About Goresk TrulkGoresk's face
Goresk Trulk CE Human Fighter(Weapon Master) 1/Antipaladin of Deskari 1 Init +3; Senses Perception +2 --------------------
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 dex)
Speed 30 ft.; 20 ft in armor
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 16
Background Questions:
1. What is your character’s name? My name is Goresk Trulk, son of Dren Trulk. 2. How old is your character? I have seen 26 bitter winters. 3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Did your men not jot this information down? I am a five-foot, eleven human. I normally keep my head shaved but, your guards have allowed it to grow out some. I bet that I would have a darker complexion if I spent less time…working at night. My armor was made to look like bug chiton, the helmet with horns like that of a beetle. I'm guessing both the armor and the helm have been sold off to fund your war effort. 4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? Look, just because I didn't get a fancy education like you nobles playing knights doesn't mean I can't be persuasive when I wanna. Maybe it's my rippling muscles, or the way I roll my r's. Could be that they sense that I'm a "salt of the earth" kinda guy. 5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? I was born right here in Kenabres. I've spent my entire life watching as crusaders flood my city under the false pretense of saving the world from the demon horde. After the murder of my parents, I was left to fend for myself in a city of self-righteous heroes who didn't care for an orphan child on the streets. 6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? When I was young my parents were falsely accused of worshipping baphomet. I watched from the shadows as people prayed to Iomedae while lashing my parents' arms to a pair of horses. I wept as Shelynites sang songs while my parents' legs were tied to two other horses. And my blood boiled as Abadar's clergy recited laws while the horses were urged to run in 4 different directions. 7. Do you have any other family or friends? There are others who share my opinions but you'll have a tough time trying to get their names from me. 8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? What sort of creature would willingly marry me? I think I'd not wish to meet such a being...no, I am not married. Kids? I would never do something so cruel as to bring another life into this world. 9. What is your character’s alignment? You mean you haven't brought in your paladins and your clerics to find that out? Fine, if you want it from me directly, chaotic evil. 10. What is your character’s moral code? Interested in Deskari's scripture, are you? Fine. The Lord of the Locust Host tells us that the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few. What does matter if a few dozen vermin are crushed if the swarm survives? I would prefer to see His plans come true, I will gladly give my life if it means the swarm grows stronger. 11. Does your character have goals? I long to see your crusaders crushed beneath the weight of the horde. To watch as they are fed to Deskari's swarms and used to strengthen his numbers. Perhaps one day Deskari may even bless me personally. 12. Is your character religious? I meet with others who share my beliefs. We play dice and sip tea while our children play with puppies...If you're asking where our temple is, I won't betray their trust and tell you. 13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? Most good people are not. People, especially humans, will abandon any morals to save their own skin. I'd be fine with that fact if they didn't spend every waking moment preaching self-sacrifice. 14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? I have no "quirks". I'm a perfect example of a true believer. 15. Why does your character adventure? To spread Deskari's influence, of course. I've seen the eggs implanted among Mendev and I've heard of some implanted elsewhere as well. I just want to give them the best nest to hatch into. 16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Maybe in a different life I could have followed my parents' footsteps and served the holy warriors. I could've been like them and washed the blood and ichor from linens or mended banners. And I too could've been falsely [/b] accused of working against the crusaders. No, no I think I much prefer this life. 17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? No, I bear no scars or markings. My flesh is perfectly normal. And it disgusts me. 18. How does your character get along with others? For the swarm to survive, we must work together. 19. Is there anything that your character hates? When the "devout" hide behind ideologies in order to commit atrocities under the guise of holiness. 20. Is there anything that your character fears? I fear rotting in the cell, forgotten and serving no purpose, while the world continues on without me. Why Am I in Prison?:
What? You want me to confess my crimes? Was it not enough that I was caught at the scene of the crime? Fine. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter anyway. Four years ago I heard that the man who originally accused my parents of their demon worship had finally come back to Kenabres. No, I won't say his name. He doesn't deserve to have his name recorded. Yes, I see you, scrivener, scratching away on your paper. Jotting down everything I say. I don't care if you were just trying to keep an accurate record. I won't say his name. It didn't take long for me to track him down. I overheard him at a tavern talking about how the last time he was here he routed out a pair of cultists. F%#+ing idiot. But then he went on about how over the years when he was away from the city he found a pretty wife and he had two pretty children and they all wore very pretty clothes. But something had to be wrong in that family, right? I mean, who drags their family along to the edge of the Worldwound? Unless there was a reason to leave your family alone. I started by sewing the seeds of doubt about his wife's faithfulness. A rumor here, a too-personal note left there. It was pretty easy. See, the thing they don't tell you about people who are constantly hunting secrets: they wind up finding phantom secrets too. So, when he found the secret journal she kept tucked away which detailed her love for another man and how she prayed to Asmodeus that he never would discover their daughters' true father it threw him into a wonderful fit of rage. Of course this tiefling, their "real father", didn't exist. But you know, nothing quite like a little bit of holy racism to help things along. After the Mrs. had her unfortunate fall - you know, the one where she definitely wasn't shoved over the balcony - he became a grieving widower and the sole parent to two pretty children. I don't know if he was just worried that the deaths of the kids would create too much suspicion or if he really did feel some sort of parental bond to them but, it took another year or so of pushing and prodding for me to get him to off them too. And boy oh boy did he do it with flair! Some sort of cleansing ritual that involved burning the corruption out of the living flesh. To children no less! And I thought the demons were the evil ones. Then it was just a matter of letting his wounds fester. For two years I watched with glee as he became a hollow shell of the [I]upstanding citizen that he once was. His friends grew suspicious and left him. The ones he had once hunted demons with, abandoned him. And none of the mercenary bands would take him on. And when his coin dried up he had no way of leaving the city. He was trapped and alone and it was delicious! Anyway, I followed him home (home being a pile of burlap blankets tucked under a bridge) from the tavern one night. He was still sober mind you. A day’s worth of begging in this city only earns a small amount. No matter how much charity you hear about. He crawled under into his little nest like the vermin he was and I watched from the shadows. I watched as he shivered and tried to sleep. Hours went by and I watched. Whenever his body would relax and exhaustion was about to take him I’d poke his feet with a little knife. Eventually, I grew tired of the game. I grabbed him by his ankles and dragged the wriggling worm from his nest. I stood over him and told him everything I had done. Everything he had done. When he asked “Why?” I told him. But, if i’m being honest with you, by that point it was more about my enjoyment over seeing my plans finally hatching so successfully and less about revenge. When he started weeping, I knelt beside him. I wanted to see the fear, the anguish, the hate in his eyes! Once I had my fill, I gripped his matted hair with my fist and slammed the back of his head into the cobblestones. Over and over. But he didn’t fight me! The bastard didn’t even have the decency to fight back! And I lost my temper. I kept slamming his skull into the stones. Over and over and over. How long? Oh, I can’t be sure but it must’ve been for some time. After all, when your men found me the sun was beginning to peak over the rooftops. So, there you have it. Anything else you would like from me? Can I go back to my cell now? I slept better last night than I have in a very, [i]very[/] long time. What do you mean “Now you’re never leaving”? I didn’t think that was an option. I murdered a man in the streets! ...Oh...yes, I imagine the punishment for “interfering with a crime scene” is far less severe than murder. How was I supposed to know that they hadn’t seen what I had done? Can you please just take me away now? This is...embarrassing. Feats and Traits:
Power Attack - Feat Tax
Deadly Aim - Feat Tax
Furious Focus
Weapon Focus (Scythe)
Weapon Versatility
--------------------------------------- Abyssal Eavesdropper
Wary of Danger
Armor Expert