-born and raised in a small Varisian family of entertainers, travelling the roads and thorps of the Magnimar holdings
- small birthmark vaguely resembling the rune of wrath was considered an omen by the families fortune Teller (Iolana), not necessarily an ill omen, but a troublesome one
- vicious Temper as a child, gets worse when hitting puberty, during a fit of rage he almost sets the wagon of the family leader (Iosif) aflame. Iolana recognizes his magical abilities. Since no member of the family is blessed with sorcerous powers and Grigore is considered too dangerous to keep around until he learns to master his bloods abilities, he was given into the tutorage of the Varisian sorceress Risa Magravi in Sandpoint. He lived with Koya Mvashti, a long time friend of his family who treated him like her own son.
- Staying in Sandpoint, Grigore learned to master the arcane powers flowing through his veins and with them, his temper as well. With time, he learned to be a boon to the Mvashtis and to the Magravis and, thanks to his charms and quick wit, he made quite a few friends in the small town
- he returned to travelling with his family two years ago, but the death of Niska Mvashti brought him back to Sandpoint (with his family, who all mourn the old friends passing