Glorr 538's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Glorr.

The Exchange

Me and three other friends entered the realm of Pathfinder play at Dragon*Con 2010. We received registration codes that we used on the characters and that we used in registering online.

We're now ready to begin play locally and are in the process of trying to bring others into the fold.

All four of use played three sessions and still have the end of session forms with the earned xp/rep/gp, which includes the event info and GM's.

Our information for none of the games appears to have been entered as of yet, as we're not showing any credit. Since we have a copy of the forms (they kept a summary copy and gave us a detailed copy) can we somehow obtain credit by submitting the forms somewhere?

We are planning on staying with the society and get involved in Conventions with Pathfinder play, but losing three sessions and our excitement over hitting 2nd level with the characters as a result would lead to some questions about it being worth our time investment.

Any guidance is appreciated.