
Gridger Rusk's page

235 posts. Organized Play character for Batpony.

Full Name

Gridger Terra Rusk




Two-handed Fighter 5 | HP: 46/46 | AC:24 (27) T:14 FF:21 | CMB:10(+1 to dmg objects) CMD:23(+1 Sunder) | Saves F:6 R:5 W:2 | Init:3 | Per:0 | Combat Stamina 7/7


Neutral Good


Common, Terran

Strength 19
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 10
Charisma 6

About Gridger Rusk


At a young age, Gridger grew up in an orphanage, abandoned by his parents. Because of his stone like skin, he was shunned be the other children and as a result grew up with poor social skills, and speaks with broken grammar. He often enjoyed the company of animals and nature, as a result, grew more favourable to humanoids of the elemental or animal background, and have a strong dislike for normal humanoids, although growing up his hatred lessened.
Often, to pass time, he read stories of legendary swordman, as such, when he became of age, he decided to pursue the sword arts on his own, learning through reading and also through others he has met on the road. As such started to travel the world to broaden his mind, and to document the different styles of swordplay, to become the greatest sword fighter ever. He then joined the pathfinder society, as a means to meet other swordsman to accomplish his journey, and so, the journey begins.

Gridger Rusk (Fame:27)
Oread Two-Handed Fighter 5
NG Medium humanoid (Oread)
Init +3, Senses Dark vision 60ft, Perception +0

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AC 24(+2 for Rays), touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+9 Armor +1 Enchanment, +3 Dex, +1 Natural)
hp 46
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2

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Speed 15 ft with armor (20ft base)
Melee +1 Mwk Greatsword +13 (2d6+12 /19-20)
+1 Mwk Greatsword (Combat Expertise, Swordplay style) +13(2d6+12)/ +3AC(+2 Dodge +1 Shield)
Power Attack -2Atk, +6Dmg(Power Atk*1.5)
Range (+3 str) Mwk Longbow +8 (d8+3/x3)
Offensive abilities Stamina pool: 7 (BAB + Con mod)

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Str 20 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 6
Base Atk +5 CMB +10(+1 to dmg objects) CMD 23(+1 Sunder)
Traits Fast Talker, Advantageous Distraction (We be goblins too boon)
Feats Combat Stamina, Weapon Focus(Greatsword), Combat Expertise, Swordplay Style(WMH), Power Attack, Improved Feint
Skills Bluff +7, Profession(Scribe) +4, Survival +4
Languages Common, Terran
SQ Ferrous Growth, Crystalline Form
Other Granite Skin, Combat Stamina

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Armor Mithral Full Plate +1 Belt Chain Belt Body Chest Eyes Feet Hands Head Headband Neck Ring Ring Shoulder Cloak of Resistance +1 Wrist
Other Gear Backpack,Grappling Hook, Flint & steel, silk rope, mirror, bedroll, rations (4), signal whistle, waterskin, iron pot, club, chain belt, Wand of CLW(48), +1 Mwk Cold Iron Greatsword, Arrows (19), Mwk Composite Longbow (+3) , Cloak of Resistance +1

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Granite Skin (Racial Trait) +1 Natural Armor Bonus to AC
Combat Stamina You gain a stamina pool. After you make an attack roll with a manufactured weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack with which you are proficient, but before the results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost.
Special: Since you have a stamina pool, you can spend your stamina points to use any combat tricks associated with combat feats you possess.
Combat Expertise: You can select this feat even if you don’t meet the ability score prerequisite (Intelligence 13). You gain the benefit of this feat only as long as you have at least 1 stamina point in your stamina pool. If you spend stamina points to raise an attack roll using the Combat Stamina feat’s benefits, ignore an amount of your Combat Expertise penalty equal to the number of stamina points you spent.
Power Attack: When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the benefits and the hindrances of that feat until the end of your turn, instead of until your next turn.
Ferrous Growth (Sp) Oreads with this racial trait learn how to mimic the magic of their shaitan ancestors. Once per day, such an oread can cause a touched piece of nonmagical iron or steel to grow into an object up to 10 pounds in weight, such as a sword, crowbar, or light steel shield. This object remains in this form for 10 minutes or until broken or destroyed, at which point it shrinks back to its original size and shape
Crystalline Form (Ex) Oreads with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays thanks to their reflective crystalline skin. In addition, once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat. This racial trait replaces earth affinity.
Advantageous Distraction (Ex) Once per day as a swift action, you can be momentarily distracted in combat, when you activate this ability, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
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CHRONICLE BOONS (active & unused) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Explore, Report, Cooperate (5-08,6-10)
Friend of Janira Garvix (5-08) +1 bonus on knowledge checks attempted while in Grand Lodge (active)
Prized Find (6-10) Earn 1 PP if fail to earn the secondary success condition
Gripplis' Favor (6-14) +2 bonus on Charisma bonus to influence Gripplis (active)
Scholar of Ashkurhall(6-16) +1 bonus on Appraise, Knowledge, or Linguistics check examining architecture, objects, or writing of dwarven origin OR use substitute Perception or Sense Motive for the check
Sky Key Component (Sargava)(6-16) (active)
Stinkeye's Friend (6-16) +4 insight bonus on a saving throw to avoid gaze effects
Vanei's Friend (6-16) Once per scenario, reroll a failed Bluff, Diplomacy, or Knowledge check pertaining to the Aspis Consortium. If the sceond check fails, cross this boon. (active)
Infiltrator (6-16) Before rolling Stealth, choose one other ally rolling Stealth for the same circumstance. After rolling the check, you and this ally both use the higher of your two results, including all bonuses and modifiers.
You really be Goblin(We be Goblins too)
Blessing of Malikeen (7-06) Standard action to discharge (psychic energy from a statuette of a yeti cradling a child) to gain effects of endure elements spell against cold only, and to treat your altitude zone as one category lower (PRPG Core pg430)
Ley Line Scholar (7-06) When in Amanandar, Jinin, Wanshou, and Zi Ha, gain +1 bonus to effective caster level for all spells and spell like abilities.
Ally of the Green (7-14) As a standard action, eat a goodberry (heal 1d4+1), or feed to an adjacent plant creature to grant it 5 temp hp and benefits of divine favor (CL 6th) for 1 minute. (0/3 used)
Righteous Redemption (8-07) check this box to receive goodies (two scrolls of lesser restoration)
Worthy Foe (8-07) (0/3 used) Gain the following benefit vs dragons and humanoids with the reptilian subtype for 1 round as a swift action. +2 bonus on attack and weapon, and +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Hellknight's Respect (7-25)
Visage of the Broodlord (7-25)