The Rake

Grant Philips's page

81 posts. Alias of Uret Jet.

Full Name

Grant Philips


"White Collar" | Human


17/36 HP | AC 18 | TAC 12+2 Vs. FA | CMD 24 | Action Points: 5/5 | DR 6/-




5'6; 140lbs.








English, Spanish, American Sign Langague, French, German, Esperanto, Mandarin, Hindi


Insurance Consultant

Strength 30
Dexterity 10
Constitution 18
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 15

About Grant Philips

Grant Philips is a 40 year old single father, working as an insurance consultant at a local firm. He suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, needing to use at least a walking stick to get around or his wheelchair when he's having a bad day. His daughter, Gabriela Philips, is a highly independent twelve year who's already starting to show signs of the hereditary disease.
Grant wishes to obtain enough money working his job to cover future medical expenses his daughter may require, perhaps even a cure if one became available. He also wishes to get back in touch with his ex wife whom he still holds affection for, but left him almost six years ago when she felt his condition became too much.
A structured and organized man, Grant strongly values the laws and regulations of society and the workplace. But above this, he respects people that look out for and protect their family even if they're breaking the law to do so.
Responsibility of Power: Grant knows that power can easily corrupt those that obtain it, which goes triple for superhuman abilities. If he were to obtain powers Grant would seek to use them for responsible and just means, such as helping those that need it or refusing to abuse them for his own gain.


Grant Philips
Male Human Expert 3
LN Medium humanoid (Human)
Init 0; Senses Perception +8, Normal human senses
AC 18, touch 12+2 Vs. FA, flat-footed 18 (+2 armor, 0 Dex, +2 Class, +4 Natural)
Fire Resistance 5
hp 26 (3d8+12)
Fort +2 , Ref +1 , Will +5
Speed 30ft.
+6 1d6+10 20x2
Ranged None
Special Attacks None
Str 30, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 24
Feats; Skill Focus: Diplomacy, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow
Racial Features: Skilled
Traits N/A
Drawbacks N/A
Skills ;
*Bluff +8 (+2 CHA, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
*Diplomacy +11 (+2 CHA, +3 Rank, +3 CS, +3 SF)
*Linguistics +10 (+4 INT, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
*Perception +8 (+2 WIS, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
*Sense Motive +8 (+2 WIS, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
*Research +10 (+4 INT, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
* Knowledge: Business +10 (+4 INT, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
* Knowledge: Current Events +7 (+4 INT, +3 Rank)
* Computer Use +10 (+4 INT, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
* Profession: Insurance Consultant +8 (+2 WIS, +3 Rank, +3 CS)
Languages English, Spanish, American Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Hindi
Strength raised to 30
Dex raised to 10
Con raised to 18
Super Strength 2
Leaping 4 Ranks
DR 6/-
Natural Armor +4
LIMITER These powers may only be initially activated by spending 1d4 rounds to focus. They last for as long as the scene allows.