Race |
Init: +7 | AC: 18 / FF AC: 15 / Touch AC: 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +2 / Ref: +11 / Will: +4 [+2 vs illusions, no damage on successful Reflex save] | Speed: 20' | |
Classes/Levels |
Favored Attack: Light Crossbow +10 ranged / 1d6 piercing damage / 80' range / 19-20 [x2] crit | Spell Save DC: 0 Level - 14; 1st Level - 15; 2nd Level - 16; 3rd Level - 17 |
About Glorb Goldendew
d20 World of Greyhawk Character Sheet
Character Name: Glorb Bottleknott Goldendew
Character Race: Rock Gnome
Character Class: Rogue 2 / Bard 7
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Garl Glittergold
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Height: 3’0”
Weight: 45 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark brown
Character Level: 9
EXP Points Gained: 36315
EXP To Next Level: 45000
Known Languages: Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Elven
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 18 (+4)
Hit Points: 41
Armor Class: 18 [BASE (10) + ARMOR (4) + DEX (3) + SIZE (1)]
Flatfooted AC: 15
Touch AC: 14
AC Penalty: None
Maximum DEX bonus: +6
Armor Type/Weight: Mithral Chain Shirt [5.0 lb.]
Special Armor Class Notes: +4 dodge bonus against giants (Racial ability); +3 dodge AC bonus when taking a fight defensively action or +6 AC bonus when taking a full defense action (5 ranks in Tumble)
Total Encumbrance: Light Load
Overall AC Penalty: None
Overall Maximum DEX bonus: No Penalty
Base Movement: 20’/round
Encumbered Move: 20’/round
Save vs. Fortitude: +2 [BASE (2) + CON (0)]
Save vs. Reflex: +11 [BASE (8) + DEX (3)]
Save vs. Will: +4 [BASE (5) + WIS (-1)]
Special Saving Throw Notes: +2 bonus to saves against illusions (Racial ability); in situations where a Reflex saving throw is allowed for half damage, the PC takes no damage with a successful saving throw when wearing light or no armor (Evasion ability)
Initiative Modifier: +7 [DEX (3)+ MISC (4)]
Melee Attack Bonus: +6\+1 [BAB (6\1) + STR (-1) + SIZE (1)]
Ranged Attack Bonus: +10\+5 [BAB (6\1) + DEX (3) + SIZE (1)]
Special Combat Notes: Grapple attacks are made at -4 to the attack roll (Penalty for size); sneak Attack damage (+1d6) for melee attacks and ranged attacks under 30' range when opponent is flanked or flatfooted; +1 bonus to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids [goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears] (Racial ability); +4 on all initiative checks (Improved Initiative feat)
Light Crossbow (S) / +10 ranged attack / 1d6 damage / 80’ range / 19-20 [x2] critical / piercing damage
10 standard bolts
Dagger (S) / +10\+5 ranged attack / +6\+1 melee attack / 1d3 -1 damage / 10’ range / 19-20 [x2] critical / piercing damage
Use DEX modifier for attack rolls, a shield in off-hand applies AC penalty to attack rolls
Sap (S) / +6\+1 melee attack / 1d4 -1 subdual damage / [x2] critical / bludgeoning damage
Use DEX modifier for attack rolls, a shield in off-hand applies AC penalty to attack rolls
Total Weapon Weight: 4.0 lb.
Total Skill Points Earned = 106
Skill Name - Skill Total, number of Ranks and/or Racial Modifier
Appraise: = +7 (INT) 4 Ranks
Balance: = +9* (DEX) 4 Ranks +2 [synergy bonus from 5+ ranks in Tumble]
Bluff: = +8 (CHA) 4 Ranks
Climb: = -1* (STR) Untrained
Concentration: = +0 (CON) Untrained
Craft (Alchemy): = +4 (INT) Untrained +2 Racial Modifier
Diplomacy: = +4 (CHA) Untrained
Disable Device: = +11 (INT) 5 Ranks +2 [bonus for Nimble Fingers feat]+2 [Masterwork Thieves’ Tools]
Disguise: = +4 (CHA) Untrained
Escape Artist: = +3* (DEX) Untrained
Forgery: = +2 (INT) Untrained
Gather Information: = +9 (CHA) 5 Ranks
Heal: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Hide: = +14* (DEX) 7 Ranks +4 Size Modifier
Intimidate: = +6 (CHA) 2 Ranks
Jump: = +1* (STR) Untrained +2 [synergy bonus from 5+ ranks in Tumble]
Listen: = +1 (WIS) Untrained +2 Racial Modifier
Move Silently: = +14* (DEX) 11 Ranks
Open Lock: = +12 (DEX) 5 Ranks +2 [bonus for Nimble Fingers feat]+2 [Masterwork Thieves’ Tools]
Perform (Percussion Instruments): = +5 (CHA) 1 Rank
Perform (Song): = +14 (CHA) 10 Ranks
Perform (Wind Instruments): = +15 (CHA) 11 Ranks
Ride: = +3 (DEX) Untrained
Search: = +9 (INT) 7 Ranks
Sense Motive: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Sleight of Hand: = +8* (DEX) 5 Ranks
Spot: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Survival: = -1 (WIS) Untrained
Swim: = -1** (STR) Untrained
Tumble: = +15* (DEX) 12 Ranks
Use Magic Device: = +18 (CHA) 12 Ranks +2 [bonus for Magical Aptitude feat]
Use Rope: = +3 (DEX) Untrained
* Armor Check Penalty Applies
** Double Armor Check Penalty Applies