Neolandis Kalepopolis

Goodwin Wintrish's page

14 posts. Alias of Loren Peterson.

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I am trying to create and new campaign world for my players who want something homebrewed but I have hit a bit of a rut. Using the pinterest board at the bottom as a reference for visual style and overall theme can the community give me some ideas?

I am currently working on an urban campaign set in the city of Katapesh. So far I'm brainstorming the plot and was wondering if anyone has attempted this before or has any advice concerning a campaign set within the city.

So far I am planning on the PC's raiding the Violet Fire in the Nightstalls (to what End I don't know), exploring the Smoking Ruin, fighting in the gladiator arena, exploring the slave markets, and perhaps eventually facing off against one (or maybe even all) of the Pactmasters.

I am running an edge of the empire game and need some ideas. I am looking to create one to two session adventures with an overarching plot running behind them. One theme in particular I'm working with is a bounty hunter that keeps hounding them. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some simple frameworks or hooks for adventures within the star wars universe. The game takes place shortly after the destruction of Alderan.

Thanks a lot in advance.

I have read a good deal of the campaign setting information about the Land of the Linorm kings and the only thing I know for sure is that a linorm must die (White Estrid being the only exception so far) for a king to be "crowned", but does the potential king have to kill the linorm alone? Some evidence suggests they do, while others suggest a party could take one on and the "leader" could claim a throne. Does anyone have some concrete evidence in either direction?

I am about to run Kingmaker for a group of friends and I am am reworking it in a few ways.

-I am setting it in the Land of the Linorm Kings (technically just inside the Irrisini border).

-I am using the reputation system from the LoTLK sourcebook

-I am using the investment rules, updated kingdom building, and updated mass combat rules from Ultimate Campaign

-I wan't to include military and mass combat themes much earlier on in the story than part 5

Any suggestions?

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I am about to run Council of Thieves for a group of four and most of what I have heard about the game is that people found it lackluster or disappointing. What if anything have people done to spice it up and add some more interesting points to the game. Specifically the optional sewer encounters in the first module.

During a recent game one of my players was sent to the plane of fire. He as a 14th level sylph sky druid and immediately changed into a fire elemental so he can survive. He wants to find a way back home but the only large settlement I know of is the City of Brass and he does not speak Ignan. It seems more likely that he would be captured and enslaved or have to do some sort of side adventure before he can be sent back home. Any Ideas?

In my current game the PCs are making their way to Blackraven Hall so that they can join them. The PCs have already successfully thwarted a witch and saved a Blackraven patrol. When they arrive I figure that they will be put through a series of trials and tests to determine if they are fit to defend their land. According to the sourcebook on the land of the linorm kings the Blackravens will accept nearly anyone but I am still attempting to create challenges for the PCs to partake in.

So far I have:

Archery: A Black Raven must be proficient in ranged attack (of any sort) and prove it
they must hit targets with ranged attacks

Sparring: Not only must a Black Raven be prepared to fight monsters but men as well. They are organized into squads and given blunted swords for melee combat or set up against

Troll fighting: The Black Ravens keep a troll by the name of Skygni in an iron cage below the fortress
and bring him out to fight against the new recruits so they can fight a real troll. The Black Ravens keep it drugged and susceptible to mind affecting effects so that they may force it to fight.

Survival: A black Raven must be able to survive in the harsh conditions of his homeland, they must provide food for themselves as well as be able to track. The black raven recruits will be transported into the wilderness and left there, forced to find food, construct shelter, and track their way to a black raven outpost set up for this challenge.

So last night the party I GM for assaulted the clanhold and slaughtered almost everything. When they fought Barl, his bodyguard, and Lucrecia(she escaped earlier) they had finally met their match. In a hilarious twist of fate Lucrecia was petrified with her sisters mask. The party monk was enervated by Barl and stomped to a pulp by his bodyguard. By this point the party has begun to formulate a retreat plan.The brother of the monk (the inquisitor) runs forward to grab his body and nimbly avoids an AOO and an attack before retreating with the corpse when Barl animates it. The paladin rushes forward and kills the zombie monk then grabs the Lucrecia statue and the wizard uses D-door to get the paladin, her cohort, the Lucrecia statue and the monk corpse safely outside the clanhold where the paladin promptly kicks the statue over the edge and down the mountain. Barl chases the inquisitor down who had a bit of a head start but catches up swiftly and due to poor rolls and a GM fiat due to the awesomeness of his escape plan Barl misses with his earthbreaker. The inquisitor dives into the pit by the entrance absorbing the fall with his ring of featherfall and hiding among the bones making a bluff check to appear dead from the fall and due to his badly damages state Barl fell for it. So now the wizard, her cohort, the paladin, and the dead monk are at their camp a short ways down the mountain and the inquisitor is lying at the bottom of a 100foot deep pit with no spells left. The question is Should Barl stay or leave? The army he was supposed to gather is gone and there is no one left to work the forges. He could return to Morkmurian but has nothing to show for the time he has spent here and would likely be killed, but he has no reason to stay in the clanhold. He assumed the inquisitor died and knows the monk died so he figures that the other three will not return. I am not sure if he should stay and meet them in battle again or if he should flee and be spared by Morkmurian only to be encountered again at Jorgenfist.

I am working on creating a mephit with with class levels but while going over the base stat block for ice, air, and dust mephits I noticed some odd things about their hp values.

Hp is listed as 19 (3d10+3). Since its first hit die is racial it does not get max hp and it should look like this: 1st d10=5+1, 2nd d10=5+1, and 3rd d10=5+1 giving us a total of 18 hp. so where does the extra hit point come from?

So far my players have absolutely trounced the encounters set before them with only a few exceptions. Due to the levers in thistltop that can shut the gates around the trap on the bottom level Nualia created a very effective kill zone (no deaths but we came very close), Chief Ripnugget killed our inquisitor (who was then brought back), The scarecrow decapitated our inquisitor (who was once again brought back). But the problem I am having now is that things are far too easy. The party consists of a Tiefling wizard 5/fighter 1/eldritch knight 2 (with a 6th level Orik vancaskerin for leadership), a Dwarf paladin 8, a half-orc monk 8, and a half-orc inquisitor 8. In addition they are accompanied by Vale, Jakardos, Kaven(who can throw a wrench in the works), and Shalelu. That is 10 characters between 6th-8th level taking on a fort full of (mostly) cr3 ogres. I understand they have numbers on their side, but given the low cr I expect that the pc's wont even break a sweat. The ogre fighters tossed into the mix might help a little bit but overall I expect them to be little more than a distraction, and Jaagrath will probably do a resounding nothing before the party drops him in 2 rounds. Even without the rescued Black Arrows this entire encounter area seems far too easy for a group of 8th level characters.

I am going to be running a game for a group of four and they asked me to create my own campaign instead of using an AP, but they still wanted it set in Golarion. I decided to go with an idea i have been messing with for a while and base it around a myth from the Land of the Linorm Kings. There is a structure known as the throne of the troll king that legend says if you were to sit upon it all night during the longest night of winter you would be granted control over the troll tribes of the valley.

General plot: A witch from Irrisen is seeking to use the throne of the troll king to manipulate the trolls into destroying the defenses between the Land of the Linorm Kings and Irrisen. The PC's must venture to stop her before she can sit upon the throne.

I want to start the game with the PC's doing something that gets them noticed by the Black Ravens and invited to join their ranks. Eventually they must travel far from home and pass through a forest where the veil between the prime material plane and the first world is thin and deal with the fey. Finally they must ally themselves with the trolls in order to stop the witch. Alternatively, the witch could succeed and the PC's must rally an army to defend against the troll invasion.

Part one:
Villagers are kidnapped in a goblin raid and the PC's are sent to retrieve them. While tracking the goblins the PC's find themselves in the domain of a mad mephit that has claimed and old fort as his kingdom. The pc's must rescue the goblins from the insane mephit so that they may learn the location of the rest of the goblin tribe. Once they find it they must stop the goblin chieftain (A runt of an ice troll parading as a powerful goblin) from sacrificing their fellow villagers to a beast that the tribe pays tribute to out of fear. This is done at the behest of the troll's new companion(A witch from Irrisen that works for the BBEG) In order to gain the goblin tribes allegiance.

Any questions, comments, or help will be much appreciated.

I wanted to either make chief Ripnugget a cavalier or add a goblin kennel master of sorts into the exercise yard. So I am thinking her would be order of the cockatrice and keep the gecko unless it was a kennel master instead of Ripnugget in which case he would have a boar form the Tickwood. Any ideas, thoughts, or opinions?

IN part 6 of ROTRL Kazaven wields the Staff of Hungry Shadows and it says he uses it to call a devourer to his aid. This is indeed an ability the staff possesses but it seems that it is immediately loyal to him and gets no save against it. Is this flavor? Possibly an understood agreement between the two (as it is a named devourer). If it isn't just for flavor, the staff calls forth the same devourer each time and he is loyal to the staff's owner, should this extend to the pc who gets the staff?

My Rise of the Runelords Pawns came with a duplicate sheet of Pawns (#9-#31, #52) and I am missing the sheet containing pawns #32-#48. What, if anything, can be done to get these missing pawns.

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The flowing monk has a unique feat available to is called Elusive redirection. If you successfully use your elusive target class feature to dodge an attack then you can direct that attack at another opponent. The problem is both abilities require an immediate action and the expenditure of two Ki points to activate and you only get one immediate action per turn. So if you only have one immediate action how can you ever use this feat?

So I want to create a character fit to be the captain in S&S (Regardless of whether or not this is possible I want a captain feel to him). I want a swashbuckling, grog drinking, pirate talking, old salt, and the way I see it I have a few options and I was wondering if anyone else out there had a similar idea and wouldn't mind brainstorming and helping me out.
So far my options are

-(Weapon master: cutlass) Fighter
A guy with a cutlass, nuff said.

-(Pirate) Rogue
Now this one is tricky, only because it seems NO ONE has any real clue as to what "Swinging reposition" actually does. It fits well with both skills and class role. Probably prestige to shackes pirate or inner sea pirate.

-(Bladebound) Magus
This one presented an interesting concept. The character wields a cutlass passed down from his pirate ancestor, at 3rd level it awakens with the spirit of his pirate ancestor. For this option I did not want to do the standard dervish dance build, I kind of hate it.

-(Freebooter) Ranger
The concept here is that he leads from the front designating targets for the crew to attack. Grab some two weapon fighting feats and wield a cutlass and short sword.

For all these options I have planned on taking the Buccaneer's Blood trait to increase my infamy and wielding a cutlass. Anyone have any ideas?

I lied, I need help finding two. I cant remember what the books are called or who published them but i remember their content

Book 1: This book had a sort of free form character creation and leveling system for D&D that used points to buy better hit die, saves, bab, and weapon proficiencies.

Book 2: This one was the rules for playing character at the "apprentice level", before your wizard has mastered his first spell kind of thing.

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So this thread is designed to be a discussion about creative and outside the box uses for wondrous items. If you have any in game experiences or perhaps some quirky ideas you have yet to try out, post them here.

Ill start us off with an example

A friend of mine theorizes that two decanters of endless water set to geyser could lift a goblin. So we cooked up a goblin alchemist and strapped two decanters to his back, and let him use mage hand to "steer" himself. He soared over the battlefield dropping bombs and massive amounts of water as he went.

I stumbled upon the ratfolk race and found them very intriguing. I soon cam to realize how closely they resembled Skaven, in my opinion anyways, and thought about how some of the heroes could be stated out. So i brainstormed and this is what I came up with.

Ikit Claw: Alchemist

Throt the Unclean: Vivisectionist Alchemist

Skweel Gnawtooth: Beast Master Ranger

Queek Headtaker: Barbarian/cavalier (his superstition, rage, and that he is a glory hog fit this nicely but lack of a mount is iffy)

Tretch Craventail: Cad fighter/Rogue

Lord Skrolk: Cleric perhaps an oracle

Deathmaster Snikch: Rogue/Assassin

Thanquol: Wizard or Sorceror / loremaster
Boneripper: Flesh Golem

Any ideas or opinions?

The concept I am working on is a Tiefling gambler. He i influenced highly by both Gambit and Twisted Fate, using cards as a weapon and supplementing it with magic. So far I have two ideas

Idea one:
Wizard with a conjuration focus (teleportation school)
rough and ready trait (playing cards count as shurikens)
possibly throwing in a level of fighter for eldritch knight

Idea two:
Myrmidarch Magus
rough and ready

That is all I have so far, Any ideas and help are much appreciated

The grave walker archetype witch has some very nice abilities, but it is not very clear as to what action is required to activate them.

Does anyone out there know what action is required to activate

-Aura of desecration (It states that the witch can create the aura implying it does not have to all the time)

-Bonethrall (this states that if the undead fails the save it is controlled as if by command undead, but is forcing the will save the same action as casting command undead)

I am looking to make a wizard who has discovered a book containing the sanity shattering secrets of the old one. Obsessed with the beings form the dark tapestry. What feats/class features/spells and other things of the sort can help to emphasize a wizard gone mad searching for secrets in books never meant to be read.

I got a hold of the Pathfinder Rival Guide and while flipping through it came across Nuetetia Irsinoe of the Night Harrows. I noticed she was a ghoul and thought it would be cool to play one. Are there any rules for using a ghoul as a pc/ what would you recommend as racial traits and ability scores.