Member of the Ninth Battalion

Goyarg's page

3 posts. Alias of KoolKobold.


Congrats everyone who got in! Have fun!

Ay there laddies, this is Goyarg, resident slum of Torch, ready to roll!

This is KoolKobold, giving the submission for my unchained barbarian dwarf. if there needs to be any changes let me know; I did the 20 point buy and average gold for the class


Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 14 (1d12 (12) + 2 (Con modifier); while raging: 16 (1d12 (12) + 2 (Con modifier) + 2 (temporary hit points)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1 (+3 while raging); +2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities wyrmscourged, hardy
Speed 30 ft
Melee earth breaker +3 (2d6 + 5); while raging: earth breaker +5 (2d6 + 7)
Special Attacks wyrmscourged, rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14 (17 vs bull rush or trip while on ground)
Feats Lightning Reflexes
Skills (Total Ranks: 5 ranks)
Acrobatics +3 (1 [skill rank] + 1 [Dex modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] - 2 [armor check penalty])
Climb +4 (1 [skill rank] + 2 [Str modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus] - 2 [armor check penalty])
Intimidate +5 (1 [skill rank] + 1 [Cha modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Perception +6 (1 [skill rank] + 2 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Survival +6 (1 [skill rank] + 2 [Wis modifier] + 3 [class skill bonus])
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran
SQ fast movement, lorekeeper, weapon familiarity
GP hide armor, earth breaker, belt pouch, flint and steel, 5 torches, backpack, bedroll, 45 gp, 98 sp, 95 cp
Carrying Weight 25 (hide armor) + 14 (earth breaker) + 0.5 (belt pouch) + 5 (5 torches) + 2 (backpack) + 5 (bedroll)= 41.5 lbs
Carrying Capacity
0-58 lbs = Light Load
59-116 lbs = Medium Load
117-200 lbs = Heavy Load
Armor Expert (-1 on armor check penalties)
Robot Slayer (+1 on attacks vs robots & +1 dodge bonus to AC vs attacks made by robots)

Personality and Appearance:
Goyarg is your typical dwarf in terms of appearance-he has thick, slightly tanned skin, with green eyes and a grayish beard that he hold with high pride. He is also bald, but he doesn't let that stop him from being who he is. However, his temper gets the better of him at times, something he despises about himself greatly (though doesn't show it).

Goyarg was raised by a small family of dwarves who has lived in the town of Torch shortly after it's formation.
He was raised to be a stalwart fighter, one of loyalty and honor;
he learned how to be more nimble in the armor of his choosing,
and has gained a newfound hatred of robots for an unknown reason (on top of his hatred for dragons, which is a trait spanning his entire family tree). However, many noted that the more he fought,
the more he let his anger out; this accumulated to a vicious spare that ended with his father getting his left arm crippled. He has since lived in the outskirts of the town as a semi-outcast, trying his absolute damnest to avoid his family (who have all but disowned him). He wishes to appease for his actions, but what exactly that would be is unknown to him...

Ay, here be Goyarg, ready for 'n uprisin'!