Silverblood Werewolf

Greiki Muginn's page

22 posts. Organized Play character for Agent Eclipse.


| SP: 7/7 HP: 10/10 | RP: 4/4 | EAC: 13 KAC: 14 | F: 1 R: 4 W: 3 | Init: +2 | Perception: +7 (Blindsight: Hearing/Scent 60/30) | Speed 30 | Active Conditions:


| Buoy 1/1 |


Vlaka Envoy 1

About Greiki Muginn

708-Greki Muginn
Vlaka tempered pilgrim[pw] envoy 1 Character Operations Manual, Interstellar Species 135
LG Medium humanoid (vlaka)
Init +2; Senses blindsight (hearing) 60 ft., blindsight (scent) 30 ft.; Perception +7
Defense SP 7 HP 10 RP 4
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +3
Resist cold 5
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged azimuth laser pistol +2 (1d4 F; critical burn 1d4)
Offensive Abilities cooperative[IS], get 'em
Str 10 (+0); Dex 14 (+2); Con 13 (+1); Int 8 (-1); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 16 (+3)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +7, Profession (Writer) +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +6; (reduce the DC of Culture checks by 5 when recalling information about a culture's customs and related topics)
Feats Bodyguard
Languages Common, Vlakan
Other Abilities blind, buoy[IS], motivation expertise[COM]
Other Gear second skin, azimuth laser pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), credstick (400 credits)
Special Abilities
Blind (Ex) A blind vlaka has blindsight (hearing) with a range of 60 feet, blindsight (scent) with a range of 30 feet, and the blinded condition (Starfinder Core Rulebook 273). The vlaka is naturally sightless, so the blinded condition can be removed only by effects that grant sight to creatures with no natural vision.
Buoy (1/until you regain SP) (Ex) As a standard action, a vlaka can spend 1 Resolve Point to restore 1 RP to an ally within 30 feet. A vlaka can’t use this ability again until she has taken a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points. This is a sense-dependent, mind-affecting ability.
Cooperative (Ex) This creature gains a +2 bonus to skill checks for the aid another action and to attack rolls to provide harrying fire. A creature using the aid another action to assist this creature gains a +2 bonus to the skill check.

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