Get rid of no replay!
I'm sure this has been debated in the past, but I hope people in charge take another look. And I also know that there are a lot of workarounds around this with evergreen scenarios, core campaign, and GM star replays, but at the end of the day I am still turning away people from playing.
Why? We should be doing everything we can to make it easier to encourage participation and turning away veterans because they've played an older scenario seems counter-productive to me with little benefit.
No Replay seems to be solving a problem that doesn't really exist.
Players already want to play new scenarios. If that wasn't the case then they would replay the evergreen scenarios indefinitely. I still think you shouldn't be able to replay the same scenario on the same pc, but wouldn't it be nice to always know that you can show up and play without having to look through a long list of your play history stored in excel spreadsheets or pfstracker? Or even worse, find out you have to leave after a scenario is switched to accommodate lower level pcs and you've already played it.
Change restriction to applying credit from a higher level scenario from level 1 pcs to level 1-2 pcs
The recent change of allowing higher scenario rewards to level 1 pcs rather than just the 1st chronicle restriction has been really nice. So nice that we should expand it to level 2 as well.
The rewards of 500gp and 1xp will still be the same but will allow those level 2 pcs a way to get their pcs into the 3-7 tier. This will allow pfs groups like mine, which don't always have enough people for 2 tables, the ability to run higher level scenarios as well as the 1-5 tier and please both groups of players instead of tending to always just run 1-5 tier scenarios so we don't leave the rotating batch of new players out.
Adding a way to downgrade a scenario to tier 4-5 might be nice as well, but i haven't thought about any repercussions that would bring.
What about you? What pfs changes would you like to see?