HP 1/15 | AC 14 | Init. +3| Saves STR -1 DEX +5 CON +1 INT +4 WIS +0 CHA +5| spd 30 | Perc. +2; Pass. 12
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack, Bardic Inspiration, Cunning action, Jack of all trades
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orcish
Investigator of the City Watch
About Gram Luthar
Gram Luthar
Race:Human Background:Investigator Class combo:Bard (Lore)/Rogue(Inquisitive)
STR 9 (-1) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 14 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 16 (+3)
HP 9(HD: 1d8)
AC 14
Initiative +3
Speed: 30' Land
Proficiency +2
Alignment: LN
Saving Throws:Cha,Dex,Int
Skills: Insight, Investigation,Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Slight of Hand
Weapons:Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Armor: Light
Tools: Theives Tools, Flute, Pan Flute, Horn
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orcish
Spell Attack:+5
Spellcasting DC:13
Spell Slots
1st Level: 3
(Bane, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, and Tasha's Hidious Laughter.)
Cantrips Known (2): Light, Vicious Mockery
Class & Race Abilities:
Bard Features: Skills: Acrobatics, History, Medicine
Lang: None
Spellcasting (See spells known)
Other features: Ritual Casting, Bardic Inspiration (3 per Long Rest), Song of Rest (1d6), Jack if all Trades(+1 to nin prof)
Rogue Features: Skills: Persuasion, Deception, Perception, Slight of Hand
Other features: Expertise (Insight,Investigation), Sneak Attack, Thieves Cant, Cunning Action (Disengage, Dash, Hide)
Race Features:
Ability Score Increase: +1 str, +1 wis, +1 int, +1 cha, +1 dex, +1 con
Speed: 30
Size: Medium
Languages: Common, Elvish
Other racial features:none
Coins & Gems:
GP 10
EP 0
SP 0
CP 0
Leather Armor
Weapons: Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Quiver of 20 Arrows, 2 Daggers
Other Items:
Thieves Tools, Horn, Pipe Flute, Chest (12 ft^3/300lb capacity), 2 map/scroll cases, set of fine clothes, bottle of ink, ink pen, lmp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, vial of perfume, sealing wax, soap, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, 50ft of rope, waterskin, Waterdeep City Watch Investigators Uniform, 1 set of manacles with key.
Investigator Prof: Insight, Investigation
Languages: Dwarvish, Orcish
Feature: Watcher's Eye
Can find local outpost of the watch or similar organization, and dens of criminal activity in a community.
Trait: I use fiction to make sense of reality. I understand peoples stories in order to understand people.
Ideal: Not everyone can have a happy ending, but I should try to help those I can.
Bond: My mother and younger brother depend on me.
Flaw: A simple resolution is dissatisfying. I'd rather dig in than leave well enough alone.
Backstory and Character Description:
Gram Luthar, is the son of San Luthar--a 25 year veteran and respected member of the City Watch of Waterdeep--and Vix Luthar--a talented performer of the Musicians Guild of Waterdeep. Growing up in a humble home filled with the impassioned music of his mother, and the exciting stories his father would tell of the happenings of the City watch, he developed a pension for story-telling and and performance. As a teenager he would write and perform fantastical short stories for his younger brother. As he wrote more and more he expanded his scope and sophistication and would write stories to per form for his parents, friends and neighbors. This eventually developed into a desire to be a playwright.
He eventually, enrolled at the College of New Olamn to study the Bardic traditions of Music, History and Lore. He naturally excelled in music, having been surrounded by it his whole life, but what he really poured himself into was his studies of Lore and Lore-telling/construction. Story building fascinated him and he found himself relating to everyday life in terms of storytelling.
After Gram completed his coursework, we was to complete a years worth of work as a traveling journeyman and return to perform self written piece for the Magnus Alumna in order to graduate from the college. Unfortunately, shortly before his journey was to begin, his father was killed in the line of duty. With this sudden loss, he decided to forgo his year abroad and stay with his mother to help take care of his little brother.
He couldnt get a job as a bard, haven't forgone his graduation, but was offered a job with the by the Captain of the nights watch out of respect for his fathers service. He accepted and eventually worked his way up from clerk to Swordcaptain in the investigations unit, where he uses his unique way of looking at he world to figure out the "story" behind crimes and bring their perpetrators to justice.
Appearance Gram is a 26 year old male human with dark brown skin, brown eyes and black hair fashioned in to short, neat dreadlocks, with the sides of his head shaven. He keeps a neatly trimmed goatee which shows signs of early graying. He is 6'0 and gangly, though with the loose fit of his City Watch uniform, he strikes a deceptively imposing figure.
He typically wheres his City Watch Uniform adorned with crossed diagonal Slashes on the left shoulder (denoting the Rank of Swordcaptain) with a circle at the end of one of the slashes (indicating that he is and investigator)