
Garrett's page

33 posts. Alias of Jim Groves (Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4).


Hey folks.. I think I am going to bow out. I'll post more in the ooc thread.

Init dice exploded

Init 1d10 ⇒ 5

With a surprised look of relief when the abdomination falls, Garrett doesn't let up and starts to fire at the troll spellcaster.


Init 1d10 ⇒ 10

Missile Attack (longbow) 1d12 ⇒ 8 plus karma die 1d6 ⇒ 2

Bow damage (if it hits) 2d8 ⇒ (7, 6) = 13

Grimmacing, Garrett holds his position and fires another arrow at the beast. If he has to move to a different position to get a clean shot, he'll do so.

Using the Paizo Roller, if a roll explodes I'll put it in a follow up post like Glottal Cha did above

Init 1d10 ⇒ 2

Missile Attack (longbow) 1d12 ⇒ 7

Bow damage (if it hits) 2d8 ⇒ (5, 7) = 12

Garrett gives a sharp nod to Glotta Cha's cry to attack. He ducks in the cave and steps the side (to G6).

Init Roll=6

Nocking an arrow he levels it at the monstrosity and fires.

Ranged missle attack=6

At Glottal Cha's words, Garrett leans his bow up against the rocky wall, and hastily unslings his pack. Unlacing the top, he opens it up and withdraws a couple of torches. With a nod to Glottal Cha, "I'll carry one till we get around the corner and then toss it to the ground. Hopefully we'll be able to see well enough to fight. I can swing a sword, but its not my best weapon." He refers of course to the longbow

He turns to Fenswalder and whispers, "Duly noted friend, but I don't suppose you could light these fast? Save us messing with the flint?"

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Sytåz was the first in, he was heading in when everyone else was still finishing off the last cadaver man. Though he had to stop when the light went away.

Fair enough. I jumped the gun. Was just trying to get back in action, and I moved too quickly. My apologies to deinol.

Sytåz wrote:
Sytåz brazenly heads toward the chanting, his two knives in hand.

Just to be clear, Garrett is using an Adept Talent to move silently, to scout ahead and gather some intelligence on they're about to face, after making his intention known. Is Sytåz staying right behind him? Following up at a distance? I just want to know the right way to interpret this.

Edit: Well, in the absence of heat vision, it might not matter because he might not be able to advance anyway. While I was posting this Txoro posted. I'm still curious though.

With bow and arrow loose in one hand, Garrett catches up to the others. With a finger to his lips he motions them to remain silent. Then he points to the ground and then to himself, ending with a twiddle of two fingers to emulate walking.. signalling that he's going to walk ahead and stay here.

Then with no perceptable noise at all he starts to pad his way forward, not so much making it a hint of noise over the loose earth and stone under his feet.

Silent walk, base roll d12
1d12 ⇒ 10

He'll creep forward and see if he can spot the individual chanting.

Let me know if I need to make another roll. I have good perception and Search Talent

You have been more than patient with me Txoro! Thanks for letting me have the time to do the contest. So puppet time is over! I'm going to assume that Garrett stayed with Solonchak, but I am going to transition to the other scene

Garrett listens to Gram's tale, and then puts his hand on the obsidman's shoulder. "You did good," he praises his friend briefly. He nods at the dwarf. "But he's right. We have to get in there and put an end to this because this troll they're describing is gonna be worse."

Garrett takes his dagger out and tosses it down at Gram's side. "Once he has you untied, you start freeing all the others. Find a defensible position. If you see any sign that we're in bad trouble, then get these people towards town. It's that way." He'll turn and point in the proper direction, having been sketching a partial map and watching the landscape on the way to the point where they are now. "If it sounds like we're okay, wait for us to escort you back. Use your best judgment."

Turning to Solonchak, "Grab the axe. I'll see you inside."

With that Garret heads inside after the others.

Is this a good time to come back? I would understand if you didn't.. but just checking if I should get caught up and resume my duties? Except for voting, the contest is over for me now..

No problem at all on the dagger

"That may be so, but there's no sign of corruption either," Garrett points out.

Sorry to cut in on Fray, just knocking my post out for the day

Garrett briefly inspects Fenswalder's embroidered flower, and holds his breath when Sytåz offers a technically well put together arrow with a slightly curved shaft.

That's okay, he tries to reassure himself silently; the truth is seldom straight forward anyway. In any case, he's relieved when Fenswalder doesn't choose to challenge it.

Then with a look and a nod to Solonchak (signaling that they should go one at a time), Garrett tucks his own arrow back into his quiver and slings his bow.

"Just a sec," he grunts as he fishes his map-making kit out of his pack.

"I needed to do this anyway, before I forget too many details. I'm a map-maker. I do my crafting and have a practical use for it too." He glances up at Fenswalder's exquisitely embroidered robe, "Not that your-" Looking down hurriedly he shakes his head. "Never mind, spoke out of turn."

Finding a surface to draw on other than the blood stained stump, he quickly starts to sketch out a map from this point back to Kaer Tsennan.


Map-making is d8+ d6 for me
1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (3) = 9

After a few moments he is able to show Fenswalder and members of his group a decent map of the immediate area. Afterwards he tucks the map in the waterproofed kit and puts it away.

Izen Chromgully wrote:
Which is why Izen made an astral sight test (And succeeded if the test is the standard test of 6

And that's great, no argument here. But Solonchak and Garrett have no way of knowing that until they're told. I realize you're waiting on the GM, but we're just role-playing it out..

"Absolutely," Garrett replies to Solochak in a low voice. "This territory isn't settled. The damn kaer just opened. If we weren't all adepts, then what we're doing out here might be considered suicide."

He then takes just a half step forward from his obsidianman companion and speaks clearly to the two windlings.

"Sorry to break up a chance to make new friends, Izen," he says, "but you know better. Safety first- and not just for ourselves."

He looks Fenswalder Twoflower right in the eyes as he explains. "My name is Garrett Suresight. I'm a Scout from Kaer Tsennan. We've been dispatched from the leaders of that community to find a group of our villagers who never returned after dark."

"We all know who we are, where we come from, and who we're looking for. I get that we're strangers to you, fair enough. But the people of this camp were strangers to you too. So before we go clasping hands and pickin' flowers, you know what comes first."

As Garrett says this, he's calmly reaching for an arrow, but he doesn't nock it quite yet.

"You need to show us that you're not horror touched. And you need to do it right now. Then we'll do likewise for you. If you have any business being out here, you know this is the way it has to be."

Txoro, I'm not trying to be a hard case, but I think every PC should know, whether the player is familiar with the setting or not, that this is something of a standard protocol, especially in this situation. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Letting someone else have a chance to reply before I open my mouth again. If there's nothing before tomorrow afternoon, I'll answer

Garrett nearly jumps a foot when when the windling pops out from behind a bush. Sytåz and Solonchak know that the wary scout is seldom surprised, ever. So it stands to reason his reaction is even more pronounced when he is taken off guard.

Fortunately the quick witted Sytåz steps forward and speaks, which prompts Garrett to slow down.. even as he was reaching for an arrow.

"We're a rescue party," he grunts. "If we were prospering from violence there's be some dead bodies and something worth taking other than cold food. These were our people."

"So Fenswalder Twoflowers," Garrett adds. "You're alone. In the woods. After nightfall. Wizard though you may be, that not only makes you a stranger, but quite possibly strange."

He nods towards Sytåz, indicating that Fenswalder should answer the tskrang's question.

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Watcher, that's perfect, as the scout I kind of expected you to make your rolls, did you burn a karma die on the other roll? If so please announce you're burning Karma on a roll please. Glad to see the game ready to roll again. I really like how you took a "tracker's" role in describing what you found as well.

Oh, was I only supposed to use one or the other? I thought I could use both. But then I have no practical experience playing Earthdawn, only armchair theory. If so I have n problems spending the karma.

I'm also pausing before leaving this scene so the new players can post and get situated. Then I'll lead the group to follow the tracks.

"Interesting," Garrett remarks grimly to his companions.

"The food is untouched. Still hanging in the trees. They weren't attacked by wild animals, or by anything that had an appetite for rations." He'll point to the tarp. "All of the axes are gone too."

Crouching down on the earth he'll start pointing out the various tracks. "There was a horse here. And about 10 people." Pointing west he adds, "They went that way, some of them were injured. You can tell the way their footsteps drag. Like here... and here.."

Rising to his feet, Garrett nods over at a stump. "Blood over there. Either someone got hurt, or there was a fight. I'm betting on a fight. Too many people look like they were injured."

"We better get going if we're going to try to catch up with them, or whoever took them. The fire is cold, so this didn't happen just an hour or two ago."

He looks around to his companions to see if they agree.

Sorry if I pointed out all the clues, but you do have the benefit of a 'ranger' in an outdoors situation!

Looking around, Garrett quietly and calmly unslings his longbow. He does his best to be as nonchalant about this as possible.

If he can catch the eyes of Izen and his other companions, he'll look out into the woods and nod his head slightly. All to communicate, 'We're being watched.'

He takes no aggressive posture, but doesn't want whatever is out there to take them by surprise.

Focusing on the task at hand, he looks around the campsite to reconstruct what might have happened.

Die rolls behind spoilers to keep the prose flowing

Perception check is d12 for me. If it pops, I'll roll again in another post. My next post will be reacting to what he sees.

Perception: 1d12 ⇒ 10
Tracking: 1d8 ⇒ 7 + 1d6 ⇒ 4

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:

Garrett you wil need to make a Perception or tracking skill check

Note on Rolls for Earthdawn: Roll each Die separately ]dice[1d6]/dice[ ]dice[1d6]/dice[ with no modifiers, then if you roll max on a die, edit your post and roll another.


I'm sorry, this has been unfair to you guys. The contest got the better of my attention span. I'll try to do better. Except in my defense, I made the track roll for you back on January 16th. I put it behind a spoiler tag so as not to interrupt the prose.

Check here

OOC: sorry I've been quiet! I'll catch up. I was blessed to end up in the RPG Superstar! The three day turn around got all my attention.

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:

Post when your profile is complete (or close to it).

Starting on Wednesday, (If your late I'll still work you into the game.)

Posting in here just to bump it and mark t with a little black dot so that I'll find it quicker.

Txoro, I assume that my profile sheet is correct now? I had some mistakes the last time you checked it. I'm also thinking up some background. Oh! And I posted! Play has begun!

"Thank you Genna," Garrett replied respectfully. He felt his own sense of dread start to rise as his eyes fell on the torches, but he kept his anxiety in check. There was no point in worrying the non-adepts; he just hated the thought of having to rely on torches.

Even so, the situation was what it was. The sun was going down, and there's wasn't an adept among the lumberjacks. If they didn't go soon..

Garrett glanced at Solonchak. The obsidiman had been making friends, and Garrett suspected his colleague was holding his own worst fears inside. The scout felt a twinge of guilt at that; he hadn't made as many friends among the Tsennites. History had shown that the first few months out of the kaer could be unpredictable times for any community. Garrett wasn't sure if he'd wanted to get all that attached to anybody just yet.

He reached for some of the torches and stowed them in his pack. With a hand on Solonchak's shoulder he murmured, "Let's get moving to their camp, so I can start tracking where they went.. and uh.. if something found them. The quicker we start the better."

He left the part about time 'not being their friend' unspoken.

He'll wait with a bit of suppressed impatience for the others, and then lead the way to the lumber camp. Shortly before arriving at the camp, he'll start watching for tracks (not wanting to assume what direction the lumberjacks headed off in). Once at the camp he'll definitely trying tracking their last known steps; while also being quite mindful for any 'unidentified tracks' that might have crossed theirs..

This is my first Paizo PBEM, so forgive me if I don't know all the customs. Also forgive me for taking so long to post!

I assume we use the dice roller built in the boards. If my dice pop, I'll roll them again in a post that follows this one.

Track Talent: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + (2) = 9

Howdy! I see the game started! Many apologies.. its almost midnight here. I'll post frst thing tomorrow morning.

I fixed mine, but I'm not sure if I got it right.. could you double check?

Still monitoring this thread.. Wednesday is good for me.

Sounding Off!

I've seen the thread.. my bad if I should have started, I thought we were waiting for the starting gun.. Just let me know.

I'm fuzzy with my background, but once I start doing some journaling I'm sure I'll fill it in as I go. I usually do.

Solonchak wrote:
OK, no worries. I'll 'team up' with one of the other explorers as I don't see him as the type to be off on his own.

So far it's just us I think.. So we can at least know each other.

Since I'm a scout and have talents like tracking, wilderness survival, and skills like swimming, hunting, and knowledge: legends.. I'll be part of the group that discovers the Kaer...

Happy New Year! Still here!

Bumping this thread..

I have transferred my stats over to my profile. I took your advice and used mapmaking at as artisan skill and took melee attack as a skill to replace it.

However, I passed on Versatility at this time, keeping the talents I originally had. I want to see how the character "feels" and then I'll have an idea of what extra talent he needs to round him out through Versatility.

I'll be thinking of a background now!

This will be my scout's name and avatar..

I have not updated the profile with his sheet and background, but I'm emailing Txoro the PDF character sheet to his spam e-mail now...