Like most Quarians, Gir'Rimas nar Mesa was born and raised on the Migrant Fleet, garnered a respectable knowledge of all things technological, and set out on his Pilgrimage upon reaching young adulthood. Unlike most Quarians, he did so under the shadow of his father, a minor celebrity in certain sectors of the Migrant Fleet. Kael'Rimas vas Mesa brought back
[REDACTED] from his Pilgrimage, earning him no small amount of respect amongst the crew of the Mesa, and beyond. A great deal of expectations were placed on young Gir as a result, and no secret was made of the high hopes for what he would return with. Rather than rebel against the pressures put upon him by his father's legacy, Gir was determined to not only succeed, but surpass all expectations, and bring something back that would help change life on the Flotilla for the better.
A few short years after setting out on his Pilgrimage, news reached him of an attack on the Migrant Fleet. After some difficulty establishing communications with someone aboard the Flotilla, Gir eventually learned that the humanist group known as Cerberus had launched an unexpected attack on the Flotilla, and his father had perished in the attack. Devastated by the loss of his father, Gir became all the more determined to do his father's memory justice.
Initially trying to gather information about and investigate leads on possible advancements to bring back to the Flotilla, Gir quickly learned that life outside the Flotilla was no Aldrin subroutine. He quickly began to take out work wherever he could, mainly in systems development and maintenance. When his level of skill on systems encryption, and particularly decryption, and his knack for going unseen came to light, his jobs turned to data acquisitions and espionage. Not enjoying the turn to the untoward, Gir moved on, and tried to put his skills to other, less questionable pursuits, such as salvage and recovery missions.
Gir spent the majority of the Reaper War with his head to the ground. The constant danger made him appreciate the idea of safety in numbers, and he began to focus on jobs that kept him safely in a group. Following the end of the invasion, Gir continued his hunt for an exceptional Pilgrimage gift, taking any and every job that brought him close to lost or high technology. After the news of the reclamation of Rannoch reached him, he began to include environmental and atmospheric information in his areas of interest, though he lacked any skills to ascertain what was useful or not.
And so, his Pilgrimage continues, until he finds something that truly makes a difference in the life of the Quarian people.