
Gaven Deverin's page

63 posts. Alias of TreasureFox.

Full Name

Gaven Deverin




Paladin 1 | HP: 5/20 | AC:16 TAC:14 | F:+4 R:+1 W+3 | Perc +2T | SP 2/2 | Reso 3/3 | Speed 20 | Active Conditions:


Diplo +3T, Lore(Noble) +1T, Lore(Alco) +1T, Religion +2T, Society +1T












Common, Dwarven



Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Gaven Deverin

Male Human Paladin 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Perception +2T
AC 16, TAC 14
hp 20
Fort +4E, Ref +1T, Will +3E
Speed 20 ft., 25 unarmoured
Melee Longsword +4 (1d8+3S, versatile P)
Ranged Crossbow +2 (1d10P, 120ft.)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Ancestry Feats General Training
Paladin Feats Warded Touch
General Feats Fast Recovery
Background Feats Hobnobber
Skills (4)
ACP -4 or -6 (shield)
*ACP applies to these skills
Diplomacy +3T
Lore Alcohol +1T
Lore Nobility +1T
Religion +2T
Society +1T
Languages Common, Dwarven

Special Abilities:

Deific Weapon: Crossbow 1d10
Retributive Strike
Champion Power: Lay on Hands
Spell Points: 2


Breastplate (80sp) 2B
Heavy Wooden Shield (10sp) 1B (2 dents, broken)
Longsword (10sp) 1B
Crossbow (30sp) 1B
10 bolts (1sp) L
Backpack (1sp)
Bedroll (1cp) L
Belt Pouch (4cp)
Ordinary Clothing (1sp)
Flint & Steel (5cp)
Wooden Holy Symbol (1sp) L
Hemp Rope (1sp) 1B
Pup Tent (8sp) L
10 Torches (1cp) L
Waterskin (5cp) L
Mug (1cp)
7 days rations (35cp) 7L
Sheath (1cp)
Clasp of the Owlbear

Bulk 6B, 13L
Unencumbered 0-8B Encumbered 9-13B
Current Load Carried 7B
Money 0 GP 1 SP 7 CP


Gaven was born and raised as the youngest son of the noble Deverin family in Magnimar. He was bullied often as a child from other noble children, who liked to call him 'the simpleton'. His older brother, Wade, would always step in and protect Gaven, even if Wade got in trouble for it. In adolescence, the two worked at the family's brewery, the Fancy Reefclaw, to raise money for martial training. Their tutor was an old paladin of Abadar, and in addition to learning how to fight, both Wade and Gaven picked up the faith.

Their knighthood didn't last very long before the two decided that adventuring wasn't quite for them. They felt like the Magnimar guard was better equipped within the city, and neither brother was keen on delving into the wilderness of Varisia. Still the best of friends, they decided to move to Sandpoint where their cousin Kendra lives, and opened a brewery called the Two-Knight Brewery. It was quite successful for a few years before Wade was suddenly murdered by the Chopper, and sacrificed to a demon lord. This completely broke Gaven. Five years later, he still hasn't recovered from the loss of his brother and best friend. The brewery slowly went under while in his grief, and he was forced to sell it to Titus Scarnetti. Out of her heart to help Gaven, his cousin Kendra asked him if he could go help Keleri, his sister with some important task. With the little money he has left, he agreed and bought a ride back to Magnimar, where he hopes a change in scenery will improve his spirits.

Appearance and Personality:

Gaven Deverin Actual Look

Gaven is a strongly built, but chubby man with long brown hair. He has a resting mopey face that accompanies his stubble and moustache. He sweats profusely under any activity, and his hair has a nasty habit of sticking to his face under those conditions.

Despite being a paladin, Gaven is a pessimist. The loss of his brother shook him to the core, and now he feels lost in this world. He loves his family and friends, but has difficulty making any new friends since his brother died. He is doubtful of his own abilities, always questioning what Wade would have done. He wishes that Chopper had killed him instead.

Gaven hopes that one day he will heal from the loss of his brother. He fears that those he loves will perish regardless of what he does. He also fears that one day he'll have to make a choice between the law (and his faith), and the greater good.