Great Cyclops

Googily Moogily's page

3 posts. Alias of ben1535.


@DoubleD: I thought that same thing about slam. Empty hands will be pretty cool for an Aether-based Telekineticist.

@ChingoChaplo: I would also put a link to the most current player guide in either the campaign thread or the discussion thread. The current link is buried in post ~30 on the recruiting discussion.

I'll probably change my name, per GM recommendation. I do think this character will be super memorable. Two heads! Bulbous Eye! Blind! It does lend itself to some silliness...

Is it 50 cp also to reduce the 12 to 11, and 10, and so on?

Could a mutant be small? Perhaps trading the +2 Strength for +2 Dexterity?

Is crafting an option? Are custom items possible?

Thank you!

This is the new avatar for the "General Dissa Ray" comments above.

Kineticist for sure. I think a blood kineticist archetype could be cool, but I really haven't looked into the kineticist much.

I just think a two-headed mutant from the sewers with mental blast power sounds incredibly fun.