Goblin Dog

Grandmother of Wererats's page

6 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

aside -- to the other Lusty Fools:

I still think we should go to you-know-who first and let that person know we've heard of a problem -- get that person on our side and then ambush the Witch of Eye at Bolingbroke's home.

What if we ambush Bolingbroke's home and do not find proof of what The Witch has been planning? What if Bolingbroke and the Witch of Eye have you-know-who with them when we sneak in?

My vote is to make haste and meet with that person, introduce ourselves as the ones who recently eliminated both the Werewolf and Wererat threats and have heard of a vile Witch. Then that person will be on our side, supporting us against this "mysterious" Witch.
to Grandmother:
Thank you for accepting our offer of peace. And yes, please tell us all that you can about Bolingbroke's home as well as what you've seen of his supernatural powers and hers.

If, afterall, we fail in our first attempt and have to retreat and try again -- doubtful as that may be -- you could be in danger of the Witch's retaliation. ...It will be obvious that you sent us there when we emerge from your secret entrance.

Grandmother contemplates for a moment, her eyes closed and whiskers trembling, anxiously wringing her paws....

The Witch is more powerful than Bolingbroke, but he's dangerous, too.... Both can fly.... Both can charm the weak-willed, or lay a sleeping hex on ye.... A wee little devil lives in Bolingbroke's house and advises him in all matters.... The Witch is also served by such a wee devil.... A pair of hounds o' hell guard Bolingbroke's bedchamber.... And a hidden acid bath under his foyer can be opened under the unwary by a switch on the overlooking balcony....

Very well, Catrina.... But please, be careful, child! If Bolingbroke or The Witch of Eye discover you aiding their enemies, you're likely to end up as a mouse or a newt!

Grandmother sighs in resignation.... Or perhaps relief?

It would be better for all if we could return to our old ways of quiet and peaceful scavenging.... The Warrens grow too crowded with those given the gift as it is.... You might try ambushing the Witch at Bolingbroke's manor.... We have a secret way in, if you would like to be shown....

Grandmother seems to relax a little in response to Tyr's and his allies' peaceful appeals....

Forsooth, it was on the orders of The Witch of Eye that we have been wreaking havoc above.... She commands us in the name of Conflagratius, the dreaded fire dragon from Mercury, to sow discord amongst the townsfolk of London-Town.... Before she came to us with this decree, we only rarely came into conflict with the humans above, and survived by foraging and scavenging, only rarely stealing from our human neighbors, such that they hardly knew we existed.... Indeed, it was a more peaceful time.... Until the dragon came, and sent the Witch to command us....

Grandmother reflects sadly on the turn of events that has led her kin into violent conflict with the humans of London....

If we agree to help you, are you certain you can defeat the Witch? And even if you can....what about the fire dragon? Will he not destroy the town above with his deadly breath?

Grandmother looks at each of The Lusty Fools warily, noting their formidable appearances and the weapons they bare, particularly the green-glowing Green Thorne in Paddy's hand, the pearlescent-glowing Foereaper in Alphonse's hands, and the sleek and deadly-looking VenomFang held by Hisao (unless he is currently invisible, of course)....

Welcome to The Warrens, strangers.... I do hope you come in peace, now.... For I am deeply pained to hear that you have already murdered a score of my kin.... Tears well up in the great old wererat's gray eyes....

As Catrina enters leading a band of dangerous-looking, armed and armored adventurers, Grandmother nearly chokes on a mouthful of cheese....

*COUGH!!*.... *COUGH!!*.... What in the.... Um, Catrina, my dear.... Who are these.... Um, visitors?

She sits up on the divan.... A group of six armed Wererats in hybrid form close rank in a semicircle in front of her, wicked-looking short swords drawn....