Gene Edwards's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

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I was recently in a society game Playing my Level 6 Magus. I tried to enchant my weapon (+1 Cold Iron Scimitar) using my Arcane Pool (level 6 magus +2 bonus) So i said i wanted to Add +1 and Keen to my Scimatar making it a +2 Keen Cold Iron Scimitar. I was told that i can't do that in the same round because i was addding 2 properies to a weapon so i could either Add the keen or the +1 that round but not both. Is that correct By the way thats its stated it seems like i can add both at the same time +1 and Keen. Can i get a clarifcation?