
Garrison Wyngarde's page

20 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

Full Name

Garrison Wyngarde


Human (Ryn)


Gunmage 2










Cygnaran (spoken), Llaelese,Cygnaran (written)


Gunmage, member of the Order of the Arcane Tempest.

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Garrison Wyngarde

Max HP:18 Current HP:18
STR 11 (+0) DEX 16(+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 8 (-1) CHA 18(+4)


AC: 17
Touch: 13
Flat footed:14



Studded leather armor +3ac -1 check pen
Reinforced Greatcoat +1ac DR 3/Slashing or Bludgeoning.

Speed: 30


BAB:+1 0 CMB: +1 CMD: 14

Melee: Caspian Battle blade Att+1 Dam 2d4 x3
Ranged: Radliffe Quad Iron pistol att +5(+1) Dam 4d4 crit 19-20/x3 (20 reg charges/ 10 incediary)
Ranged: Magelock Military Pistol att +5 (3)Dam 2d6 crit 19-20/x3 (30 reg charges/10 incendiary)

Initiative +5

Fort: + 1 Reflex: + 5 Will: +1

Special Abilities


Arcane Focus
Bonded Magelock Pistol
Cast Rune Bullet



Starting Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse
Ability Scores: +2 any stat, +2 CHA, -2 WIS
Automatic Class Skill: Diplomacy
Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Sense Motive
Automatic Languages: Cygnaran (spoken), Llaelese
Bonus Languages: Caspian, Cygnaran (written), Khadoran, Rhulic (spoken), Shyr (spoken, requires 2 ranks to learn)



Gun Nut: You were raised with a pistol in your hand and learned from an early age how to maintain, load, and fire a gun. You receive a +2 competence bonus on Craft (small arms) as a result.

Reactionary: You were bullied often as a child, but
never quite developed an offensive response. Instead,
you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and
reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus to
Initiative checks

Skills: 4+Int mod+bonus (7 per level)


Acrobatics +8
Climb +5
Craft (Gunsmithing)+6
Craft(Small Arms)+8
Diplomacy+ 8
Jump +2
Knowledge Arcana +6
Perception +5
Sense motive +1
Ride +
Stealth +5
Swim +5
Survival +



Exotic weapon prof firearms (class bonus), Weapon focus (small arms), Quick draw (human bonus), Two Pistol Fighting (Tempest fighting), Combat loading(order bonus)

Equipment (lbs)


Gunner's kit
2 holsters
Bandolier w/ ammo pouches
Flint striker
50ft silk rope
Military uniform
Explorer's outfit
Belt pouch
10 sunrods



PER DAY:0-5, 1-1
Known: 0-5
mage hand,detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, guncraft.

1st -2
true strike, featherfall



Light: lbs
Medium: lbs
Heavy: lbs



The son of a decorated Llaelese Pistoleer, Garrison was literally raised around guns. His prediliction for trouble and penchant for adventure led to him looking forward to growing up a soldier,and his father made sure to train the boy with his signature weapon. Touching the cold steel was different for him though, it was as if he could feel a faint pulsing, a life within the weapon that in turn made him feel more alive himself. Worrying that he was being crazy, he kept his feelings to himself for years until that fateful day during the revolt against the Khandoran occupation.

Overwhelmed, the contingent of soldiers and consctipts, including the now teenaged Garrison, seemed all but doomed, the noble Amethyst Knights standing their ground against hope. Then it happened. A contingent of Cygnaran soldiers arrived to help them, led by a Gunmage of the Arcane Tempest.

For the first time, Garrison witnessed the true glory of gunmagic. The man was a veritable storm of violence, fury and grace, power and skill, gunplay blending with arcane energies in an overwhelming display of ability.

In a single moment Garrison understood his path in life. When the opportunity to migrate to Cygnar arose, he leapt forward whole heartedly.

Since then he has completed his training and done rather well for himself earning respect for his skills if not his unpredictability. A bit of a wildcard, his name is often toasted to by fellow soldiers and cursed by superior officers.



Charming, engaging, wild, unpredictable, valiant, reckless as all hell. These are but a few of the terms used to describe Garrison Wyngarde. He is all of these and more. A young man who thrives on action and chafes at the very thought of stagnation. While he definitely lives by his own code, he still shows the occasional sparks of an idealist. Garrison often plays the part of a catalyst, his very presence seeming to froment action over dialogue. Garrison's approach to conflict can best be described by a memorable quote from a friend and fellew soldier.

"Face first, guns blazing, getting all your friends shot!!!"



Black hair and goatee
Steel Grey eyes

Tall and dashing, handome in a dangerous sort of way, Garrison never goes unnoticed. His ready smile and casual posture tend to disarm those around him, at least, those who look past the lean gunfighter's body, or fail to notice his perfectly balanced graceful movemnts.

Symbols inscribed into magelock pistol



pp 92gp 35sp cp





Arcane Focus: A gun mage may cast any spell he knows as though it were affected by the Eschew Materials feat so long as he holds a pistol in his hand. Additionally, a gun mage with a pistol in hand does not suffer the usual arcane spell failure chance associated with wearing light armor (medium and heavy armors still have their normal arcane spell failure chance). Spells cast without a pistol in hand are subject to all the normal requirements and restrictions of spellcasting (including arcane spell failure from armor and shields).
Additionally, any ray spells cast by the gun mage can be focused through the barrel of his pistol, allowing him to use his pistol ranged attack bonus (and any ensuing bonuses from Weapon Focus or other feats) to determine the ranged touch attack bonuses for resolving the ray spell. However, the gun mage cannot cast a spell and fire his pistol at the same time.
Unfortunately, normal pistols are not built to withstand the arcane forces channeled by a gun mage. For every two spell levels cast through the pistol, it loses one point of hardness, rounding up for odd level spells. When the pistol's hardness reaches 0 it is destroyed, consumed by the arcane forces channeled through it. A common pistol has a hardness of 10 and 5 hit points.

Cantrips: Gun mages learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Spells Known. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Magelock Bond: A gun mage is capable of bonding with the strange metal used to create magelock pistols. Doing so takes a full day and uses up alchemical materials costing 100 gp. The bonded weapon becomes an extension of the gun mage, and while many gun mages carry a second, third, or even fourth pistol, not all of them can bond to multiple magelock pistols. A gun mage can only bond to a number of magelock pistols equal to his Charisma ability modifier.

Cast Rune Bullet: At 3rd level, the gun mage learns how to craft special bullets that channel spell energy. When firing a rune-cast bullet, the gun mage can, as a free action, channel a spell into the bullet. If the bullet hits its target, it does an additional 1d6 force damage per level of the spell channeled into the bullet. Cantrips cannot be channeled in this way.
In addition, upon reaching 6th level, the gun mage's rune-cast bullets are treated as having a +1 enhancement bonus when spell levels are channeled into the bullet. This bonus increases by +1 for every 6 levels in the gun mage class; +2 at 12th level, +3 at 18th level.
Casting rune bullets requires a full gunner's kit and a DC 15 Craft (small arms) check for every hour of work. For each successful check, the gun mage creates 5 rune bullets. The materials consumed in the process have a gold piece value equal to the normal pistol charge cost for the weapon being crafted for plus 25gp per bullet. Failing this check causes the gun mage to become fatigued for the remainder of the day and also uses up 40% of the raw materials needed to craft the bullets.

Bonus Feat: Every five levels, a gun mage gains a bonus feat. These must be chosen from the following list:
any Metamagic feat, Combat Casting, Combat Loading (Improved Combat Loading), Dodge (Mobility),
Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on
the Run), Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Craft [small arms]), Spell Focus (Greater Spell Focus), Spell Penetration (Greater Spell Penetration), Weapon Focus (pistol).

Table 1–7: Bonded Magelock Pistol Special Abilities
Gun Mage
1-2 +1 +2 Alertness, spell link
3-4 +2 +4 Ranged touch
5-6 +3 +6 Touch
7-8 +4 +8 Sighting link
9-10 +5 +10 Call pistol
11-12 +6 +12
13-14 +7 +14 Scry
15-16 +8 +16
17-18 +9 +18
19-20 +10 +20
Hardness: As a gun mage increases in level, his bonded magelock pistol becomes more durable. A standard
magelock pistol begins with a hardness of 10; this increases by +1 for every two levels of the pistol’s master.
Hit Points: A standard magelock pistol has 8 hit points. As its bonded master increases in level, the pistol’s
hit points increase by +2 for every two levels of the pistol’s master.

Alertness: The touch of cold, magelock steel serves to sharpen its master's senses. While the magelock
pistol is touched, its master is treated as having the Alertness feat.

Spell Link: Due to the magic channeling and absorbing properties of the metals used to craft magelock
pistols, any personal spell cast by the master will also affect the pistol. The pistol must be within 5 feet at
the time. If the spell’s duration is other than instantaneous, the spell stops affecting the pistol if it is moved
farther than 5 feet away from its master. The spell's effect will not be restored even if its master retrieves
the pistol before the spell’s duration would have ended. The master and magelock pistol can share spells
even if the spells do not normally affect items. For example, Roderick casts mirror image on himself, creating
four images. As long as his pistol remains within 5 feet of Roderick it has four images as well, making it
more difficult for his opponents to target both Roderick and his precious magelock pistol.
Ranged Touch: If the master is 3rd level or higher, the magelock pistol can be used to deliver ranged touch
spells. When the master casts a ranged touch spell, the rune-cast bullet in the chamber is designated as the
"toucher." (The master must be holding the pistol at the time of casting.) The ranged touch spell can then
be delivered as a ranged touch attack. If the attack would also succeed as a normal ranged melee attack,
pistol damage is also applied to the attack. As normal, if the master casts another spell, the touch spell
Touch: If the master is 5th level or higher, the magelock pistol can be used to deliver touch spells at range.
This is handled exactly as the Ranged Touch ability.
Sighting Link: Due to the magical nature of the magelock metal and the bond that has been forged
between the pistol and its master, with a successful Concentration check (DC 15), the master of 7th level
or higher can see as if looking out from his pistol’s sights (or the end of the barrel if it has no sights),
instead of using his own eyes. This enables the master to aim the pistol without looking, allowing for some
spectacular trick shots.
Call Pistol: At 9th level, the master gains the ability to summon his magelock pistol to his hand. When
separated from his pistol, with a successful Concentration check (DC 18) the master can cause his pistol to
fly into his hand so long as it is not gripped by another and can be seen by its master. This ability is a moveequivalent
action, though a gun mage with the quick draw ability can call his pistol as a free action.
Scry: If the master is 13th level or higher, the master may scry on his pistol (as if casting the spell scrying)
once per day. This is a spell-like ability requiring no material components or focus that allows the gun
mage to see his bonded pistol and its surroundings if they are ever separated


Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Swim (Str).
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Loading, Critical Focus, Improved Combat Loading, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Critical, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Weapon Focus (any).

Origin Techniques: Gun mages trained by the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest do not provoke attacks of opportunity for firing a pistol in a square threatened by an enemy. Additionally, Tempest gun mages gain proficiency with the longsword and Caspian battleblade.
Origin Training: Tempest gun mages exhibit exceptional prowess in combat, wielding their pistols with practiced grace and lethal efficiency.

Tempest Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a Tempest gun mage with at least one pistol in hand gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. At 10th level, this ability functions as if he also possessed Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.

Twin Strike (Ex): At 8th level, a Tempest gun mage with at least one pistol in hand may make a single attack with a weapon in each hand as a standard action.

Arcane Invigoration (Su): At 15th level, a Tempest gun mage who scores a critical hit with any spell (or any shot conducting a spell through the Imbue Bullet ability) immediately refreshes the spell slot that was used to cast it as though it had not been cast.

Ballistic Cyclone (Su): At 20th level, a Tempest gun mage may accelerate his body to such an extent as to permit him to make an attack with his pistol at his highest attack bonus against every enemy within 30 feet as a full round action, though the gun mage is still limited by ammunition and must use his Spellshot ability to provide any additional shots beyond the pistol's normal capacity. A gun mage may opt to use a pistol in his off-hand to take some of the shots granted by this ability in order to avoid using more spell slots to fuel Spellshot. He may also voluntarily choose to take fewer than the maximum number of shots if he wishes. A gun mage may make no more than one attack against a single target with this ability, whether the attack succeeds or not. Each use of this ability deals 2 points of Charisma damage to the gun mage that cannot be avoided, though it may be restored like any other ability damage.

At 1st, 8th, 15th, and 20th level, a gun mage masters a particular technique exclusive to his origin. Additionally, a gun mage's training grants him a passive ability at first level that reflects the basic tenets of his learning.

At 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a gun mage receives one bonus feat, chosen from a list specific to each origin. The gun mage must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.

Spell List:

0 level—arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending,
open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance

1st level—alarm, animate rope, burning hands, cause fear, change self, charm person, chill touch, color spray, endure elements,
enlarge, erase, expeditious retreat, feather fall, floating disk, grease, hold portal, hypnotism, jump, mage armor, magic missile,
magic weapon, magical aura, message, obscuring mist, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ray of enfeeblement, reduce, shield,
shocking grasp, silent image, sleep, spider climb, true strike, undetectable aura, unseen servant, ventriloquism

2nd level—alter self, arcane lock, blindness/deafness, blur, bull's strength, cat's grace, continual flame, darkness, darkvision,
daylight, detect undead, endurance, flaming sphere, fog cloud, glitterdust, hideous laughter, hold person, hypnotic pattern,
identify, invisibility, knock, levitate, locate object, magic mouth, minor image, mirror image, misdirection, obscure object,
protection from arrows, pyrotechnics, resist elements, scare, see invisibility, shatter, silence, sound burst, suggestion, summon
swarm, tongues, trap, undetectable alignment, web, whispering wind

3rd level—blink, confusion, detect thoughts, dispel magic, displacement, emotion, explosive runes, fear, fireball, fly, gaseous
form, greater magic weapon, gust of wind, halt undead, haste, hold person, invisibility sphere, keen edge, lightning bolt, magiccircle against chaos/evil/good/ law, nondetection, phantom steed, protection from elements, shrink item, sleet storm, slow,
stinking cloud, suggestion, vampiric touch, water breathing, wind wall

4th level—bestow curse, black tentacles, charm monster, confusion, contagion, dimension door, dominate person, emotion,
enervation, fear, fire shield, fire trap, hold monster, ice storm, improved invisibility, minor creation, minor globe of
invulnerability, modify memory, remove curse, resilient sphere, shout, solid fog, stoneskin, wall of fire, wall of ice

5th level—animate dead, cloudkill, cone of cold, control water, dominate person, faithful hound, feeblemind, greater
dispelling, hold monster, interposing hand, magic jar, major creation, mind fog, mislead, permanency, secret chest, sending,
stone shape, telekinesis, teleport, wall of force, wall of iron, wall of stone

6th level—acid fog, antimagic field, chain lightning, circle of death, contingency, disintegrate, eyebite, flesh to stone, forceful
hand, freezing sphere, globe of invulnerability, greater dispelling, mass haste, mass suggestion, mislead, project image,
repulsion, stone to flesh, transformation