
Giovanni Valdriano's page

431 posts. Organized Play character for hustonj.

Full Name

Giovanni Valdriano




Fighter 12 HP 111/112 | AC34 T19 FF28 | CMD33+ | F+16 (+18) R+15 (+17) W+7+ (+9+) | Init+7 (+9) | Perc-1 (+3)| SM-1 (+3) | 8/8 AOOs





Special Abilities

Greater Disarm, Greater/Quickened Reposition, Greater Trip




Common (Taldane), Varisian


Thug, battlefield control

Strength 14
Dexterity 24
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Giovanni Valdriano

Giovanni is happiest when those he is fighting simply can not fight back. He would rather spend time demoralizing them, displaying their incompetence, than actually hurting them.

When the Pathfinder Society sends him out on a mission where he is required to protect others from beasts he looses patience, and sometimes his temper, for being forced to deal with things that can only be defeated by physically beating them down.

Speed 30' (Armor Training 3+Sash of the War Champion)

BAB+12 Melee+14 Ranged/Finesse+19 CMB+14 (+19 Finesse)

+3 Dueling Spiked Chain +28/+23/+18 for 2d4+10 @ x2 (P, Disarm, Trip)
[BAB+12, Finesse+7, Greater Weapon Focus+2, Weapon Training+4, Weapon+3]
MW Cold Iron Spiked Chain +26/+21/+16 for 2d4+7 @ x2 (P, Disarm, Trip)
[BAB+12, Finesse+7, Greater Weapon Focus+2, Weapon Training+4, Weapon+1]
MW Strength +2 Composite Longbow +23/+18/+13 for 1d8+5 @ x3 (P, 110', 60 arrows)
[BAB+12, Dex+7, Weapon Training+3, Weapon+1]

Combat Expertise: -4 Attack for +4 Dodge to AC

+4 to Disarm/Reposition/Trip CMB checks; none provoke
+4 from Weapon Training to CMB checks using Flails (included in spiked chain attack & damage already)
+3 from Weapon Training to CMB checks using Bows (included in bow attack & damage already)
+2 to Disarm CMB checks from Disarm weapon quality
Being disarmed throws weapon 15' in a random direction.
Being tripped provokes.
Movement from Reposition provokes.
+2 to Weapon Training from Gloves of Dueling (included above)
+2 on Attack & Damage vs Creatures brought to Material Plane via Conjuration (Summoning) effects
+6 Luck to CMB for Disarm/Trip/Reposition while using primary Chain

Primary Spiked Chain CMB summary:
Basic +28 [Same as Attack bonus]
Disarm +40 [Basic+28, Feats+4, Disarm+2, Luck+6]
Reposition/Trip +38 [Basic+28, Feats+4, Luck+6]

AC34 T19 F28 CMD33 (+13 Full Plate +4; +5 Dex [Armor Training 3+Sash of the War Champion]; +2 Deflection [Ring]; +2 Natural [Amulet]; +1 Insight [Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone]; +1 Dodge; BAB+12; +2 Str)

+2 AC vs Creatures brought to Material Plane via Conjuration (Summoning) effects
+2 CMD vs Disarm/Reposition/Trip
+4 CMD from Weapon Training on attacks against wielded Flails
+3 CMD from Weapon Training on attacks against wielded Bows
+4 CMD vs Disarm/Sunder from Gloves of Dueling
+6 Luck CMD vs Disarm/Trip/Reposition while using primary Chain

HP 112 (10+[6x11]+[2 Con x12]+[1 Favored Class x12])

Fort +16 (+8 Base, +2 Con, +4 Cloak, +2 Profane [Sihedron Brand])
Ref +15 (+4 Base, +7 Dex, +4 Cloak)
Will +7 (+4 Base, -1 Wis, +4 Cloak)

+4 Bravery (+3 from level + Sash of the War Champion)
+4 vs effects to lose grip on wielded weapons (Gloves of Dueling)
Does NOT drop weapons when Panicked or Stunned (Gloves of Dueling)

8 AoOs per round

2+1 Skilled+1 Int per level
Bonus Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Other (Specified)
+ 6 Acrobatics +7+0+0-1 AC Penalty
+ 1 Appraise +1+0+0
+ 1 Bluff +1+0+0
+16 Climb +2+12+3-1 AC Penalty
+ 1 Craft +1+0+0
+ 1 Diplomacy +1+0+0
+ 1 Disguise +1+0+0
+ 6 Escape Artist +7+0+0-1 AC Penalty
+ 6 Fly +7+0+0-1 AC Penalty
+16 Handle Animal +1+12+3
- 1 Heal -1+0+0
+17 Intimidate +1+12+3+1 Bully Trait
- 1 Perception -1+0+0
+ 1 Perform +1+0+0
+ 6 Ride +7+0+0-1 AC Penalty
- 1 Sense Motive -1+0+0
+ 6 Stealth +7+0+0-1 AC Penalty
- 1 Survival -1+0+0
+16 Swim +2+12+3-1 AC Penalty


+3 Dueling Spiked Chain (PFSFG Dueling enhancement, not Ultimate Equipment)
MW Spiked Chain
MW Strength +2 Composite Longbow
60 Arrows
+4 Full Plate
+2 Ring of Protection
+2 Amulet of Natural Armor
Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone
Wand of CLW (6 Charges, 50, 50)
Wand of Enlarge Person (50 charges)
Scroll of Endure Elements (5)
+4 Belt of Incredible Dexterity (included in attributes)
+4 Cloak of Protection
Efficient Quiver
Sash of the War Champion (+4 levels for Bravery & Armor Training)
Sihedron Brand (+2 Profane to Fortitude, 1/day 2xLevel in temporary HP)
Noble's Garb (Year 0 purchase)
Gloves of Dueling
Ioun Torch

Feats & Traits:

H Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain
1 Combat Expertise
F1 Improved Disarm
F2 Combat Reflexes
3 Improved Trip
F4 Improved Reposition
5 Weapon Finesse
F6 Greater Trip
7 Greater Disarm
F8 Quick Reposition
9 Greater Reposition
FA Weapon Focus Spiked Chain
11 Greater Weapon Focus Spiked Chain
FB Dodge

Sacred Touch

Boons/Activities on certs:
Cert 3: Scenario 02: The Hydra's Fang Incident - Boon: Free Divination spell by a Cleric of Asmodeus in Egorian
Cert 3: Scenario 02: The Hydra's Fang Incident - Boon: Recognized as upstanding free citizen of Andoran Republic
Cert 4: Scenario 06: Black Waters - Sold Chain Shirt & Spiked Chain
Cert 4: Scenario 06: Black Waters - Bought MW Full Plate, MW Spiked Chain & Noble's Outfit
Cert 7: Year of the Shadow Lodge - Boon: Combat Boon: Immediate re-roll of an attack roll before results are known
Cert 7: Year of the Shadow Lodge - Bought +1 for Full Plate
Cert 9: Scenatio 41: The Devil We Know, Part III, Crypt of Fools - Bought Wand of CLW Level 1
Cert 10: Scenario 39: The Citadel of Flame - Bought 6 Scrolls of Endure Elements Level 1 - Used 1 scroll
Cert 12: Scenario 52: The City of Strangers, Part II: The Twofold Demise - Bought +2 for Armor, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
Cert 12: Scenario 52: The City of Strangers, Part II: The Twofold Demise - Used 2 charges from wand (9)
Cert 13: Scenario 3-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet - KIA - spent 15 Prestige for return
Cert 13: Scenario 3-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet - Bought Ring of Protection +1, +1 upgrade for Spiked Chain
Cert 14: Scenario 3-07: Echoes of the Overwatched - Bought Cleared Negative level; Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Cert 14: Scenario 3-07: Echoes of the Overwatched - Used 3 charges form wand (9)
Cert 15: Scenario 2=06: The Heresy of Man, Part I: The First heresy - Boon: An Agent Uncovered - Unique Wayfinder - +2 Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate vs other Pathfinders
Cert 15: Scenario 2=06: The Heresy of Man, Part I: The First heresy - Bought Cloak of Protection +2
Cert 15: Scenario 2=06: The Heresy of Man, Part I: The First heresy - Used 1 charge from wand (9)
Cert 17: Scenario 3-01: he Frostfur Captives - Bought Ring of Protection upgrade to +2
Cert 19: Scenario 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom - Boon: Koboldfriend - Token of kobold - when worn (not), +2 Diplomacy with humanoid: reptilians
Cert 19: Scenario 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom - Bought +3 upgrade to Full Plate
Cert 20: Scenario 3-25: Storming the Diamond Gate - Used 12 charges from wand (9)
Cert 21: Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague - Boon: Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow - +1 circumstance on Charisma-based checks with Andorans
Cert 21: Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague - Boon: Enemy of the Fey - -1 to Charisma-based checks with Fey
Cert 21: Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague - Sold Heavy Flail
Cert 21: Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague - Bought MW Spiked Chain, MW Strength +2 Composite Longbow, 60 arrows, Efficient Quiver, Sash of the War Champion
Cert 21: Scenario 43: The Pallid Plague - Used 10 charges from wand (9)
Cert 22: Scenario 4-08: The Cultist's Kiss - Boon: Lissalan Library - +2 circumstance on Knowledge (Religion) regarding Lissala and her ancient cult (when consulted)
Cert 22: Scenario 4-08: The Cultist's Kiss - Boon: Sihedron Brand (noted in gear)
Cert 23: Scenario 4-03 The Golemworks Incident - Bought Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone
Cert 24: Scenario 4-06: The Green Market - Boon: Greenheart's Blessing - +2 to Day Job rolls (doesn't have a day job!)
Cert 24: Scenario 4-06: The Green Market - Bought +4 upgrade to Full Plate
Cert 25: Scenario 27: Our Lady of Silver - Boon: Defender of Katheer - +1 Diplomacy with humanoids from Katheer
Cert 27: Scenario 4-16: The Fabric of Reality - Boon: Tapestry Fast Travel - count as in both Absalom and Taldor when in either.
Cert 27: Scenario 4-16: The Fabric of Reality - Bought Gloves of Dueling; Ioun Torch
Cert 27: Scenario 4-16: The Fabric of Reality - Used 2 charges from wand (9)
Cert 28: Scenario 4-20: Words of the Ancients - Boon: Sihedron Brand - +2 Profane on Attack, Damage & AC versus creatures brought to the Material Plane va Conjuration (Summoning) effects
Cert 28: Scenario 4-20: Words of the Ancients - Bought Pathfinder Society Field Guide Dueling enhancement for Spiked Chain (Making it a +2 equivalent weapon)
Cert 29: Scenario 5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread - Boon: Accumulating an Army - Bonus during expedition to Sky Citadel of Jormurdun
Cert 29: Scenario 5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread - Gave away MW Spiked Chain
Cert 29: Scenario 5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread - Bought MW Cold Iron Spiked Chain; Upgraded +1 Dueling Spiked Chain to +2 Dueling Spiked Chain (Making it a +3 equivalent weapon)
Cert 31: Scenario 8-99: Solstice Scar - Upgraded Belt of Incredible Dexterity to +4
Cert 33: Scenario 9-13: The Lion's justice - Upgraded Cloak of Resistance to +4; Upgraded Amulet of Natural Armor to +2
Cert 34: Scenario 8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable - Upgraded +2 Dueling Spiked Chain to +3 Dueling Spiked Chain; purchased Wand of Enlarge; purchase Wand of CLW (x2) - Actually still net gained 103 GP for the module