Shadowcount Sial

Gol Burtill's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts (8 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Goblin Squad Member

Charter Company Name: House Winterfield
Kingdom Name: Empire of Xeilias
Settlement Name: Golgotha
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Role: Crafting, POI Operations, Outpost Management, Harvesting, Refining and Trade.
Voice chat: Teamspeak
Destiny’s Twin Friendly.

1.Take over and run the 19 hexes surrounding Golgotha. To get maximum benefit for the Empire and House Winterfield.
2. To handle the bulk of trade trade between Golgotha and other settlements.
3. To get contracts to handle the crating needs of other Golgotha companies.

Burtill Winterfield
Of House Winterfield
Citizen of Golgotha