About Ghazwan KazimHP 41/41; Status Effects none
Type NG medium outsider (native)
Languages Common, Ignan (race), Aquan (Int), Auran (Int), Terran (Int), Celestial (Ling.), Abyssal (Cosmo.), Infernal (Cosmo.) Defense:
AC 19 or 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 or 18 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +6 armor, +1 shield)
HP 41 (4d8 +16 Con +4 FC) Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5; +4 vs. poison DR 5/magic; Immune disease; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 5; SR 16 CMD 17 (10 +3 BAB, +2 Str, +2 Dex) Offense:
Speed 30 ft. base; 60 ft. fly (good maneuverability)
BAB +3; CMB +5 (+3 BAB, +2 Str) Melee Dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) P or S and
Ranged Dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) P or S, 10 ft. and
orisons (unlimited): detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, purify food & drink, read magic, spark, stabilize
1st-level (7/day): bless water, cure light wounds, deathwatch, endure elements, memory lapse 2nd-level (4/day): align weapon, cure moderate wounds, gentle repose Race & Class:
Race Ifrit
Abilities +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis Darkvision 60 ft. Spell-Like Ability burning hands 1/day Elemental Resistance fire resistance 5 Speed 30 ft. Elemental Affinity irrelevant Languages Common & Ignan +3: Aquan, Auran, Terran Racial Template Half-Celestial
Class Oracle
Traits & Feats:
Armor Expert Armor check penalty for wearing armor is reduced by 1
Focused Mind +2 bonus on concentration checks Cosmopolitan (Abyssal, Infernal; Bluff, Linguistics) Read and speak two additional languages; add two Int, Wis or Cha skills to class skills
Skill Ranks 28 (16 class, +12 Int)
Bluff +11 (+4 ranks, +3 CS, +4 Cha)
Cash to be determined
Clothing, armor & shields Breastplate (masterwork), Explorer's outfit, Light shield (darkwood) Weapons Dagger (cold iron, hidden), Longspear (cold iron, masterwork), Morningstar (cold iron, masterwork) Efficient quiver Darts (60, cold iron), Javelins (18, cold iron), Spears (6, cold iron) Pockets Candles (5), Chalk (2), Earplugs, Signal whistle, Smoked goggles, Wand of cure light wounds Backpack (masterwork) Description:
to be completed later Background:
to be completed later Future Fable:
Joramy brooded as she wandered a familiar path. Erythnul had interfered with her plans one too many times, Beltar's priests had taken one too many of her followers to the sacrificial block... and now Graz'zt was rumored to be buildilng a city in the cauldron of a volcano. A volcano! Volcanos were *her* thing. The Blood War was of no concern to her directly; but her anger at certain rulers of the Abyss, Carceri, and Pandemonium could only be slaked by action. But what?
She was powerful, but so were they; and she was one, while they were many. Every time she imagined going up against them all herself, she saw them uniting against her -- at least until it came to divvying up her stuff. So, Joramy went to her friend Kurell at his home in Limbo, the House of Locks. As the lord of Revenge, surely he would know how to get back at them. "My friend Kurell, I am sorely vexed by these fiends as we have discussed many times. But I am done talking. What can I do about it without them ganging up on me?" Kurell was in a bind. Erythnul was also his friend, and a better one than Joramy. Besides, he had another home in Pandesmos that she didn't care for and never visited; the last thing he needed was the Raging Volcano flooding the plane with lava. However, he could hardly refuse to help the scary Shrew with one of his primary concerns. He posed as if gravely pondering a serious matter, while actually trying to figure out how to keep her from being too effective, and... how to keep his assistance from being at all traceable back to him... "Hmm." Joramy actually had a similar problem, and so Kurell saw a solution to both. "My friend Joramy, if you wanted revenge against even so much as another lesser power, then I could help you. But for the kind of help you seek, you will have to ask your good friend Pelor. Ask him not for help with revenge but to strengthen a healer of yours with the power of his divine light, and he will not refuse. Then send your agent to help others interfering in the Blood War, so that they will be blamed and not you." Joramy thanked her trusted friend Kurell. "You are more help than you know. I am used to expressing my own anger directly. Your counsel is wise." So, she left and sought out Pelor at his home in the Fortress of the Sun in Elysium. "Pelor my friend, I am done watching helplessly as these fiends' plots hurt my followers and my plans, but I am not ready to move against them directly. I have a priest that I could send to help others interfering in the Blood War." With a wave of her hand at the hearth fire, she brought up an image of a well-dressed ifrit, taking care to show a moment when he was performing a ritual of worship. (Mortals could be so embarrassing.) "As you can see, he is devoted, but not yet strong enough to do what I would ask of him. So, I am asking for a favor. Please strengthen him with your divine light, to make him a better agent against the powers of the Lower Planes." Pelor brightened (literally) at her request, pleased at her initiative. "Of course, my dear Joramy." Touching a finger to the forehead of the ifrit's image, the Shining One infused her priest with the power of goodness and light. "There. He is now much strengthened. I hope that he manages to do what you say." Bookkeeping:
Re-rolled Stats: 15, 14, 12, 12, 11, 11
t = template, r = race, l = level 15 Str = 11 + 4t
HP: 8 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 21 rolled + 16 Con + 4 FC = 41 total |