
Gobo Fushigi's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Fiasko.


The Exchange

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My favorite boon (aside from the Kitsune boon, which I love miles beyond anything else) has to be Gen Con 2013 Boon #14, Research Specialist. This boon just keeps on giving, not only because it continues to give my character knowledge points as I interview other players, but because it inspires me to be social. I've met so many cool people and heard lots of great stories about PFS adventures. Everyone I've interviewed with this boon has been delighted by it too, which I think is pretty cool.

The Exchange

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I have made a level 1 Investigator which I played in PFS last week and I'm looking forward to playing him again this week. He's a tiefling with claws and a sword cane. I used my 2 infusions for shield. I landed some hits in combat. It was fun and I liked the inspiration mechanic a lot.
There was no combat flavor however, and I feel (still) that the class does not have an intuitive play style. I don't immediately "get it" when I consider how this class is meant to perform in combat.
Studied Combat and Studied Strike help, for sure, but they arrive WAY too late at level 4. In PFS terms, level 4 means I have to get 9 games under my belt before I have enough experience. To break it down further, 9 games means that if I play once a week, I'm looking at just over 2 months(!) before I can use the Investigator's signature combat mechanic. Can you imagine?
So, my feedback for now is this: yes, the class has a lot of flavor and opportunity for fun play but it doesn't start until level 4, which I feel is much too late. I have to add my voice to those saying Studied Strike and Studied Combat need to come at level 1.

The Exchange

Is it mechanically important that the Kitsune Star Gem glows like faerie fire? Is it casting faerie fire?
The complete description is this: This magical jewel glows like faerie fire, shedding light as a candle. It acts as a pearl of power, except it only allows a itsune to recover a spent use of a spell-like ability of the appropriate spell level.
I think it's odd that it glows like faerie fire and doesn't simply glow, if there's no mechanical purpose. For comparison, I haven't been able to find other items that glow like faerie fire.