
Green Lantern, Sector 2814's page

13 posts. Alias of Mac Boyce.


Aberzombie wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Is this because you lost your mind? I said you have many unwilling targets here for a replacement brain.

eyes Mac's skull


Bring it ZOMBEH!!!! My will is stronger than ever!!!!!!!

IGN just posted a Green Lantern review. They said it sucked. I think I'm about to cry....

Moorluck wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Kids are watching Scooby Doo... I think I may put on GL or Batman vs Red Hood.
What's wrong with Scooby Doo??
We only have one DVD... he's been watching it all morning. O.o


I vote Green Lantern....but I'm biased...

Crimson Jester wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Speaking of summer movies anyone else really looking forward to Captain America and Thor?
Thor I at first did not have high hopes for but the trailers are growing on me. Since Iron Man was not bad and The Incredible Hulk was OK as well, I hope that these two movies are going to be worth the price of admission. I would hate another Daredevil.

I think that both movies are going to be very good. Now that they are connecting the movies into one universe, it's gonna be SWEET!

"Green Lantern" is going to destroy both, but I might be a little biased....

Are you excited or worried for the Green Lantern movie??

1) Nice Pari-Facts

2) Never saw LoTR cartoon or Hobbit...maybe....I was REALLY young when they came out.

3) You have a will Drow??? I thought the wife has control over that when she give BttH???

4) I. Want. A. New. 360. A man can only play so much BG 2 before he goes crazy.

5) Holiday game on the 30th!!!! 14-16th level PATHFINDER only characters. Any suggestions?? No level adjustment.

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:

Which is the more powerful Green Lantern?

This scary bastidge
rather this one.

Your second picture link doesn't work. So by default the first one wins.

EDIT: It works now??? But Batman is cooler. He's Batman.

Solnes wrote:
Green Lantern, Sector 2814 wrote:
taig wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:


Why are there not enough hours in the day?

I think I'll go to bed and cry myself to sleep...

Nite All. Have Fun!

Flash is not emo!!!! That's only reserved for the Kyle Rayner. :)



We have a Logans! And I don't think Kyle Rayner is emo! I can has free stuffs? >.>

All you had to do was say something!!!

U kan haz fre stuffs.

taig wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:


Why are there not enough hours in the day?

I think I'll go to bed and cry myself to sleep...

Nite All. Have Fun!

Flash is not emo!!!! That's only reserved for the Kyle Rayner. :)



Badgah and anyone else interested:

I asked you about Logan's because I can send you free stuff. ;) Hint.

Urizen wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:

Does Paizo sell baby clothes???

I was to get him a Pathfinder nightie.

As for the Sith Lord...soon. Very soon.

Should I be expecting an application?
Not mine!!!
Which reminds me, I need to deal with Sinestro accordingly.


If Cthulhu invaded Golarian, how would the pantheon react?

Callous Jack wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:

Me. Thanks for noticing.

Been getting that feeling alot.

Who are you again?

I win!

No you're naked.

And let me put a towel around you.

Makes a small green towel with his ring

Now, where's Flash???