Viaren the Apothecary

Gauri Bittertea's page

9 posts. Alias of Metamorphosis.

Full Name

Gauri Bittertea


Half Elf


Monk 1st




medium (5'6")



Special Abilities

flurry of blows,


Lawful Good


Common, elven


headman's daughter, foreigner lost in the wider world.

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 8
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Gauri Bittertea

Init: +2

AC 15 (+2 dex, +3 wis), T 15, FF 10;

Hp: 8 (-1 con, +1 favourite class)

Speed: 30ft.

Racial Abilities


Low-Light Vision.

Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on sight- and
sound-based Perception checks. They can make a Perception
check to spot a secret or concealed door if they pass within
10 feet, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking.
Immunity to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.

Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans
for any effect related to race.

Fort +1(base +2, -1 con), Ref +4 (base +2, +2 dex), Will +5 (base +2, +3 wis);


CBM +0
+0 melee (1d6/ x2, unarmed strike)
+2 ranged (1d6/ x2, javelin)
+2 ranged (1d6/ x2, sling)
-2/-2 melee (1d6/ x2, flurry of blows)



skill focus (sense motive) half elf bonus
point blank shot 1st level
dodge 1st monk



acrobatics +6 (2 dex, 1 ranks, 3 trained/c)
climb +6 (2 dex, 3 trained/c, 1 rank)
escape artist +6 (2 dex, 3 trained/c, 1 rank)
Perception +7/+9 for sight/sound based checks (3 wis, 3 trained/c, 1 rank, +2 racial)
sense motive +10 ( 3 wis, 3 trained/c, 1 rank, 3 skill focus)
stealth +5 (2 dex, 3 trained/c, 1 rank)

Equipment : 3 javelins, sling, 20 bullets, back pack, flask, candle, chalk, 5 rations, bed roll, 50ft. silk rope, monks outfit (saffron cotton sari,lime cotton sash, undyed quilted gloves and cork sandals), 2 tinder twigs, 10 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp


Moon faced, with satiny black hair drawn into a long braid and skin like burnished copper is no common half elf but a traveler from a distant exotic land. Slim and rangy built Gauri cuts a tom boyish figure.

Born to special privilege Gauri was fawned over, cherish and idolized by a whole village. While such ministration where born out of respect and kindness it terrified the young girl. She could never be alone, ever where were watching eyes and smiling faces.
Soon Gauri was hiding, traveling by nightfall to avoid her subject. And yet inside guilt consumed her but her spurning of those who had

height: 5'6"
weight: 106 ibs