
Gold Katana's page

185 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Sorry, really boring question. But is there any chance of 147 appearing for download this week? Finally getting to the Gaping Maw and the handouts are always very useful.


Gold Katana

Hi all,

I run The Wreck tonight via a phone game. I can't put this in perspective with the mag right in front of me, much less describe how it looks over the phone. I have checked the archived gaborg's sites for pics and diagrams, etc. but get no returns. Perhaps they are no longer posted out on the web. Does anyone have a sketch, diagram, model, or anything that I can take a look at? Also, being able to direct my PC's to the same view would be immensely helpful.


Are Khala's pets somehow immune to his gaze attacks? The description states they effect "any creature within 30 feet..."

I don't have the issue here but I recall the pearls in the black bile of the world were "unfinished" and there was no mention of them being able to release a savage tide.

Now, in City of Broken Idols, area 49 goes into detail on how the pearls are created and notes a shadow pearl "is capable of creating a savage tide with a radius of 120 feet..." prior to being sent down to Golismorga.

Did I miss something in Lightless Depths? My PC's are carrying around the pearls they rescued from the black bile and I have told them they are inert. Hmm, could the DM be WRONG?!

My PC's, being the bright-eyed, ultraresourceful, campaign-wreckers they are, quickly spotted the Wall of Stone blocking the bottom of the shaft to Golismorga in The Lightless Depths. Naturally, they chose to flee Golismorga via this route, rather than return to Farshore.

To stop them popping up in the middle of the City of Broken Idols, I moved the egress to jungles by Pelorian's camp. That way, the first half of CBI is not bypassed, just the boring "journey to the plateau" bit.

If my players knew, they'd would actually be grateful that a large chunk of the adventure hadn't been wasted. Just thought I'd mention this in case other DM's run into the same situation.

I just found another post where the above was asked and the couple of responses seemed to indicate Irg is oblivious of the abo. But how can that be when he's been there before and the huge beast was plainly in sight?

Aargh! I know I read an outline for the entire path at one point. Now, I can't find it. Help me out, mateys! In one of the Dungeons? Dragons? Online supplement?

Sorry if I'm missing something or this is a stupid question, but what's the EL/CR for the combat with Kyuss? It's listed at Epic 1 (or 0) but how does that translate to good old fashioned XP?

I really appreciate these boards,the discussions are often very helpful to my game. However, what are the chances, particularly with the adventure path boards, of providing a subdivision under those headings for each issue? It would allow those readers who are at a particular point in their campaigns to easily add, find, and study relevant posts for each adventure.

I know a recent issue dealt with the room stat blocks (lighting, auras, sounds, etc) being discontinued. But these were VERY helpful. I toss my two cp's into bringing them back. I realize space is a consideration but I find all the comics to not be worth the paper they're printed on. None of them are insightful or even funny. What's more, the issue cover is reprinted on the last page. Can't any of this space be used for the room blocks?

Sorry if I’m making mistakes but I’d appreciate it if someone could point out where. It seems to me the unique dragons full attack stats are incorrect.

Necrozyte has a BAB +26, STR bonus +10, Amulet +3, and takes a 5 point Power Attack – that should make for a bite +34 (2d8+23), not +32 (2d8+18). Secondary attacks are likewise off by +2 (…+5).

Vermirox: BAB +27, STR +10, 3 pt PA = +34 (…+18), not +32 (…+13). Secondaries also off by +2.

Xyzanth: BAB +33, STR +12, 10 pt PA = +35 (…+28), not +31 (…+22). Secondaries also off by +4.

Brazzemal: BAB +34, STR +14, 10 pt PA = +38 (…+31), not +34 (…+24). Secondaries also off by +4.

Also, Mother Worm: BAB +32, STR +16, 10 pt PA = +38 (…+34), not +30 (…+26). Bite should therefore be +33, not +25.

In Gathering of Winds, the blood amniotes are described as having Self Spawn: "...drains as many points of (CON) as its full normal hit point roll, it splits into two ... Both of these blood amniotes are only 8 points away from self spawning."

So, my question - do the BA's need to drain 65 (their HP's) of CON or only 8 before spawning? Big impact on this encounter.


Talked with one player ahead of time (archer) regarding the doppleganger switch. Then, in front of the rest of the group, played out having that PC get jumped in an alley. The player went along perfectly and "returned" to the party to tell his story. Of course, the PC lost the encounter but we played it out as if he'd escaped - i.e., the doppleganger's cover story. The rest of the group went along with the scenario because they had just listened to the entire "encounter."

Doppelganger decided to betray the party when they were split up in the plank room. The monk was injured and had to flee into the well, trying to escape - doppelganger in pursuit.

The wizard fell back through the warehouse entry, going to retrieve the fighter, who had stayed on guard outside (primarily because that player couldn't make the game). I announced he'd made it outside.

That's where we stopped.

Before the next game, I plan on hooking up with the wizard and truly finishing off his pursuit. If he fails to elude the pursuing doppelgangers (from the cell), one of them will take his form and burst outside to lure the fighter inside, using the same method as the archer.

This is working great. Much better than imposing saves, hints, commands to the "controlled" PC during the game. The party is confused and paranoid. According to the monk - "The saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies closer but I can't tell which is which (witch?)".

From what I can make out, the map is incorrect. To use the water elevator (40' down, 20' west, 40-' up) places the PC's in the building they just left. I am hoping this is a typo of some sort. I am shifting the directions so the tunnel leads 20' east, into the shadowed building next door. Anyone see where I've missed something?

Also, the water elevator, as has been previously pointed out, is pretty useless as written. Anyone played it differently than written?

If the PC's don't get arrested and shipped off to the Sodden Hold AND if they don't catch/kill Elaxan to get his unique key, are there any other pointers to the Sodden Hold? I can manufacture some but thought I must be missing something.

Yes, my party had a couple excellent rolls, and a couple terrible ones, too. Regardless, they took on head-to-head, and mowed down, the LM's outside Blackwall Keep. Party = Samurai 4, Wizard 4, Ftr 5 (bowwoman) and Monk 5. Any one else seem to think 30 LM's are not that much of a challenge?

It may be only me. I have not dug out the mags for AP1. But didn't Celeste set up the PC's in that campaign to retrieve a shackleborn, only to turn the crazy old dwarf over to the PC's enemies as a part of opening a permanent evil gate?

That's what I remember. And, if I actually use the name Celeste, my players will remember, too. How can she be good, now?

Like I said, though, it might just be my shoddy memory.

If you decide to switch out one of the PC's for a doppleganger, why not simply note when and with whom the swap COULD take place, don't play it out, and just decide it occured? Let the player continue to play normally (as they don't know they've been kidnapped and replaced), then when time comes to reveal the possible traitor in their midst, NO player knows who the real deal is, only the DM. That will stop all metagaming and heighten the paranoia.

Just my thoughts after one read. Please point out any problems with this approach.



I understand he overpowers the party for the Blackwall Keep battle. But to have him skedaddle to "get reinforcements" that he knows won't show up for the better part of the week just seems silly.

I hate scenarios that hook up an NPC with the party, anyway. So, I am considering having him send the party to meet his old friend with a letter after briefing them on the info he needs.

I suppose it's too soon to hope someone has already played out this portion of the campaign and has feedback? If anyone sees something I've overlooked with my alternative approach, I'd appreciate a heads up. Thanks.

I thought we could have a post where the errors in Blackwall could be listed and addressed, either by readers or, hopefully, the Dungeon staff.

I'll start out with my question regarding the timeline.

From Adventure Background:
"About two years ago, a sudden blight of ravenous worms ..."
"She is in fact the one responsible for the worms ten years ago..."
"Not long after the lizardfolk attacks ceased two years ago..."

So, did these worms show up two years ago or ten years ago?

Just a historical tidbit for those DM's who like such things and wish to add realistic flavor to the violation at the Lands' farm.

In days of yore, the dishonorable grave robbers would NOT dig up the entire grave, as shown in movies. They only dug a hole at the head of the grave large enough for the digger to wield his shovel. When they reached the coffin, the exposed portion of the lid was pried up and snapped off. A rope was run under dear old grandma's back and up under her arms. Then she was "snaked out" of the hole by the robbers pulling on the other end. The chunk of lid was tossed back down and the small hole filled back up. Then, off to the pub by way of the physician's office to pick up some cold coin in exchange for the putrid fruit of their labor.

Sorry if I missed it in the mag, but how many fanatics are there in room 2 of the Dark Cathedral?

The download is super, especially since my group will be attempting most of the AP via Ghostorb, if and when it comes up. The visuals are so helpful to me as a DM. Thank you.

However, is there a chance the town's area map will be reproduced in digital form?

What are the chances of actually seeing an increase in material from the Complete series? I understand everyone does not have them but I'd rather see adventures designed using material from these sources, with side-bars for adjusting if you are only using Core books, then vice-versa.

Hey Dungeon, way to go! My players and I truly appreciate the downloads you make available for each issue. Now, I can handout a pic of the BBEG they're fighting, without giving up my magazine and making a fool out of myself trying to cover up the stats so they don't "accidentally" read them. They can study clues, marvel at the art, build the colored map I hand out in snippets as they progress. All in all, a wonderful and welcome change. Thank you. :)

For the Cagewrights wearing these, does the Nondetection spell function as DC 11+caster level (cast on another) or DC15+caster level (cast on self)? I assume they were created by Freija. Do they function differently for her?

I'm about to run the fight with Moltenwing. Throughout that dungeon I can find damage for being splashed with lava and being partially submersed in the lava but not for a complete immersion. That is the most likely maneuver for Moltenwing and his tactics even state he will try to bull rush and grapple a PC, holding them completely under. I must be missing the stated damage. Can anyone help?

The tokens in previous issue were so very helpful to the games and oh so cool! Are there any plans to bring them back with future issues? Please, pretty please. *slobbers ingratiatingly*

First off, my group has really enjoyed the AP1. I've used it to create one of my most memorable campaigns ever. Thanks!

However, the requirement for a PC to have obtained the Sign of the Smoking Eye to successfully complete the entire campaign stinks. Why wasn't this mentioned all those adventures ago when the template was available? At least a hint of the future importance of the template would have been handy to me, the DM. Sure, other "possible" keys are suggested - good outsiders can attack (sorry, just elves and humans in my group), LG & CE attack at the same time (nope, neither of those), forcing a reborn Vhalantru to attack (yeah, right!).

I'm sure I'll come up with something, of necessity, but it will not mesh seamlessly as we're up to the last few nights of playing this storyline and I'll have to tack it on and lead the group by the nose to it. Once again, I have enjoyed AP1 but this final, and previously unmentioned, requirement is disappointing. I hope such matters of import in AP2 are addressed earlier than the last installment.

Under Skullrot Special Spell Effects: "In addition, Skullrot is protected by the equivalent of a dimensional lock spell. This effect bars ... teleport, greater teleport..."

Under Lriznisith's Tactics (Room 6): "If brought below 40 hit points and Slouva isn't here as well, he teleports to area 8..."

What's up? Is this errata or am I missing something?

Thanks. :)