-fu is failing me.

What happens when a template is added to a creature with a fractional CR?

For instance, I need an advanced giant hawk. According to the Bestiary preview, a normal hawk has a CR of 1/3, and the Advanced Creature and Giant Creature templates each add +1 to the CR, for a total CR of 2-1/3.

What is the advanced giant hawk's final CR? Do I ignore or round down the original 1/3 and make it CR 2, or round up to CR 3?

Scarab Sages 1/5

So some time ago I accidentally marked our event (#60) as being completely reported, even though it's an ongoing, bi-weekly event. Does this make any difference, and how do I undo it?

Scarab Sages 1/5

Are characters allowed to rest and memorize spells during scenarios?

Scarab Sages

Does it take a while for a posted message to show up on the messageboards? I tried to post a message over in Pathfinder Society/General Discussion, but it's not showing up. My Account says I have posted 0 messages, but clicking "View your recent posts" shows the message. What gives?

Scarab Sages 1/5

For some reason I don't seem to be able to edit my own post, so I'll just add to it here.

I missed the thread that said to email results to Josh for now. Cool, but what info do we send?