Zolan Ulivestra

Grigore Denusu's page

83 posts. Alias of JenkinsMyMan.

Full Name

Grigore Denusu


"Blue" | HP11/11|AC15(T11 FF14)|CMD15|F+3R+1W+5|Init+1|Per+8


Inquisitor(Royal Accuser) 1 | Sanity 35/36 |Threshold 3 | Edge 18


M 5'9" 175lbs








common, varisian, hallit

Strength 14
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Grigore Denusu


Grigore Denusu
LN Male Human (Humanoid) Inquisitor(Royal Accuser) of Kelinahat1
Init +1; Senses Perception +8;


AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
HP 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +3; Ref +1, Will +5; +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear effects


Speed 30 ft 20 ft in armor
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+3/19-20x2) or cold iron brass knuckles +2 (1d3+2/x2)
Special Attacks judgement 1/day, touch of darkness 1 round 5/day
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1; concentration +3)
...1st (2/day) DC 13—bless, protection from evil
...0 (at will) DC 12— acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, light, stabilize
Domain Darkness


Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats blind-fight, focused discipline, possessed hand
Skills heal [1] +7, arcana [1] +5,dungeoneering [1] +6, local [1] +6, religion [1] +6, perception [1] +8. Sense motive [1] +7, spellcraft [1] +5, stealth [1] +5
Languages common, varisian, hallit
Traits Region: Lepidstadt Scar; Drawback: Infamous;; Campaign: Methodical Mind (+1 dungeoneering, local, religion & considered to have skill focus with religion for research purposes)
SQ monster lore +2
Favored Class +1 spell known
Combat Gear cold brass knuckles, short sword, armored coat
Other Gear wooden holy symbol, patient outfit with soldier shirt/cloak masterwork backpack, cheap holy text, flint & steel, silk rope, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (7), canteen, candle (5), chalk (3), hat, garlic, empty belt pouch
Total Encumbrance 56/66

Feats and Traits:

Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 118
You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot clearly perceive.
Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of concealment (see Combat), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit.
An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don't lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn't get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker's bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded.
Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible attackers trying to hit you apply, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. The speed reduction for darkness and poor visibility also applies.
Special: The Blind-Fight feat is of no use against a character who is the subject of a blink spell.

Focused Discipline
Source Inner Sea World Guide pg. 286
Familiarity with the military traditions of your homeland inspires uncommon valor in you.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. Whenever a fear effect targets you and fails to affect you (either because of a successful saving throw or because of immunity to fear), you gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and CMB checks against the creature that attempted to use the fear affect on you for 1 round.

Possessed Hand
Source Haunted Heroes Handbook pg. 25
You’ve made a peaceful and permanent bargain with a ghost, spirit, or outsider. It possesses your hand, guiding and aiding you in exchange for help in return.
Benefit: You attract a ghost, spirit, or outsider with personal motivations to possess your hand. This usually involves some sort of mutually beneficial pact or agreement. Your possessed hand helps you in numerous ways, but its periodic, uncontrolled antics are distracting; you take a permanent –2 penalty on concentration checks once you gain this feat.
Any attack you make with a one-handed weapon, light weapon, unarmed strike, or natural attack with your possessed hand gains a +1 insight bonus on the attack roll and damage roll. You also gain a +1 insight bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks. Once per day as a swift action, you can retrieve any stowed object you carry on your person, provided the object weighs no more than 5 pounds.

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Lepidstadt Scar
Source Advanced Class Origins pg. 15
Category Region
Requirement(s) Ustalav
You engaged in nonlethal duels at Fifthstones Hill so often that you gained a visible (though minor) scar on your face. Because of this experience, you’re unflinching in the heat of combat, calmly analyzing how to lessen the impact of a foe’s best attacks. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attack rolls made to confirm a critical threat against you.

Source Spymaster's Handbook pg. 7
Category Drawback
You were publicly linked, truthfully or not, to a crime of significant infamy. You draw attention wherever you go and risk imprisonment or worse in the jurisdiction where the crime was committed. You and your apparent allies take a -4 penalty on Diplomacy checks to interact with law-abiding citizens (except enemies of the authority that accused you).

Methodical Mind
Source Strange Aeons Player's Guide pg. 9
When you awake with nothing but hazy memories, you begin carefully cataloging your thoughts to determine the reasons for your condition and where you might be. This comforts you, and you know deep down that you have always relied on your ordered mind and pragmatic approach to face challenges. You use this focus and sensibility to your advantage as you investigate your current dire situation.

Choose three Knowledge skills. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge checks of these kinds and on concentration checks. In addition, choose one Knowledge skill. When researching, you are considered to have Skill Focus for that Knowledge skill when determining what die you roll to reduce a library’s knowledge points (kp).

Class Abilities:

Class Skills: A royal accuser adds Knowledge (local) to his list of class skills, instead of Knowledge (nature).
This alters the inquisitor’s class skills.

Meticulous Inspection (Ex): A royal accuser gains a morale bonus equal to 1/2 his inquisitor level on all Perception checks (minimum +1).
This ability replaces stern gaze.

Domain: Like a cleric’s deity, an inquisitor’s deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, and her values. Although not as tied to the tenets of the deity as a cleric, an inquisitor must still hold such guidelines in high regard, despite that fact she can go against them if it serves the greater good of the faith. An inquisitor can select one domain from among those belonging to her deity. She can select an alignment domain only if her alignment matches that domain. With the GM’s approval, an inquisitor can be devoted to an ideal instead of a deity, selecting one domain to represent her personal inclination and abilities. The restriction on alignment domains still applies.

Each domain grants a number of domain powers, depending on the level of the inquisitor. An inquisitor does not gain the bonus spells listed for each domain, nor does she gain bonus spell slots. The inquisitor uses her level as her effective cleric level when determining the power and effect of her domain powers. If the inquisitor has cleric levels, one of her two domain selections must be the same domain selected as an inquisitor. Levels of cleric and inquisitor stack for the purpose of determining domain powers and abilities, but not for bonus spells.

Judgment (Su): Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.

At 1st level, an inquisitor can use this ability once per day. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor can use this ability one additional time per day. Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at which point all of the bonuses immediately end. The inquisitor must participate in the combat to gain these bonuses. If she is frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise prevented from participating in the combat, the ability does not end, but the bonuses do not resume until she can participate in the combat again.

When the inquisitor uses this ability, she must select one type of judgment to make. As a swift action, she can change this judgment to another type. If the inquisitor is evil, she receives profane bonuses instead of sacred, as appropriate. Neutral inquisitors must select profane or sacred bonuses. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

Orisons: Inquisitors learn a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table 2–4 under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Orisons prepared using other spell slots, such as those due to metamagic feats, are expended normally.

Racial Abilities:

+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain 1 additional skill rank at 1st level and 1 additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common and their ethnic language. Humans whose ethnic language is Common (or Taldane, in the case of Chelaxians or Taldans) do not receive an additional ethnic language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

What makes up a person?:

Likes: Organization and order are of prime importance to Grigore and he is a firm believer that order is required for society to prosper. Grigore has a fascination with pocket watches and probably had a small collection at one point. For as rigid as he can come across, Grigore loves poetry.

Dislikes: Disorganization irritates Grigore in a manner which few other things can. A native of Ustalav, hating undead is as natural to Grigore as breathing. Grigore hates seeing when the punishment is far worse than the crime and seeing the falsely accused punished.

Quirks: Grigore often will begin a sentence with "As I was saying" even when it’s the first thing he’s said. When deep in thought, Grigore will repeatedly crack the knuckles on his left hand over and over.

Phobias: You would be hard pressed to convince Grigore to travel over open water - once the shore is out of comfortable swimming distance he becomes agitated.

[dice=Cold Iron Knuckles]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Confirmation if needed]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Crit if needed]1d3+3[/dice]