
GrenMeera's page

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So, I was curious if I'm interpreting this wrong and was wondering if there's another way to look at this.

The Nightmare Rook, while in Nyrissa's realm, is one of the only things that can go above the 200 foot high treetop level.

His spire is a mile high.

His tactics are to use flyby attacks, and retreat to his spire if things aren't going his way.

How can you possibly harm this thing? The players cannot actually follow him above the treetops and his fly speed allows him to go above 200 feet in one round if "running" (sacrifice AC for quad move). A mile high is out of the range of basically all spells as well.

Our GM has been hitting us once, then retreating immediately to safety. Unless we happen to be able to kill him during one flyby attack, which our party make-up is having difficulty doing (Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple, Magus, Cleric, Rogue/Shadowdancer), this seems like he's impossible to damage enough to win.

The GM has given us all of this info, and I don't want any more spoilers to the game, I just want some advice as to what tactics could we possibly employ. Our Magus has almost all of the spells available to him, but the Sorcerer is missing any form of paralysis/staggered spells due to saves being too easy to pass.

Going through the boards about viable builds for quite awhile now, I've noticed one thing that drastically surprised me for my current player class. Very little mention of touch attack spells is made in reference to Dragon Disciples. I'm wondering if comments could be made to my build's viability, or perhaps somebody can enlighten me why this build has never been "touch attacked" upon. Also, while I'm creating a thread, I'm not against getting advice for the character in general so I will drop a small bit of info for our party make-up.

One reference that I would like to use, is Osterisk's DD guide, so if you have not read it, I'd suggest it at least for quick reference of ideas.

A little background info, I am in a small group in the Kingmaker campaign (please do not use spoilers in this thread). My party contains a Shadowdancer, a melee battle oriented Cleric of Gorum, a Magus with high AC and low HP, and myself as a Dragon Disciple. Basically this means our group isn't the best balanced in the world, but we have high damage output despite our low survivability. It happens, we're not min/max optimizers really and are glad that we're trudging along.

I ran through Edge of Anarchy and had an interesting idea to make a character that is a human blue dragon sorcerer, who has ties to Kazavon and one of his many consorts. His history involves more about being a Varisian living inside of Korvosa. From Osterisk's guide, I'm aiming more for the "Beast Caster" idea, which is to say that I want to be versatile between magic and melee.

Magical Knack (Sorcerer) - Useful for keeping those variable damage dice up to par when multi-classing.
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) - Intensify as often as possible.

Spell Focus (Evocation)
Varisian Tattoo (Evocation)
Combat Casting - Casting defensively is a big deal with the intent.
Empower Spell
Intensified Spell

(note: It seems like Kingmaker is very friendly to abilities that are limited in daily use. I've never once ran out of claw attack rounds in a single day).

The real focus to this is, as a blue dragon-blooded sorceror, you add +1 damage to every electricity spell; you can deliver touch attack spells through natural attacks; shocking grasp is an electricity based touch attack spell.

Why are there no builds using this as a primary means of delivering spells? So far, I am dropping a TON of damage simply by preparing myself before a fight and using my natural attacks. As a Dragon Disciple, my claw/claw/bite isn't too bad with my strength shooting through the roof, but adding on all the shocking grasp damage means I can one-shot a large number of enemies. Also, there are a few other good touch attack spells like Touch of Idiocy and Vampiric Touch that come in handy while clawing away like a madman.

For example, at lvl 9, I can cast Empowered Intensified Shocking Grasp on myself and hold the charge as a level 3 spell (level 1 + 2:Empower + 1:Intensify - 1:Magical Lineage). This does 10d6 X 1.5 + 10 damage before I even add in my claw (Intensify raises cap to 10, Caster level is 10 due to Varisian Tattoo and Magical Knack, 1.5 multiplier due to Empower of variable effect, + 10 because of electricity damage Bloodline Arcana). The average mean of this damage is 62. If I hit with all three attacks of claw/claw/bite, the mean damage will be 93 total. That's not bad for a full round attack at lvl 9 with a preparation round to cast. (This is without Enlarge Person, which I normally have if I'm prepared enough).

At level 15, I will have Quicken as a bonus feat and will take Spell Perfection (Shocking Grasp). This means I can cast Quickened Empowered Intensified Shocking Grasp as a swift action and full round attack at the same time. This damage output will be every round (plus my attacks will have improved to higher damage).

Granted it seems very one trick pony. I wonder if it's too much reliant on Shocking Grasp being my bread and butter. However, whenever I come across something immune to magic (stupid Will-O-Wisp) or electricity immune, I still have my regular melee brawl claw/claw/bite which isn't too shabby on it's own. Also, it's not like I don't have other spells as a sorcerer in case it's Empowered Fireball dropping time. Is there a huge weakness to this idea? Am I going to regret how this plays out at higher levels? Is there a feat or item I'd better get or I'll lie sizzling on the floor while the demi-lich above me laughs maniacally? I don't often end up as a player in higher level games, so I'm unsure if this seems better than it actually is.

Advice or comments?

So I've been preparing to run the CotCT adventure path for the past few weeks, and finally decided to sit the group down and create characters. Only three of them managed to finish.

What my players came up with shocked me, as they apparently decided to make the easiest tie-ins I've ever seen. Perhaps they used their own Harrow deck to know the outcome of this AP? In any case, I was highly entertained and thought I'd share.

The first to tell me their ideas came at me with a back story of drug abuse. Apparently, while working as a dock worker in Old Korvosa, he became addicted to Shivers. Getting lost in the drug and no longer able to keep paying, he began looking to Gaedren Lamm to support his habits.

Now where can I possibly find a dockside solution to acquiring Shivers? *evil grin*

The second player decided to become a cleric of Pharasma. He wanted to know if there was a way he could live in the Gray District and hunt necromancers who are digging up body parts. *blink*

The third player actually created a member of the Korvosan Guard! She looks up to Sabina Merrin as an idol, and specifically asked if she could take orders from Field Marshal Cressida Kroft.

Players can make it all too easy. Edge of Anarchy is going to be fun.

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