Full Name |
Gemmel |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Paladin 18 |
Gender |
Male |
About Gemmel
Male Human (Azlanti) Paladin 18
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +17
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +4 deflection)
hp 130 (18d10+18)
Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +16
DR 5/evil; Immune Aura of Righteousness, charm, compulsion, fear, disease
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +2 Holy Falchion +25/+20/+15/+10 (2d4+12/15-20/x2)
Special Attacks Aura of Faith, Smite Evil (6/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 15, 24 melee touch, 23 ranged touch):
4 (3/day) Death Ward, Fire of Vengeance, Litany of Vengeance
3 (3/day) Burst of Speed, Deadly Juggernaut, Fire of Judgment (DC 17)
2 (4/day) Resist Energy (DC 16), Inheritor's Smite, Litany of Defense, Litany of Righteousness
1 (5/day) Divine Favor (x2), Protection from Evil (DC 15), Bless, Rally Point (DC 15)
Str 21/25, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14/18
Base Atk +18; CMB +25; CMD 40
Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Furious Focus, Improved Critical (Falchion), Lunge, Power Attack -5/+10, Step Up, Strike Back, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (Falchion)
Skills Diplomacy +25, Handle Animal +25, Perception +17, Sense Motive +20
Languages Azlanti, Common
SQ Aura of Courage +4 (10' radius), Aura of Good, Aura of Justice (10' radius), Aura of Resolve +4 (10' radius), Divine Weapon +5 (18 minutes) (4/day), Lay on Hands (9d6) (13/day), Mercy: Exhausted, Mercy: Fatigued, Mercy: Nauseated, Mercy: Paralyzed, Mercy: Sickened, Mercy: Staggered, Paladin Channel Positive Energy 9d6 (6/day) (DC 23)
Combat Gear +2 Holy Falchion, Mithral Full Plate of Speed; Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength, +4, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Headband of Alluring Charisma, +4
Special Abilities
Aura of Courage +4 (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to Fear. Allies within aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs Fear.
Aura of Faith (10' radius) (Su) Your weapons, and attacks against enemies in aura are considered good-aligned for overcoming DR.
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Aura of Justice (10' radius) (Su) You may expend two uses of your Smite Evil ability to allow your allies within aura to Smite evil, using your bonuses.
Aura of Resolve +4 (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to charm. Allies within aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs charm.
Aura of Righteousness +4 (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to compulsion. Allies within aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs compulsion.
Cleave If you hit a foe, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus but take -2 AC.
Critical Focus +4 to confirm critical hits.
Damage Reduction (5/evil) You have Damage Reduction against all except Evil attacks.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Divine Weapon +5 (18 minutes) (4/day) (Sp) Weapon shines with light and gains enhancement bonuses or chosen properties.
Furious Focus If you are wielding a weapon in two hands, ignore the penalty for your first attack of each turn.
Immune to Charm You are immune to charm effects.
Immune to Compulsion You are immune to compulsion.
Immune to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Lay on Hands (9d6) (13/day) (Su) You can heal 9d6 damage, 13/day
Lunge -2 to AC for +5' reach
Mercy: Exhausted (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the exhausted condition.
Mercy: Fatigued (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the fatigued condition.
Mercy: Nauseated (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the nauseated condition.
Mercy: Paralyzed (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the paralyzed condition.
Mercy: Sickened (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the sickened condition.
Mercy: Staggered (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the staggered condition. This does not help if the target is at 0 HP.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 9d6 (6/day) (DC 23) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Power Attack -5/+10 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Evil (6/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +18 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Step Up You may make a 5' step closer when your opponent makes a 5' step away from you.
Strike Back A readied melee attack can be used against a foe whose reach allows them to attack you, but whom you could not attack.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.
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